Sargon vs Spencer redux new bread

So they confirmed on TDS that a rematch is going to take place after Sargon got BTFO the first time.
But this time Spencer wants a teammate and he wants it to be Enoch.
It makes sense since Sargon had Styx to back him up against the lone Spencer in the first one.
Warski agreed to this but he is in the process of figuring out who will be tagging in with Sargon this time.
If Spencer did well the last time by himself, I feel like Sargon is gonna get completely fucking rekt if Enoch, a much better debater than Spencer, is tagged in.

Who will they get to be on Sargon's team this time? Will it be Styx again? Destiny? Will anyone even touch this thing for fear of going down with Sargon's ship? Does anyone think there's someone Sargon could get that would BTFO Spencer/Enoch? Why do you think Spencer chose Enoch over say...Jared Taylor?

old bread:

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Link the debate in OP faggot.

Gah. I said 'later on', too.

Reminder that Communitarians are complicit in the colonization of Europe by Islamists, and America by the Mexicans.

Main issue with Sargony/Styx in these debates is they keep jumping around.

The general thought process is for white nationalism is:
>1) race is real and explains differences in our society
>2) an ethnostate for whites would be objectively the best thing for us
>3) how to implement an ethnostate
>4) minutiae after the ethnostate is implemented. who is let in, immigration policies, form of government, etc

Problem here is that Sargon/Styx keep wanting to discuss points 3 and 4 WITHOUT FIRST COVERING 1 AND 2. You need to establish the validity of race and the ethnostate before you can talk about implementation. But the constant "but how are you going to do it???" shit prevents us from having the discussion of WHY IT'D BE A GOOD THING TO HAVE.

And that's how we get into this "lmao who counts as white???" shit, which is something we would only need to hash out and set cutoffs for at Step 4.

Do Arabs ever have to define what precisely counts as arab? What about maghrebi? What about assyrians? No, they don't.
Do Blacks ever have to define what precisely counts as black? What about Sudanese? What about Semitic Ethiopians? No, they don't.
Do Asians ever have to define what precisely counts as asian? What about Kazakhs and Uyghurs? No, they don't.

It's only WHITE PEOPLE who suddenly have to define autistically hard cutoffs and fall for this Loki's Wager shit. And even then, when we're talking about white privilege and affirmative action and racism, everyone knows what white means. But suddenly when anyone speaks up and says something favorable about whites, then suddenly it's "lol who even is white anyway???"

At some point, I guess we'll have to answer the question for cutoffs regarding people with mixed ancestry. But the point is that this is something we can deal with when it comes to fine-tuned policy later on. Otherwise it's like saying we need a constitution drafted before we declare independence.

We're talking about the new debate, which doesn't exist yet. But here's the original, at 4.5 hours:

old thread


he's busy jerking off to kiddie porn and crying because he got suspended on twitch so the manchild has no income atm

I think both Styx and Sargon have already conceded on race realism.

the new audience needs to witness them concede.