Is Sup Forums a psyop? I think it would be better if I left it all...

Is Sup Forums a psyop? I think it would be better if I left it all, even though there is a part of my heart in this place. It is admittedly mental whiplash. I feel in a way this website has shaped my critical thinking as to not take things given at face but, but simultaneously it has a lot of bullshit too.

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Everything on the internet is a psyop. Every fucking thing is a psyop in one form or another.

There is no independent and completely non-biased forum/imageboard/book/social media in existence.

Your problem is that this might be your only source of information and knowledge. Read books, you twat.

also sage slide thread

I do read loads of philosophy and history.

If it is a psyop, that would imply an operation. What is the operation, you are speaking as if there is no objective. I would like to hear your perspective on such matters more in depth.

Then read more and stop being so easily influenced. Form your own views from the knowledge gained so you can sift through biased information and try to reason the truth.

Talking about Sup Forums / Sup Forums?

waaah, i can't have a third party spoon feed me my worldview with no consequences

Nice ancient trees in your picture

Remember OP; if it's demoralizing, its Reddit.
Try harder next time.

I don't think you are getting what I am saying, I would say I have good mental safeguards, but I keep looking into the concept of psychologically operations and I am so curious of what it is, what it entails. Therefore, I want to hear others opinions on it. I go on every day and am always hearing some new saying oh it's Shareblue this, CIA that. I just am digging.

You think I am trying to bring down this cultural idea center, but I am merely asking what it is by collaborating 50 different opinions to draw from to get a clearer picture. I just tend to ask questions