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read the guide
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Other urls found in this thread:
>wanted to order Hachiroku
>couldn't decide between the two versions
>ended up not ordering either
Dead sunday for buyfriends.
Deder than usual
those stupid mouth
>waiting patiently for pre-orders
Last thread was uneventful.
>waiting patiently for Makoto
Nothing happens
There is absolutly nothing, fanart nor merchandise.
What are my chances of getting the blue bunny on release?
Where my klingsbros at?
I ordered this a while back but I had a question: does something like this typically come totally uncolored out of the box or what? Or does it just mean weathering/dust effects?
I have experience with gunpla so assembly shouldn't be a problem, I don't know if I could handle painting each individual part though.
I think most of the kancolle kits are just reboxed old military plamo. Old military plamo are usually all gray and need the full treatment of paint, putty, sanding, glue, etc.
If you're lucky, the decks might be brown.
anyone had their nozomi's hand ribbon thing break in transit?
amiami is refunding me 7080 yen
>Sin anime is garbage
>probably going to end up selling the entire line I've collected up to this point
When would be the best time to jump on this? Now? They may do more re-releases.
No but I heard that it's happened to others on here.
What does a typical buyfag display look like?
what are your thoughts on it?
Why can't phat make mouths?
Detolf or Billy
Both look like shit in my opinion, but most people aren't willing to pay more for their display
Did you really expect the anime to be good? And yes, the less risky moment to sell them is now, the anime can turn to be even more garbage, thus reducing the prices, or turn to be good and make the prices higher. I'd sell them now that the hype is still there.
Is the manga good then? I watched the anime and whilst it started off interesting it became an absolute fuckfest of flashbacks and character storylines merged with the overall storylines and conspiracy theories along with magic and demons and crap
I think it makes collections look generic, I'd like to see examples of good displays that stand out.
When? WHEN?!
Hope we get an update on Makoto soon.
I know that Ann goes on sale on the 25th. Hopefully we'll get some news around then. Or on May 10th when the other Amakuni stuff for sale closes out.
My issue is that they make collections look cluttered as fuck. Detolfs can't fit a lot of figures so people stack them up, but then all those glass panels and figures just look too busy.
This is a matter of distribution
Metal bars still makes it look too busy
look at all those meme figures
You're confusing Sin: Nanatsu with Nanatsu I think.
She's cute but the ankle wheels bug me off. Same with all the kancolle girls with random ship parts.
No such thing as meme fig. If you like the fig, ready to pay for it that's all that matters.
I will never have satisfaction...
I can't tell this post is being ironic or not.
I hope you at least drilled them onto the kallax.
Not my pic. Just an example of a nice setting.
>Umaru hamster outfit
But it's true. Using meme fig to invalidate someone's taste for figs is just dumb. It's his money so whatever.
If you look at the base of the Detolfs you won't see any sort of drill hole.
I imagine the Kallax are cardboard filled wood as usual as well so you wouldn't be able to drill and anchor the Detolfs into them normally at least. You'd probably have to use a bolt and nut to do it
Sorry for the crappy phone photo. This is what you are in for.
I have Mutsu, Bismarck, and Graf so far.
A detolf is fine too, just don't place too many of them in one spot, ~3 is the absolute maximum in my opinion.
Also, anyone know if figures still meet a terrible fate if left inside the package? I moved a few months ago, but I can't bring myself to unpack most of them due to various issues.
I managed to drill them just fine, zero issues. Adds to the stability too and they won't accidentally slide off if anything bad should happen.
Thanks, I guess I'll have to get more paint/supplies then. Oh well, should be a pretty fun experience making a model bote for once.
As in you can drill into a Kallax, but it's literally cardboard and air. The screw doesn't have very much of anything to "grab" and it'll basically be very useless
still a bit much figures for my taste, but a detolf sure is ruining the display and looks more like a typical shop
I could literally furiously hammer the edge of the detolf and the screws (2 per detolf) would hold them together without any issues.
Unless you're trying to tip the whole thing from the top, the screws will hold and besides they're mostly just suppoed to prevent the detolfs from sliding etc.
>overwatch on console
Could you post examples of something that you think looks good instead of just saying "detolfs are shit?"
>buying detolfs like every other fucking buyfag
>not doing DIY
It's like you don't like making special homes for your plastic butts.
I kinda like that black tiling though
I've actually thought about that, and making a business out of it.
The materials and labor for a simple glass display isn't much and they still cost a ton.
i could. but i don't like your tone.
but then even detolf can work wonders if you guys don't put different scales and random figs in there.
have a theme befitting your display for example
Another user here, I want cool pics of good custom displays
It's a pretty common thing from what I've heard. People on here and on MFC have reported it a bunch. Luckily mine arrived fine, but I'm not looking forward to moving house in a few weeks.
Large clusters of detolfs look like shit. They aren't designed to be clustered like that. Billies with doors look way better if you're going for cheapish ikea stuff.
As long as you don't cluster that shit up as well
How risky is to own a detolf or any type of display if my country constantly has earthquakes? Are they safe enough to not fall or break?
I want to get her because it's probably the only Futaba figure we'll get but the face looks so off.
>black background for figures
Is buying pre-owned off amiami safe or will it be some bootleg shit?
>i don't like your tone
Here is where the bait goes that gets you to find something worth posting.
choke on dicks
No what?
You could fix the display to the floor but the glass will shatter anyway.
It's safe. Never had problems.
>That Ankh Glove
Gimmie, I want it.
Venus or Lilith uterus? Help
>in the market for a new house
>room well suited for dollies is a silent requirement
I'm looking for something better than an open air shelf to run at head level. I was thinking if it is IKEA, it will probably be Bestas with Detolf doors, but the sizing is pretty far off.
kinda your fault for asking contradicting questions
>buying from amazon
Is this your first onahole?
The venus is easier to clean but the uterus has that intense suction effect
Buy it from queencat instead and get Onatsuyu lube from amazon
>soft firmness
Don't do it user, go hard or go home.
Are there any shops specifically for buying eroge goods? I'm still waiting on Prison Academia, and Lilith usually comes out with a handful of stuff when releasing new titles.
Safe. Anything rated B is probably new because Japs are autists when it comes to figs.
NO the fucking hard just makes my dick sore do not do hard firmness
why is the iowa nendo so expensive?
because boat fags and nendroids and figmas have been exponentially increasing in price as of late
Some pieces are pure suffering.
There is a lot of stuff attached to that nendo.
An airbrush is almost required for model work like this huh? I was watching some Japanese videos of the assembly/painting process of a couple of these Aoshima ship kits.
GSC prices have been going up, and their quality have either stayed the same or gone down
At least it looks like that one has a lot of extras. I seriously don't get why figma are so expensive though. Some are almost comparable to the price of 1/8 scales, and they barely have extra stuff packed in.
The Yamato nendoroid cost a similar amount. I guess big guns and big boobs jack up the price.
The newest Samus is the biggest offender yet. Twice the price of the old Other M version for something that comes with even less accessories.
If you intend to paint it then yes, it is extremely difficult to get a uniform coat of paint with a brush.
The fact it's advertised as "Prime 3", and yet it's the default suit instead of the Modified Corruption Suit bothers me.
Yup. I'm not a massive fan, but I like Metroid, and I could see myself maybe picking it up if it were around 4-5k, and even that isn't that cheap, but it's harder to justify getting something relatively simple for over 6k when there are much better scales for like 8.
Why the spoiler?
I wish those things were packed in transparent boxes to expose you sick fucks.
Too sexy for a safe for work board.
I'd still buy and be proud to be a child fucker.
>it is extremely difficult to get a uniform coat of paint with a brush.
Where did this meme come from? Not being retarded shouldn't be extremely difficult.
You've never seen people on Sup Forums paint
Highly debatable.
Would you rather they be fucking real children, you dumbass?