What does Sup Forums think of Mob Psycho 100?
What does Sup Forums think of Mob Psycho 100?
It's bretty gud.
Underrated as some people write it off as another OPM
Make way for best boys
Reigen is best boy
I like Reigen.
And Mob feels like a real school boy, without most of the typical anime MC bullshit.
Only retards that didn't read/watch it says that, who cares.
Was Mob's stress level increasing during the telepathy arc? I vaguely recall it increasing somewhat, but he didn't need to reach 100% to help perform the summoning ritual.
What the fuck? It's very popular.
Love it
I'm confused are we ending at 100 and that's why One is doing things like 97.13 now?
Hypest shit. But it took the anime to make me take a second look.
How sad were you?
Poor dimple
But i bet he will be back
He'll be ok ;_;
Season 2 when? Don't say never
How far will it go? If Bones gives us the BNHA treatment and double length do you think it could close out the manga?
Did ONE said that he wants to finish the manga at chapter 100?
It sounds like speculation.
He didn't, but he keeps doing the decimals so it's probably true.
It would explain the decimals in chapters
utter trash
Should I read the manga, or just wait until season 2?
The truth has been spoken
If you like the art style go ahead
Chapters aren't very long either
Read it, who knows if or when S2 will happen
Man, I miss those threads. Season 2 when?
The gay fanart of the series is topnotch. You can tell the artist's put a lot of love into them.
Very good show. All the characters were really interesting, and was the best adaptation I've seen in a long time in terms of preserving the feel of the original.
Tome is my wife and I'm glad we're seeing more of her this time around
Reminder, Reigen is literally a real actual genuine spiritual psychic.
Mob loves drinking milk.
ONE's definitive series that he obviously cares for the most, and it shows.
At present. Bear in mind he's been working on OPM for a long time and it's natural he's fatigued about it between that and its extreme fame gnawing at his reclusivity.
No, he just focuses of Mob because he gets paid for it
Do NOT sexualize my wife please
Doomed in the west thanks to Funi being fucking jews.
What did they do wrong again?
I think it's exclusive to Crunchyroll subscribers or something
But I watched it on an online streaming thing and it had Reigen's VA on after the main episodes, saying stuff like "option A is the DVD" "option B includes Blu-ray" "option C includes full boxed set", etc and telling you you'd be cursed if you downloaded it illegally.
Unless you're talking about a new season I haven't seen?
shitty opm rip-off
Isn't tome supposed to be average looking?
Average to slightly ugly, judging from the way her hair is drawn.
this legit and how is her friendship with mob in the manga
Hell the gay fanart made me read the manga.
She starts off just using him to try and find Telepaths, but you can see a friendship forming between them each time they hang out.
Basically what you saw in the anime, since she's out of focus in alot of the manga until recent chapters
oh my
I don't wanna read the manga because I don't know how consistent ONE's schedule with it is. I don't wanna be waiting like OPM fags how close is it to being finished.
I assume we have a year or so till it finishes up, that is depending on how long these newer arcs drag out
I think its riding off the coat tails of One Punch Man, even though its had really good animation, its average.
please post more
when does it update?
I think every week/other week on sundays. It's been a while since I kept up with it
Who do you guys think will win the mobbowl?
From what I understand new chapter parts come out on MangaOne on Thursdays, and translations are out on Friday since the group translating it is small.
ONE is taking a break though, so no new Mob until April 5th.
>but you can see a friendship forming between them each time they hang out.
Calling them "friends" is a stretch. They're really just acquaintances since the Telepathy Club is so inconsequential and Mob really couldn't give a damn about them most of the time. Only recently have they had any attention whatsoever.
tsubomi, or nobody
So nobody then ;-;
Mezato > all
Tome, she actually has some kind of chemistry with Mob
My only complaint with Murata is he draws everyone either overtly ugly, fat, weird or a combination of the three or drop dead gorgeous
It limits the range of characters he can draw and express
Murata doesn't draw Mob though, this is a drawing by him though when the anime came out
Why do they keep putting the security guard in group shots?
Just put normal Dimple. Bodysnatcher Dimple is creepy.
What even are these
The first one is a poster from PASH, the second one is an abomination unto God. Pic related is official art from ONE.