Why are you against states rights? If my state wants to make abortion illegal we should have that right...

Why are you against states rights? If my state wants to make abortion illegal we should have that right. If another state wants to legalize marijuana, they should also be allowed. What say you?

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When I was a bluepilled republicuck I was a firm proponent of State's Rights. Now however I am a fascist and believe in an authoritarian right wing government.

This government would force all individuals and local governments to adhere to a strict conservative, theistic, moral, and frugal lifestyle.

Thus, we would not need to rely on any "state's rights" which could easily be molded with immigration or subversion in the school system as it is today. Instead our government would wage war on degeneracy and imprison all who refuse to obey.

Strict obedience is the only way forward. Fear the government, live a righteous and upright life. Humble, quiet, and peaceful.

Lincoln murder a lot of people to render your agreement irrelevant.

I am not now, nor was I ever a republican.

Lincoln sucked.

>he doesn't realize that privatizing everything will lead to degeneracy being banned in almost all places and homosexuals and negroes being physically removed from all properties and communities

>privatizing everything
I'm not suggesting this. I used to be a complete Paultard. Now I have more nationalist leanings.

Sanctuary cities and muh weed are nullifying federal law.

The concept of states rights went out the window with the rest of the constitution over 150 years ago. If you live your life thinking about adhering to the constitution, you're a fool.


Literally the least American thing I have ever heard from an American.

You disgust me.

I concur.

Nice digits. I don't think we should abandon our legal defenses just yet. The constitution is flawed, but it keeps our gun rights and speech rights.


The constitution is dead. Your only rights are those you can secure for yourself through violence or threat of violence. You have guns because you will shoot anyone that will try to take them from you, a piece of paper that hasn't been adhered to for generations is irrelevant.


People who support state rights should at least be consistent and that goes for both sides of the political spectrum.

I try to be m8

>You have guns because you will shoot anyone that will try to take them from you
That's because the idea is in my brain. I have guns because I believe in the right to bear arms. The constitution simply enumerates these rights. It doesn't give them out.

I'm not.

Federations already act like that to some extent.
That works fine, until you inevitably get leftist subversion and infiltration within. Basically America today.
Government is the problem. Not the solution.

Like the constitution enumerates the state's right to govern itself beyond the 9th amendment, right?

I think there should be some flexibility. Carolina is much different from California. They dont share my values and i damn sure dont share theirs.

It sounds like you are but what annoys me the very most about politics is all the hypocrisy and lack of consistency. The selective memories and the metal gymnastics people are capable of is disturbing.

I wont deny there are a lot of problems with it (non-Whites being citizens for example). I'm just saying we shouldn't be so quick to abandon it. We can't be jailed for speech which is huge. It could be fixed.

Not sure what you mean by this senpai

>we shouldn't be so quick to abandon it
That ship has sunk. It's nothing but dead weight holding you back.

What would you replace it with?

Many people support states right until the state makes a law they don't like or only support state right when a state makes a law they do like.

I think the Confederate States had a right to secede from the Union and i would support California’s right to secede. It opens the door to form a white ethnostate.

Planetary Imperialism.


Replace the Federal government with a Confederal one.

I also support the Calexit. It would be a huge win for us.

Also, the US Constitution allowed Oregon to be a white only state. There is a lot of flexibility in how the Constitution can be interpreted.

I'm with ya man.

I've heard this. Didn't you guys keep blacks out until 1830 or something?

Im not from Oregon, just a fact i knew. Oregon didnt admit blacks until 1926.

>racism of the American west
Because we want to keep the west nice. Everything east of the Mississippi is niggerdom.

Well somebody has to play for the Trailblazers I guess. It's a shame they had to let them in desu

Sounds good to me, im not knocking it. Thats just the first article that popped up, so i screen capped it quickety quick.

I'm fine with states rights if we actually had them. Liberals will fight for the states right to marijuana but demand that all states allow murdering unborn children.

Satanists. They should all be shot.

Forced multiculturalism is an abomination

I say fuck off abortion is murder


What if its niggers and kikes getting abortions ?

What's the point of making abortion illegal when you have free travel to a state where it isn't? Especially considering some things are covered through federal taxes and the like. Not that I'm against state rights but I can at least get why it's an issue.


I was using that as an example senpai. I'm mostly against broad sweeping powers of the federals. Let the several states decide.

If California want to make it a misdemeanor to knowingly spread aids virus, i guess thats their perogative, i dont want to have to accept that shit in my state.

Well we can agree on that for sure. But lets say abortion is considered murder in State A. So you go to State B to get the abortion. When you return to State A should you be arrested? This is kind of an issue when you have free travel. I imagine it would lead to a lot of pointless trials that ultimately hurt the greater good. Do you want to pay for women arrested for abortion? Should they get the death penalty? That's by state to state too. It's rather complicated.

I totally support Cali seceding from the Union.

State rights creates containment areas, much like the bulkheads in a ship creates compartments that prevent the whole ship from sinking if one area is taking on water.

>But lets say abortion is considered murder in State A. So you go to State B to get the abortion. When you return to State A should you be arrested?
This is already done to a certain extent. lel my cousin wont travel to the state of Kentucky because he has a warrant there. I agree it does get fairly complicated though.

Most likely, California will not be allowed to secede. The Civil War set that precedant. Strengthening or weakening the interpretation of states rights does not require as much change to existing law.

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The abortion situation would be similar to gambling laws. If you go to Vegas it is legal and you cant be convicted for it in Minnnesota because the crime didnt occur there.

Sure it's done to an extent. And it's a bitch. There has to be a general sense of togetherness otherwise you'll only pit states against states. Civil war sounds like a blast and all but I don't know I'm willing for a country of our size to divide and maybe nuke each other into oblivion.

>California will not be allowed to secede
probably not. But I can dream, user.

But you have to claim those winnings in federal taxes. You don't seem to abusing the system.

ur gay lole

no u

No doubt

Or if the Federal government did its fucking job and protected the borders then the states couldn't be flooded with shitskins and impose whatever totalitarian hellhole you have dreamed up in their states

In Alaska we have it in our state constitution that says marriage will be between a man and a woman. Nice that liberals respect states rights

>general sense of togetherness
Right. We have this. I'm against the feds coming in and dictating all the (to my mind) minor shit that the states should be taking care of.

creepy pic senpai

This was the main reason for keeping slavery out of the West. They didn't want Southerners to bring tons of niggers to virgin lands

Liberals and leftists do not actually beleive in equality. They beleive in special privileges for ((( oppressed))) interest groups. Divide and conquer.

God bless their wisdom.

Most of the western states didnt gain statehood until after the civil war. Kansas and Nebraska is about as far west as we had incorporated by then. The rest were US territories.


There were Americans out west before they were states. That's how they became states.

Virginia wanted to end the slave trade when still under the crown, but they weren't allowed to. If we had known how this would turn out, we would have picked our own goddamned cotton.

Lincoln wasn't even on the ballot in the South.

Understood, and not contesting that fact. The western states were not admitted until after the civil war when slavery was illegal, so there was no way for them to be a slave state. Was slavery legal when they were a territory is a different question.

Man if you live in somewhere on a border there will not be a sense of togetherness. Lets say Augusta Georgia. It's sprawls into three states. Why bother with state laws at this point? Why not go for local laws? Where does it end?

Does it matter ? He was elected President anyway.

I beg to differ. The border makes me more conscious of who I am and where I come from. Recommend travelling abroad. This distinction will be even more pronounced.

It was one of the reasons Southerners were pissed at the North. A contributing factor to the war.

I've lived in Georgia, Texas, and Wisconsin. I've traveled plenty. I've actually left the states compared to the other 90% of Americans who have not. So you're alright sharing a city with no border restrictions despite having huge differences in law? God forbid I go one block north and get shot in the face for carrying when it's legal a literal block away.



Way to kill a fly with a bazooka


You wouldn't have huge differences in law because some (a lot of) things are regulated at the federal level. Military, Post roads, Vital infrastructure, right to travel etc etc etc would be nationwide.

Duh. I really should have remember this from my American History class.

But you're arguing for state's rights. In your perfect world the federal restrictions would not exist. You can't advocate something then say "well that won't ever happen because what I advocate against will stop it."

You THINK you want that, but living under fascism is shit.
It's all about the economy (as everything in modern politics)
>During a boom anything goes, you can have a shitty system but most people will be ok with it
>Then comes the recession. People have to make ends meet, under fascisms they often did not have legal options to do so, and either went illegal (very risky in a police state) or became poorer and poorer
We've had our share of fascisms in Europe, it's just not feasible.

Right. My point is we're not a loose alliance of several countries. We ARE a nation. I would like a bit more internal power versus a totally centralized federal gov. I guess I should have started the thread with this haha

Sure fair point. But you do see where lines have to be drawn, no? It's not as simple as just let the states handle it. There will be conflict and strife in many places. American blood would be shed at some point. Maybe not on a military scale but through police and just populations disagreeing.

The best modern day paralell is the European Union. Germany and France favor a strong centralized government, Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary want more independence. The main bone of contention is over taking in refugees.

Are you suggesting we take advice from the EU? Three countries not even the size of most states at that?

No, im saying the best real life illustration of the conflict between states rights and strong central govt is the current EU.

Why are you against states rights?
>Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
>Soviet Union (Glasnost and Perestroika)

Do we need to say more?

Sure. But it's a shit situation. You have the EU pressuring said countries. Hell even threatening them. I don't want that level of division here even if it already exists.

I dont want California level faggotry to be federal law. Just like the EU, the big liberal states will bully the lower population rural,states.

Thank God for the electoral,college, or Killary would have been president.

There is no legal way for a state to leave the union, the civil war did nothing against the argument of states rights. If the civil war was preceeded by 3/4th of the us state legislatures of the time amending the constitution to allow states to leave, the north would have been in the wrong.

Fedral, State, or municipal law has something to do with this to. Just change law classifications, such as if the FDA was regionalized.

Governments take power. They never give power back. Power = your freedom