See, Tucker isn't a Trump asslicker.

Then again, he is voicing the same concerns as the Trump voters; Trump has swayed from his campaign promise and is the swamp himself.

I know you're a shill but this brings up an interesting point. I think Bannon proved where the loyalty is

You can’t cuck the Tuck

Maybe Tucker and Ann Coulter should focus on draining the swamp. Maybe then they'd be helping.

1. Bannon is a traitor
2. Bannon was the leaker
3. Bannon works in online media and politics
4. Bannon works for the Chinese Commies and with Kissanger
5. Bannon claims to be leader of Alt-Right
6. Bannon is ruthlessly defended on here and infinity, thread after thread. Even a sticky on how he never said those things.
7. Bannon defenders post in the same idiotic manner as the Spencer defenders.
8. Bannon had bad intentions from the start.
9. Bannon worked for Navy Intel and Hollywood
10. Bannon believes he masterminded the meme war.
11. Spencer has ties to Dugin through his wife.
12. Dugin calls Bannon soul mate

See the pattern yet????

t. leftycuck shill

You guys are overly aggressive. Build it up a little more. It's an art form to successfully troll

How are you supposed to negotiate with puppets that are all corrupt? Libs always win, any form of compromise is a small victory.


Watch Sean Hannity instead!

r_d surprisingly silent. really makes you think

(((((((fox)))))))) news



>make legit criticism about Trump making concessions on immigration
>lulz ur a troll lel Xd
You convinced me, I love DACA now

Sean is a full blown neicon who said oprah had a heart warming speech. Fuck him

Hi shill

You didn't say shit about anything tough guy

Sean trusts Trump and wants to make America great again. Tucker Carlson is a turncoat with no sense of loyalty. He cucked out on Trump during the Syria strikes, and now this.

Syria was and still is a bad decision. Also never combated my poibt on him sucking oprah ass

everything about Oprah is heart warming. She's a fruitcake

I don’t need to, Hannity’s just being nice. If you disagree with anything Hannity or Trump does feel free to vote for Hillary faggot

that faggot keeps spamming the same fucking shit in every thread


>Cucker Tarlson

You suck at your job ctr was better

How about no? I can disagree with some shit hannity or trump does and stil lend up voting for him in the end. Seriously fuck you. Oprah is anti white and the speech is clearly her trying to burn dead skeletons from her fuck buddy relationship with harvey

>what are IDs
I'm not OP

Tucker believes in 9/11 too, well guess I'm off to destroy FOX and watch good ol' MSNBC

Who cares if she’s “anti-white”?? Were all gonna be brown in a few generations, and that’s just fine by me. Ideology > Skin color.

Tucker is the virgin commentator

Ok im going back to 8pol

>See the pattern yet????
The pattern of you shilling in every thread? Yes.

calm down kiddo

Silly Americans thought they could actually influence their government. You just can't drain that swamp.

Just as you will never drain the russian swamp. And Putin is part of the swamp.

Don’t be ridiculous - Mr T is good to call out what he thinks the big issues are.

This is where you find out whether trump really is playing 4d chess - outcomes, or retrospective look at what he tried to achieve.

This is very concerning in the surface so its important to call it out like it is.

Same with Syria bombings.