This sounds interesting

This sounds interesting

Chichi no Jikan ("Breast Milk Time," or alternatively, "Father Time") follows Kyūichi Shinogi, a male biology student who lives in an apartment near a helpful female neighbor/friend, Ayaka Takarai. One day, he is visited by aliens, who demand that he raise their baby for a year... or else the world is history. The baby is apparently human, and is raised the way humans are: through breastfeeding. Kyūichi's sex is not a problem for the aliens: they give him a simple device that switches his body to a woman's with the mere touch of a button. Conveniently, Kyūichi's female form is very well-endowed.

Although she's understandably confused and uncomfortable by the whole situation, Ayaka helps Kyūichi out as he navigates the unfamiliar experience of raising a child, and breastfeeding it in particular. That means going to a store to buy a breast pump, visiting a maternity home to get a massage to release Kyūichi's stored-up milk, and giving the baby a bath together. Kyūichi, as a biology student, is fascinated by the whole thing from an academic perspective.

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>big titty meganekko
Yes please

>alien space tech to make you into well endowed woman in one press of button
Sign me up.

Wait, so "chichi" means both "breast milk" and "father"? Doesn't "chi" means blood? Why is moonspeak so weird?

>Why is moonspeak so weird?
Welcome to Moon 101!
Moon is a phonetically limited language with a lot of homophones. That's why Kanji is used; to differentiate similar sounding words


>not going through the truly terrible task of making his female friend into a wetnurse by training her breasts to lactate when suckled upon even though she's never been pregnant
>and then doing it to other women in the aparto complex, too, because MOMMY, MILKU MILKU~

shit Shinogi-kun what are you doing

Will read for LOLs and WTF moments.


If you think this is confusing, don't worry! Each kanji also has multiple readings/pronounciations that depend on how it is combined with other kanji to form words.

>breastfeeding manga
Sign me the fuck u

I love Japan.

This NEEDS translation

So... why not just give the baby to his neighbor?

>was 10 when mom went through all this shit for newborn brother.
>even stumbled on her breastfeeding once
I'll pass, I already know the material


Where can I buy this book?

There's a reason so much of Japanese drama and comedy is driven by misunderstandings, user.

>Moose me


God bless gender bender manga

need to start mass suggesting this to translators

Also we need translation of this Koiji work

What the fuck am I reading

>Ghosts of departed cattle

Common phrases such as this are useful in everyday Japanese conversation

>it's a "author writes a manga about his fetish" episode

I wish we could get away with this shit in comics

Dumb Sup Forumstard.

the japanese language only has like 50-60 possible syllables in it, which is why English loanwords sound so retarded and thinks like "light novel" become "raito noberu"
it's also why they make so many puns. it's easy as fuck to find words that sound the same because there are so few possible pronunciations

>gender bender
>breast feeding

it's a really old book by some britbong official to help english merchants speak moon

>a dog
>come here

For anyone with a diaper fetish.

Sign me the fuck up.

Suggest this and Mao Marimo

It's been too long

Develop gts fetish, write about any of the giant women. Problem solved.

Tee hee

any ideas who would be willing to TL this?

I've never understood how the counting is so incorrect.

There's always fanslations or the scanlation thread.

Until the seku-hara Police strikes!
Poor Yabuku-sensei.

Jesus. are you guys just going to ignore that that big titied megane also have dick in his pants?

>Big tit cutie is also a fucking guy.
I can't fap to this.

The dick is only there when he is in guy mode.

DFC neighbor.

Procreate now

It's not that far off.
I don't understand that dog one though: "come here"

Musume means "daughter" not "woman"

yes? that only makes it better MOFO

Saw the first two chapters on sad panda. There's going to be a lot of bare breasts and milking, but it looks like it won't be that fun. The MC is very clinical about it. I doubt s/he will be getting into any sexual adventures.

Uh oh, someone forgot about tone. It's okay user, you'll pass N3 someday!

wait really? explain the title of monster musume

bridge and chopstick use the same pair of words that sound similar. depending on which region of japan you are in. the pronunciation is reversed.

context is very important in spoken japanese and when writing in hiragana/katakana only.

Lactation/breastfeeding is a patrician tier fetish.

every language has tone, don't be silly.

You make that sound like it's a problem.

kind of sucks that the raws on the website it gets posted to only go from chapters 1-3, then skips to 13-16

Glad so many authors have been catering to my fetish recently.

Buy the volumes.

hello trashcan, my old friend...

>gender bender
>Forced lactation/breast feeding

>genderbent into a glasses girl titty monster
apex of my fetish

>Jiggy jiggy fooney high kin serampan nai rosokoo doko?

Because she's a DFC, as seen in . Then the manga would also cater to breast expansion fetishists, which is apparently too much.

She's not lactating? She'd need to either give birth or get a dose of alien magic first.

Traslation when?

place to find that besides fakku?

Vertigo is 100% fetish material. In particular, the works of Peter Milligan.

Lactation can be induced. Having a baby handy really helps with that, actually.

I drink to that!

source? Image Search a shit

This manga really makes me uncomfortable.


The fact that this manga isnt translated yet makes me uncomfortable.

Onna means woman and while musume does mean daughter, I think it's also means "maiden" as well. Kinda suprised the title isn't Monster Kano(jo) which would be more like Monster "Girlfriend".

娘 - Musume. Translates as 'girl' (young and unmarried, much like the English 'maiden') or 'my daughter'. The first part of that Kanji on the left there (女) is the symbol for 'Girl'. My radical-fu is too poor to find out what the second half of the Kanji is, but it could very well be unique to Musume.

Interestingly, the same character in Chinese is 'Niang', which is 'mother'. Given the brit's history with the Chinese, maybe there was a mistake there?

all I need is mind break and it is perfect

Don't know if want. I'm also intellectually interested from a science level but OH GOD WHAT EVEN

Your radical fu is shit indeed, it's the kanji that means "good" 良い, and that radical is found among a lot of shit like the kanji for "food" 食.

But that's okay user, I know you can improve.

Learn to read moon.

porn nyaa


It's a stupid moonspeaker is baited into spoonfeeding episode.