
>It failed because of whitewash
Yeah sure

>Thank God. We won't have to deal with more live action Hollywood adaptations of anime anymore.
You're kidding, right?

We don't even need Hollywood for it anymore. Hope you like Netflix Death Note with chimpan-L. I will. I won't watch it but anything bad happening to Death Note is ok with me.

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It failed because they refused to go either way once again.

Either make it true to the source and go for the niche/cult and expand from there.

Or just completely fucking rewrite it to make something appealing to normies, at which point why even pay for the rights, just make something that rips it off.

If they continue to try and play both sides with these things they will fail.

>Jee cast a lead jewess

>It's the white mans fault

>someone got payed to write this

lol if you think this will stop these cunts from adapting foreign iP's you're dead wrong.
Next up is Death Note. Then probably full metal alchemist. And then wonder why nobody watches hollywood movies anymore.

Only racists see race everywhere. This is the funniest part about the people crying about whitewashing.

Based Saekano with the prophecy.

Pretty much. This shit was so forced in.
The people who care the most about the racial stuff probably didn't gave a shit about the movies or the series. They just want to feel good and justified and then move on to the next subject.

Why is Sup Forums still talking about this?
All of this had already been said two weeks ago.

Not that I care but
>whitewash boogieman
Glad it flopped though.

There are too many Japanese franchises with some potential for a few failures to completely deter Hollywood. Not to mention, a fair number of other adaptions are already in the pipeline.

Sort of Hollywood stumbling upon a smash hit, the message will come through eventually that the Western markets aren't interested in these franchises, and the Eastern markets often won't be enough to save a film.

Can't wait for till Hollywood adapts FMA and Cowboy Bebop.

Fuck off and kill yourself.

Reminder to sage and report.

It might have fallen apart, but HBO's Monster probably would have been a fantastic adaption had it gone through.

This, and they're going to wise up to it very soon. They can't please the niche audience and draw in the normalfags at the same time, and the normalfags are more important than the niche audience. Look at Resident Evil. There'll be more live action Hollywood adaptations of anime, because Hollywood is creatively bankrupt and will use anything it can these days, and they'll be even worse.

>at which point why even pay for the rights, just make something that rips it off
Free marketing and nostalgia pandering for the entry levels. Imagine a Cowboy Bebop film. You'll have some fans hyped as fuck advertising it for free, some fans bitching about it advertising it for free, and hordes of people who'll check it out because they think they saw an episode once or because they heard someone say it was good ten years ago. If they made a film called Scoundrel Sockhop about Point Piegel and his friends Rhino, Bea Sexgood, and the trans computer genius Elle dealing with Point's dark past and confronting his old ally Ruthless it'd generate some buzz for a week and then no-one would give a fuck.

FMA in particular seems like a particularly ill fated film if it ever were to go through. I can understand why a studio might have thought there would be appeal for Ghost in the Shell or Death Note in the West, but I can't understand why anyone would think FMA could work as a film in the West.

Doesn't James Cameron have an adaptation of Battle Angel Alita in the works?

Isn't HBO's Monster was canceled?

Bad adaptations have been a thing since theatre.

Are you saying I'm not going to get American Akira?


I don't think Akira will work even with good director. One movie is not enough. This is biggest problem for adaptations I think.
>Oyasumi Punpun HBO TV series
>with great director
>with great OST
>surrealistic mix of 2D animation and real footage

Wait a tic, I though it didn't flop thanks to gullible Chinese money?

taco in the bell

>One movie is not enough
But user, they already did one movie.

Hollywood will continue to make live action adaptations of anime because there's a strong demand for modern adaptations of classics like Ghost in the Shell, Dragonball, Akira, and Evangelion.

Nips don't care who portrays the Major because they see her as a ridiculous anime character. Only Western hardcore anime fans who unironically think Cowboy Bebop, GiTS, and Akira were masterpieces got up and arms over casting. These are the same idiots who shoehorn Rinko what's her name from Pacific Rim or some slightly attractive looking Asian into live action anime roles without thinking twice. Hollywood's main mistake is not making tit-cow Christina Hendricks the Major and instead choosing Scarlet Johansen because she played Black Widow in the Marvel Movies. They also made the mistake at not making Batou the main character because let's face it, people can relate to him more than the Major.

>strong demand
Are you really sure about that?

Read original manga. Akira never was recognized as good adaptation. It has different merits

It flopped becuase they America can't adapt manga to save their life
Not becuase some were white or black in an Asian country you daft cunts.

Just give me a live action series of movies adapting Code Geass already.

How good CG in modern action TV shows?

Yeah I know, but I'm sure a Western adaptation would be based on the existing film adaptation, not the manga.

>This guy gives the movie an A

Is he reliable? Pretty gud looking twink imo

Edge of Tomorrow/All You Need is Kill was good, though.

Fuck it, I want the Japanese to sell more to the West but since the everything has to cater to a nebulous Western mentality I assume I'll just keep holding onto my shekels and pirate with subs and manga.

HBO passed on it back in 2015

I remember hearing something about Yukikaze adaptation with Tom Cruise. Seems like he really likes that stuff. Genocidal Organ fits perfectly for Hollywood adaptation too

Ya Akira is a weird beast, it's a great movie but a horrible adaptation of the Akira property.

The only strong demand there is would be Hollywood's strong demand for IPs to adapt and the delusion that if they just figure out how to get it right they could be swimming in money from adapting the wealth of Japanese IPs that could lend themselves to an adaption.

The last fucking thing we ever need is a live adaptation of Evangelion made by Hollywood

If Anno wants to try and do it in his upcoming Godzilla adaptions, then that's his business since he's the creator, but Hollywood needs to stay far the fuck away

I'd love to see a Hollywood adaptation of The Promised Neverland. At least they wont get blamed for whitewashing that.

Yes I'm sure about that. Look closely at what's being made and what's making the most money: It's long running franchises like Dragonball, Digimon Adventure, JoJo, GiTS. It's shit being made in the 80-90s with Doraemon and Osomatsu-kun are also examples, except way older.

Can't wait for Robotech: the Movie

If there is still interest in the project by the team who pitched it to HBO, it could be a worthy adaption for any of the companies trying to break into the Japanese market while creating something that could get interest in the West. Although it's doubtful any of those companies would do nearly as well of a job as HBO would have done.

Funny thing is that japs themselves didn't give a fuck about the Major being white

I'm surprised more of Urasawas stuff hasn't been looked into being adapted. 20th Century Boys and Billy Bat.

No, unless it's production bankrupts Harmony Gold and forces them to give up the rights so we can FINALLY have fucking Macross stuff in the states again.

Now breath out you fucking fatty.

>We won't have to deal with more live action Hollywood adaptations of anime anymore.

But so have good adaptations, some of the best films are adaptations....of literature

He doesn't have opinions. He just gives people what he thinks they want to hear. Mediocre as fuck, thinks Beyond Two Souls has a good story. His "bad movie show" is called something like Hilarocity. He's the first person I think of when I see mediocrity being succesful.

Oh you know full well that Evangelion is getting the Live Action Hollywood makeover. Fans don't give a shit about Anno's feelings and want their EVA movie now.

There's the demand for the series, not Hollywood films. Unless you're a chink. Like a bunch of hikkikomori are going to fill a theater anyway.

Remember when Sup Forums didn't care for 3DPD shit? Remember when normalfags were the minority?

When will Sup Forums become good again?

Instead of girls who sing j-pop from afar, the robotech pilots should themselves be a boy band who sings j-pop IN YOUR FACE

Netflix really should just adapt whatever Urasawa wants adapted while they work on entering the Japanese market.

It could be good, Edge of Tomorrow wasn't terrible.

>at which point why even pay for the rights
brand recognition and "nerd cred"

Even in this adaptation, Batou was the best.

The only group of people who can reasonably fill the demand for the series outside of Hollywood are passionate fans. Unfortunately fans suck. Like Spanish Dragonball fans tend to capture the art style of the series well, but mess up on the plot by making it complicated and over detailed.

Naruto and Bleach fans tend to fill their works with obsessive melodrama, with exception to the surprising amount of pure Naru-Hina art coming from guro artists after Naruto ended.

I personally think the whitewash was a pretty good idea and it had potential to be used in a smart way.
The movie flopped because it was boring. It had no tension.

Gamerfuel fed anime "fans" are a minority especially with the minimum of worthwhile series releases internationally. Most of us have onahole, waifu and dakimakura, and people barely realize we exist. Or am I more alone than I thought I thought I was even though I thought I was pretty much completely alone?

This was written by the guy who wrote the games, how did he manage to fuck up his own source material so much?

Well, he trashed Rogue One for being almost as bad as Phantom Menace

I do think he's wrong though

It wanted to be the Oshii movie and a Hollywood action movie at the same time, and that's impossible.

>Hollywood might someday make a Patlabor movie.


The most shameful thing is Japanese live action adaptations are enough to make me want to want to die


On the bright side instead of high budget extravaganzas Hollywood may change their strategy and instead adapting something smaller in scope but still popular, like K-On.
Get cute teenager actresses, use as a location a high school and you're golden.

Bad angle, in my opinion.

They'll all be American sluts in American school-appropriate attire

This desu

>Get cute teenager actresses
But 3D girls can't be cute. Much less american 3D teenagers, who will probably be played by old hags.

That is a terrible idea in both what the final product would look like, and in terms of appealing to anyone in the West.

Except for the shitty power armor designs, EoT was pretty decent.

They'll be played by 30-year-olds and the series will revolve around them failing as a band SOLELY because they are women.

Fuck off and kill yourself cancerous normalfag.

Don't tell me you don't want to watch Chloe Moretz as Mio

No fuck off.

>wanting to mix anime culture with Sup Forums tier garbage culture

Are you guys for real?

No, I don't.
Now go back to where you came from.

Her head looks fucking tiny compared to her body there

Should have starred Tom Cruise

Do you really want to see Tom Cruise in that outfit?

Fuck Hollywood


Chill user I was joking.

But in all honesty that adaption of All You Need is Kill has been that best live action adaptation Hollywood has made.

people will fuck up anything if you give them enough money

Glorious Nippon

There are some properties (Urasawa's stuff for example) that could be properly adapted into a Western live action TV series.

A Hollywood film adaption of pretty much anything anime or manga related seems like a horrible idea though, or at the very least such a film that were successful and worth watching wouldn't resemble their source material.

I unironically love these movies.

I just want anime to stay anime. Is that too much to ask? Must normalfags always fucking ruin everything?

>wanting to mix anime culture with Sup Forums tier garbage culture

You can pick up 95% material from "baby's manga/anime recommendation list" and make them into proper movies.
Good things always appealing for everyone. Unless someone biased against anime/manga

Why the fuck do you care if anime gets made into live action?

Are you retarded

Or they could do Drug-on which would be great. Fucking Ska club.

>appealing to everyone is good


Why wouldn't you? They're easily the best live action movies ever made.

Classic literature. It's not good because appealing for everyone?

Im talking about anime here. Normalfags need to fuck off.

In my high school Shakespeare class at least half of the people didn't really like it