It's been ages since I enjoyed an anime this much.
Kemono Friends
She can walk on her ass cheeks like the red guy from Cow and Chicken.
is Kaban the greatest genius in history?
The rest of the friends are not very smart.
Please no raping Shoebill
Feed the owl
Does this count as rape?
No you may proceed
simple question, sorry if it's been answered, but why did Shoebill and Tsuchinoko know what humans are?
Are there any other friends ohayou? I think I have only seen Shoebill and Serval.
It is because they are wise.
I want to fuck the foxes.
Wise and cute.
>Those eyes
But that's wrong.
she was just mad at people bullying her in that scene
It's more disturbing than most horror movie monsters.
How about this.
I want to do something fierce to her.
The show is finished. Why are you still making these threads?
Fennec stop ogling Arai and go and paddle the boat
Because it's fun to talk about.
Also, not everyone has watched it. I'm only at episode 4.
Because it only finished recently and has tons of content being created to talk about while things slowly pipe down? Go complain to other generals that still have generals despite the shows airing over 3 seasons ago at least.
Not really an answer, but there are four FATE threads up right now.
Most of the talking about it is things like "Don't rape shoebill" or something similar tho
How does birb know what teas is?
To follow the conventions, official announcements, fan content, BD releases and ongoing translations of whatever.
That's people getting the stupid memes out of the way at the start.
Seems like every week there's one day full of happenings, and then some more news throughout the week. Most recently the zoo collab.
Who did it better friends?
What the FUCK is up with Kaban's pants? Her ass is always misshapen when she's sitting down and her weird safari shorts are super huge and poofy making her ass look massive.
Is Kaban just thicc? What kind of weird underwear is she wearing?
Kaban no Tabi when?
I did something fierce to her
Sure retarded posts like that increase as time passes, but that's natural and said retards lack self awareness. Doesn't mean it's the only type of posting in the threads.
They're very observant creatures
Alpaca or...
I've been ignoring these threads lately, what's been happening
THICC Alpaca?
Ippai aru!
>Sale number
>Zoo Collab
>Some images from BD2
>Fururu waifufagging
What dead meme is to be resurrected next?
Keep turning the wheels.
Kaban is the pinnacle of humanity and thus has shapely, moderately sized breasts, a slim waist, and child-bearing hips.
S2 Trailer is out
Welp that's it, I'm deleteing all the relevant fanart now
Fuck you Victor Entertainment.
I prefer light latte
Why doesn't she pull out a couple of her hairs, grab some sandstar from the mountain and create her own clones?
Probably wouldn't be her clones, since she looks nothing like Mirai.
Tsuchinoko has a clear interest in the history of the park. It's assumable that she learned about humans while learning about the ruins.
Shoebill just seemed to have heard of humans from somewhere before. With a library and friends like Tsuchinoko around, it seems reasonable that the topic of humans would occasionally come up amongst friends since they built the park.
>Lion is caught Star-Wars-kidding with Kabansticks by her followers
>gets bullied for it
Because she doesn't want to blow up the world by concentrating too much perfection in one place.
She is heterosexual and thus has no need for an army of sexy bags.
I want to scare her like an episode 2 Friend.
Last week was the whole M Station thing and Tatsuki posting new pictures. This week there was
>nico cafe
>KF shop being raided
>120k tweet
>guidebooks back on amazon
>talk show with staff announced
>new game/video/musical announced
>zoo collab
>guidebook 2 released.
Anyone got the video link where Lion/Moose fight but replace the sticks with lightsaber and it ends with "you're the chosen one!" clip?
Uhm, have anyone already posted these?
Well, at this point I don't really know how connected the Manga (the one were Mirai briefly appears) is to the anime, but in any case its not far-fetched to assume Tsuchinoko is been around long enough to have meet with humans.
For Shoebill, I assume she heard from the owls or something.
Best Friends
Those are shitposters and not real friends. Ignore them.
Yes, but probably not all of them.
>talking about animu on Sup Forums
What's wrong with red fox's legs?
Okay going to post all I got.
Is that a furby in the background I see?
Why do I have this feeling of putting a lit match underneath those owl crafts.
Her pantyhose has more noticeable gradients
For more like these check this guy's PIXIV: id=2145276
Thanks, they were cute.
ezo-chan looks pale
I mess ceiling cat and Orly owl.
No, that's Serval.
Jesus christ how kowai
Has a 12.2 episode come out? Or was 12.1 the last animation we get until season 2?
I know exactly why I have this feeling of putting a lit match under your clothes.
Which of these two does Sup Forums like the most
It annoyed me that Boss-u took them to a mountain cafe to recharge the battery instead of a recharging station along the bus route. There's still electricity elsewhere in the park so it's weird that Boss-u didn't consider those places instead. Just wanted to show off the mountain zone and an attraction?
I want to pet this cat
Tatsuki has said there's no 12.2
pengu asses are fucking FAT