Is gurren lagann still considered entry-level?
Is gurren lagann still considered entry-level?
Why wouldn't it be?
Doesn't change the fact it's a great series even if it's simple at its core
Entry level furry
You're not allowed to like Gurren Lagann yet. Give it a few more years maybe.
Nia was ruined when they made her an old hag
Why do they do this?
Its on Netflix so probably.
This. Entry =! bad like Sup Forums seems to think a lot of the time. Granted that TTGL has a really retarded storyline but at least its fun, entertaining and well produced.
Can an entry-level show stop being entry-level? Doesn't stop it from being good though.
Does she have cloudy pubes?
Honestly, if an anime is good enough to be considered entry level, only elitists on Sup Forums will hate it, because the anime is good enough to attract people not generally interested in anime.
Entry-level isn't an insult, but rather a demonstration that it appeals to a wide audience.
I think it's time to put the old meme down.
Yes, but that doesnt mean its bad. TTGL will always be the anime I would recommend to anyone just getting interested in anime because it contains a lot of the best things anime has to offer.
Like what?
I can't unsee Anime and try it out, but instinctively I think you would appreciate it less if you didn't know about the mecha and shounen culture it plays on.
Childhood is liking TTGL or NGE
Adulthood is realizing that E7 is the better choice
I wonder where the TTGL is entry level meme comes from. If this is because of some of its early obnoxious fanbases, then i'd argue that every show have its share of obnoxious fans. To discredit a decent show like this because of your disdain towards its fans is absolutely retarded.
Entry level = Popular
Childhood is thinking people's taste matters and elitism in shows
Adulthood is when you realize everyone is different
>he's a reddit relativist
An anime is always entry level until the people who entered on that anime die. So starting in the 2070s or so, Gurren Lagann will eventually fall from "entry level" status, transfer to "old shit chinese cartoon status".
Until then no.
anyone can give me the source of this comic?
He sounds reasonable to me.
Why would you want to act like such a normie?
>all of these people making excuses for Gurren Lagann
It is derided as entry-level because its drooling fanbase is too ignorant to recognize that the entire show is a homage to landmark mecha series like Mazinger and Getter Robo. They think that the Gurren Lagann is one of the most powerful giant robots in Japanese fiction and also that the series is revolutionary when it was neither influential nor revolutionary. The only thing it has going for it over the originals that it is copying is its production values.
>homages are bad
>he has a different opinion than me
Its double K on deviantart I think. Unless there is multiple stupid TTGL fan comics running around with the same art style.
while I agree with most of your points I still like TTGL more then more serious mecha series since I think the genre is pretty ridiculous.
It's a useless term pretty much only used by the kinds of people in the 3x3 threads, and if there's one group on Sup Forums that we would want to gas to make it better, it would be them.
It has an expansive story that edges around not being too short and just long enough.
Lots of lore with likable characters that have names that are easy to remember.
Good animation and music that get the viewer pumped
Its easy to get into, as in you dont need to know anything about Japanese culture to enjoy it. Doesnt try to be deep, but people often take some kind of meaning from it.
Its message resonates with everyone, unless you are someone who does not give a shit about anything.
Has a decent dub
Has a large fanbase, for better or for worse
>tr*gger n*gger
so this is the TTGL fanbase...
The TTGL fanbase is pure cancer.
Thankfully the more recent Imaishi works drove them away, since they're normalfags repulsed by excessive nudity, toilet humor and ridiculous premises.
>People who like Imaishi also happen to like other Imaishi works
Really makes you think
>because it has homages it's worse
Also, "influence" and "being a revolution" don't mean shit. Naruto was probably far more influential than your favorite anime. Hell, Devilman is said to be really influential but it's a huge piece of trash.
>devilman is trash
Coincidentally, you don't sound like you know much about what you're talking about either.
Calling them homages is being charitable. It's a fine example of Japanese cartoon doublethink that when Gainax does it, it's a "homage," but when anyone else does it it's a ripoff.
>there are people out there who don't think PSG is his best work
it's not the same people saying the first statement and the second.
When you can make an episode of a show about people spending an entire in a single room bored as fuck without changing the camera view except for like 3 seconds enjoyable as fuck
You know you're good at entrainment
>devilman is trash
God, your post was going so well
KLK is the perfect synthesis of TTGL and PSG and his best work.
PSG is his worst work though.
I was going to stay out of it, but I can't:
SPL rigorously removed all slow scenes and became something unparalleled in anime and is therefore his best work.
Half of modern Sup Forums wasn't even born when Gurren Lagann aired
You're telling me that half of Sup Forums is mostly 10 years old?
Good God.
>there are people who unironically liked poo poo pee pee: the anime
I am surprised, but also slightly miffed. This is why none of you shit taste faggots is getting the (You)s you were hoping for.
define "unironically"
Too deep for you.
They're praising it and calling it good. That's quite unironic if you ask me.
well I mean I really like it, but I can really see where
>poo poo pee pee: the anime
it's good in a poo poo pee pee kind of way.
>good in a poo poo pee pee kind of way
That's a rather intricate periphrasis to call it shit, user, I will give you that.
it's great, i just think you take your chinese cartoons to seriously, maybe you should read a book? I've heard that there is some really serious ones out there.
>E7 of all things
>the 'too seriously meme'
I like comedy, in fact it's one of my favorite genres. It's just that P&S sucks at comedy.
Perhaps it's not me that should read a book, perhaps it's you who should grow out of his anal phase.
Okay I bite.
I find that it's a pretty good commentary on the way that anime has developed in the 21:st century. Especially the dramatic scenes, which are obviously parody if you think about it but are so subtle that a loot of people actually see it as a dramatic series.
I also like the power-leveling going out of hand to the point of them throwing galaxies in 20 episodes putting the planet destroying shenanigans of say Dragonball after hundreds of episodes to shame.
Ok user, I think we're having a qui pro quo here.
I am not talking about TTGL at all, I am talking about Imaishi's other anime: "poo poo pee pee benis in bagina XD"
Sorry to have confused you. If this is any relief for you, know that you gave me a few good reasons to re-watch TTGL under the perspective you're proposing.
Panty & Stocking is a stylistically superb, daring synthesis of Japanese and american styles of animation, as well as an attack to the otakus paradigms of beauty and purity, all under a thematic umbrella that prioritize individuality and abolition of (even artistic) hierarchy above all else.I pity the brainlets that couldn't appreciate, maybe they should stick to their shonenshit.
while I was talking about TTGL right now particually, I do feel the same way for all of his work
>P&Sfags unironically believe this
P&S is a mishmash of things that the author liked and that are loosely thrown together, effectively making it the penguin of doom of anime, otaku pandering to the utmost, all under Imaishi's classical pseudo-strawman that all authority and rules are inherently bad. I pity the brainlets who praise it to high heavens, maybe they should stick with their toilet jokes that 9 year olds find funny.
knowing that they came of with the idea drunk in the sauna discussing American culture makes it even better
>Imaishi's classical pseudo-strawman that all authority and rules are inherently bad
So not only you didn't understand PSG, you didn't understand TTGL and KLK either.
As I said, stick to something more accessible for you.
>throwing the underage accusation while you're clearly anally fixated
I do pity you, I pity you a lot. Imaishi's anarkiddo's rhetorics couldn't impress anyone above the age of 16 after all.
Off yourself.
>P&S is a mishmash of things that the author liked and that are loosely thrown together
Isn't that Fooly Cooly too? It's one of my favorite anime
Plot twist: Imaishi's anime are basically all the same anime repeated multiple times, with just a few details changed. This should have been clear to you after watching a couple of them, but I'll be kind and break it to you.
>It's on Netflix
Anyone know the delay on Netflix for getting anime to Easter european countries?
Who cares? I enjoy it either way.
True, usually things are popular because they are good. It's not always the case but most of the time something will be popular because it's is good and lots of people like it
>FLCL is Imaishi's
It isn't even worth it, replying to this shitposter.
This is how you're supposed to do it, anarkiddo.
W-Why do people dislike Eureka Seven?
Bones sequels man, they ruin the whole thing. The same thing will happen with Kekkai Sensen.
Pretty sure it's still popular among new kids.
Kekkai Sensen s2 is gonna start from the beginning staying more faithful to the manga.
Yes, despite the fact that these people are very explicitly not the target audience.
Another pleb that hasn't seen it, I see.
E7 is better than your favorite anime