Why doesn't the rest of the world appreciate that growing diversity is good for society...

Why doesn't the rest of the world appreciate that growing diversity is good for society? There's a reason why America is the wealthiest, most powerful country to have ever existed.

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We are at 26 percent and given our latest illegal immigration influx, I am sure it will be 56 percent soon.

It's culture.
Most ethnic groups, practically all ethnic groups that have immigrated to America and centuries past, have joined American culture. They have been Americanized.
Europe is experiencing a different problem. Mexican immigrants flooding the southern border is in no way comparable because Mexicans will forever be more able to integrate with American culture (which is already filled with an immigrant history) than Muslims with Islam-based culture going to Germany.

They just say that because "diversity is our strength" has been ingrained in their little brains. Saying otherwise is so taboo it can ruin your life. But go ahead and ask the same people if they think we should reduce or stop all immigration. The vast majority of Americans think immigration should be greatly reduced or stopped.

Notice they never even argue why it is a strength.. they just assume that you, like many, are also brainwashed.

How about they only ask whites?
We're cucked, yes, but because of
surveys like this don't really say as much.

Boomer fucking civcuck garbage, kill yourself.

>There's a reason why America is the wealthiest, most powerful country to have ever existed.

USA going downhill in both regards correlates with an increase in diversity.

You need better argument to back your case.

>There's a reason why America is the wealthiest
yes it is called brenton woods agreement is it? tricked the world to make a dollar as it is today.
has 0 to do with diversity.

This is a crap poll for one.....

>Confirmation bias, conduct poll in liberal cities and areas to skew results.
>People with conserrvative/alt-right views are not going to trust some random pollster calling and will either hang up, refuse to participate, or many will lie (since they have your number and likely name).
>Crap polls are crap polls (muh Hillary in a landslide!)

Mexicans able to integrate more?

Mate, you guys have complete mexican slums/districts where spanish is the main language.

You could say the same for the netherlands. How come angood portion of us says diversity is negative? Because there is more acceptence here for that kind of views compared to america. Where I live we can still openly frown upon interracial couples and stuff among whites.

The effectiveness of indoctrination via public schools is amazing
Somehow immigration in the past being good = diversity always being good

Someone post the "Is Multiculturalism working?" vid.


There's also a proximity to their homeland, irredentism and a lack of any pressure to assimilate coupled with continuous deconstruction of Americna culture.

>only 7% of Americans think that growing diversity makes America a worse place to live, yet somehow 9% of Americans also find neo-nazi views acceptable

Somebody is lying

Why does Greece have a stick up its ass

America though has a lot of homelessness and poverty. You just happen to have a lot of rich people too.

I don't consider the U.S to be a success story. But you're lucky with how vast your country is, as people can just form their own communities away from the bad areas.

Yeah its all the illegal wars, coup de tat, dictators, and the countless millions of poor non americans whom youve exploited their wealth from. Its not that you've taken a bunch of niggers into your country... stupid Americans are stupid

Correlation != Casaution

largest minority groups in greece are albanians and gypsies...

greece and italy are the most white now

Yurocuck cumskins think diversity is bad because they are cucks and get railed in the ass by Mohamed

There isn't even any correlation to begin with.

Finding someone having nazi views acceptable isn't the same to having those views yourself. It means you advocate freedom of speech.

tolerable =/= acceptable



Yes and it's because it has a large coast with both the pacific and Atlantic, it has an Anglo mindset, and because of WW2. Diversity is why you are falling in strength recently.

Did they ask only white Americans? Or everyone?

Wealthiest country? Kek

>63% of Americans agreeing on anything
That poll is such horseshit

>There's a reason why America is the wealthiest, most powerful country to have ever existed.

Starting the morning with a laugh.

>getting your own people replaced is good for you, goy!

Just stop. A mere 7% of Americans think that the growing diversity is a bad thing, you are cucked to the max.

>believing polls
We've already been through this

Diversity is only good for the corporations and the moneyed elite that can use their wealth as a buffer against it. It has been a disaster for the white America that existed prior to 1964 immigration act. The country used to be safe and unified with a solid and wide middle class. We did things like go the moon. Now after decades of non white immigration the middle class is narrow and precarious. Large portions of the country are not safe and/or alien. There is no cultural consensus and we are divided bitterly nearly in half over our political future. We spend our money not on moon voyages but on maintaining and pacifying the ever more feral nigger population and their beaner cousins.

It would probably be a higher percentage of whites alone, and there's also huge social stigma to saying it's anything but positive or acting indifferent. Many of our whites also live in very white, rural areas, and they don't have to experience shitskins, whereas Europe is much more urbanized and densely populated.

I'm not saying we're not cucked, we are, horribly so, but it isn't quite as bad as the chart would have you think. If you asked only whites, the number saying it's bad would at least double, and that's not accounting for those who have suppressed power levels. I would say a realistic number is something from 20-25% of whites. Which is still terrible, but not utterly hopeless.

i hope not, germany is really an amazing place i hope it doesnt get ruined

No, Pedro. The US was over 85% white for centuries up until 2 decades ago.


Yet America peaked in 1969 with the moon landing when it was 85+% white and has been steadily declining as POCification increases.

Contrast this with the rise of ethnically monolithic China, which shows that with extreme social homogeneity even an unimaginative, mediocre people like the Han can dominate.

dese niggas got horses n sheeeit?

>ethnically monolithic China
this is a meme. china's not really homogeneous. the provinces have been at war with eachother forever

you're retarded. the US isn't going downhill, the economy is growing. what gives you that perception is countries like china, japan, and india are catching up

>china, japan, and india are catching up

Exactly my point. How else would you gauge welath and power if not by comparison with others? USA is getting further away from the wealthiest, most powerful country that it once was.

eh, it happens. no one stays on top forever

Yeah those numbers are total bullshit

>most powerful country to have ever existed
I thought we were talking about America, not Russia

So like Europeans (whites)?