Little Witch Academia

Subs in 6 Hours.....

475 Hours left for Best girl episode....

Croix is the best.

Thats not kurowa

>Akko stated in the episode that she takes 3 minutes to bathe
>The Moomin character is her neighbor



i want to motorboat and nibble on that ass

Tove Jasson. She is Lotte past life?

I wanna marry Diana


Characters that will die.

Akko's virginity (by Andrew)
Hanna in Barbara's arms while she confesses to her
Lotte (off screen)
Papa Andrew
The Nightfall fanbase
Akko's Yay

lewd comfy


Why are shipfags pairing Sucy with irrelevant background characters now?

Would you date Croix?

Sucy is not for gay! Only wrong eye Sucy is!

foreplay comfy

I want to be that cup ramen


>Why is Akko so dumb, Hannah?
>I don't know Barbara but could you get your hand out of my crotch?

I'd cook her a proper meal.

>Because I feel like it, Hannah!
>I said get off! N-no! Stop!! Akko!
>You seem to be enjoying it, Hannah!

>Hannah doing gay shit
>not Barbara

Big witch academia

Your seaweed hair are gonna catch fire, Diana

Sucy loves finnish cooking, so they're totally going to fuck and get married.

Ok, this episode was very meh.

Barbara has a challenger for best ass...

Need more Lotte

>Lottefag delusions

You guys told me this was going to be a lotte episode! YOU LIED!


but it's actually barbara putting her hand on hannah's crotch

We all were rused by Yoh.

Man, I hope Diana's episode is actually serious. I want Diana's past to be heartbreaking and sad. I want Akko to have genuinely conflicted feelings when she realizes loli Diana was a completely different person, not to sperg out like a retard.


>Barely any Croix
>No Diana
>No Hannah
>No Wangari
>No Green Team
>Randumb humor
>Pokemon-tier edition and gags
>Stupid excuse for unlocking the word

Shitty episode 3/10

>The truth is that there was never actual indication this was going to be a Lotte episode

Her background was expanded and had spotlight. That's was Yoshinari meant.

>not sperging out like a retard
are we watching the same show?


>mfw another episode with no shoehorning

It did absolutely nothing for her as a character though. The Nightfall episode at least gave context to why she follows Akko around.
There was no reason to involve Lotte's family in this episode or even set it n Finland.

>Ursula is full D&D master now

Confirmed for douchebag with shitty riddles for everything

I can't way for the massive "shoehorning" to happen so you eat your words.

>Akko has full reign to riffle through Diana's things
>doesn't take the opportunity to snoop
>doesn't find her Ultra Rare Chariot card

I hope Amanda settles down with a nice American boy. Who 'shoehorns' her nightly

How will Akko react when ursula tells her she is Chariot??

I bet somewhere she's still just as adorkable as she was in school

I'd rather a proper Chariot and Croix flashback, to be honest.

>she went Finnland only for a shitty Santa Claus joke and randumb Yeti

Bravo Trigger. Anime is saved again.

If B-Team doesn't get a two-parter, Andrew is definitely coming back for Ep18.

Work on your reading comprehension

The number one mistake of playing Diana as Little Princess Perfect for so long is her lack of involvement in situations like these.

Laughed harder than I should have


I wanna pet Diana behind the ear and rear

All the practice kissing and begging to lick Hannah's pussy is just ironic


>Diana is a cat
>Hannah is a fox

Major fuck up, it's reversed.

>Bad food episode

Cat fits Diana.

>Sucy's yay bar is slowing going up.

>Yoshinari says LWA is about animation industry
>Croix is alone channeling pure rage on her monitor while eating ramen

What they meant by this?

>Friend is laughing because she knows it's a joke

By the end of the anime she will go doki doki waku waku

I watch thsi show only for Frank and Andrew but i doubt Trigger will give boyfriends to Akko and Lotte this soon since they already are inetrested in making more season of LWA.They need to leave some material for Season 2 so they'll most likely add new boys to create more drama and finally in Season have them become a canon couple.


Hell, even 10 and 13 establish she has low self-esteem. Here Lotte's family and their shop is basically an afterthought.

>ywn helicopter spin your adorable daughter over your head

Pick one:
a) LWA gets a second season, but in the second season not only is Akko/Andrew canonized but Diana gets a rebellious bad boy as love interest.
b) LWA doesn't get a second season but it gets an Akko/Diana end. Not in the yuri sense but something like "Akko decides to travel the world and Diana tsunderely tags along".

>Lotte father will greet Frank in the exactly same way
>Frank appears on full proper suit, while everyone else is on farmer clothes
>Frank tries REALLY hard to not say Finnland food is terrible

This deserves a episode.

>Waaa tou-san yamate!

No wonder Lotte is as soft as a flower look at the household she was brought up in.

Hey, some instant noodles are good, if you add some cooked food. Croix is too busy designing her Chariot body pillow to do that, though.

>The flower Sucy give Akko is yellow
>This episode shows yellow means joy.
Did Yoshinari meant that Akko is giving the joy back to Sucy?

>literally black concentrated salt
>call it "flavored candy"

That's some 1984 shit.

So who is the wizard or Witch in Lotte's family?

>I watch thsi show only for Frank and Andrew

user, you don't need to lie, I like Andrew and (even more) Frank, but there's almost no genuine value for them as characters except for them to be shipping fodder. You like them because you want to ship them.

I like to believe Andrew and his father are the representetion of the muggles. Now if only Andrew and Frank didn't have the romantic interest stigma, people aside of subhuman shippers would be able to accept them more

This episode felt rushed as fuck

The midget.

>You like them because you want to ship them.
You are right but to be honest theres nothing going for this show except for maybe the nice designs and animation. Trigger isn't doing a very good job

Akko is joy personalized. Seriously, calm and collective akko doesn't seem to exist. I think she might actually be crazy,too.

Lotte said her mother was a witch in episode 4, didn't she?

How about no romantic resolution since this isn't s fucking romance series?

Though I'm open to the idea of Akko travelling adventures outside the academy from time to time and continuing improving her magic.

They know they don't have much time and are adding stupid shit for the giggles. It reminds me to another show that is curretly airing

We just really like the taste of poison.

>Now if only Andrew and Frank didn't have the romantic interest stigma
They don't really.

>I think she might actually be crazy
>I think

Sucy cute

Welcome to Trigger's way

Do cutaways, rush episodes, use cliches, make stoner jokes and still people will say you "saved anime" because you answered people on reddit.

>Hey Barbara, whatcha thinking about?
>About how much I love you, Hannah.
>Yeah, I was thinking about how much I love you, too.
>Nah just kidding, dummy!
>Y-yeah! Me too!
Barbara went to sleep crying that night.

Not every "romantic interest" is a Flash Sentry, user.

Gj user

Lotte says her mother does part time witch jobs and exorcism, besides witches not being popular on Finnland and the magic shop doing poorly

Why is she so crazy?

Overdosed on Yay.

it was white and a lily, or yuri in jap. get your fact straight

Fits Hannah mischief personality better, while "smart as a fox" is more Diana-like

Ponyfag please go

Do NOT bully the Barbara!

Low IQ.