Reminder that Sargoy is a pedophile apologist and is little too skeptical about about age of consent laws. why does he get a pass on this?
Sargoy is a pedophile apologist
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The age of consent here is 16 but generally they start deep throating around 13 to 14. I can see why he would be skeptical. there such thing as a british chad?
Stop fucking making fun of my favorite youtuber.
Dude, just watch the video, the Justicar says he was molested when he was well below 11 and liked it and Sargon agree that it depends on child. we are not only talking about 14 and hebephilia here.
It's mainly just Alphas, Betas and those who hang around with both groups.
>a pedophile apologist
You guys think this is an attempt to shift the overton window in reguards to pedophiles before the hammer comes down on all of the Israeli/muslim spies who run the child sex slave networks?
ah, so they all lurk in packs, filthy collectivists
reminder this is part of the shill comments to bump threads. Don't reply in shill threads. dont reply in this this thread. instead go here to read about shill tactics on this board
im saging so my reply wont bump this thread. remember to sage with replies
The individualist collectivist isn't a meme here. It's a way of life.