How can this be considered a good ending...

How can this be considered a good ending, this was the only character that you could empathize with while the rest where self absorbed assholes trying to play police with their condescending heads in each other butts at their hippy communes.

Godspeed Squealer ;_;7

Shut the fuck up molefreak



If you had high level psychic powers how would you behave?

Shut up bonobo, go back to sucking your boyfriend's dick

he killed best girl

>How can this be considered a good ending
It's a good ending storywise, but a bad ending for all the characters involved.

Just finished the series last night. One of the better ones I've seen. It's not supposed to be a good, as in happy, ending. It's a great ending for storytelling though.

Let's not pretend that Squealer was a saint. He did plenty of fucked up shit in pursuit of his goals, regardless of how noble those may have been.

The cantus users are doing their best to control the balance.
The made the death feedback in order to control themselves. If they did not turn Squeeler's species into mole rats, then it is them who will be hunted instead.

They could have just wiped out the non-users, you know but they istead choose co-existence. A word that squeeler refused.
Instead, he rebelled without any idea of what he is playing with

Seriously? Introducing a kid to murder?
Yes, I can't wait to see him turn into an Akuma. What could possibly go wrong?



>trying to play police with their condescending heads

maybe if they had an actual police force they wouldn't need all that convoluted shit they came up with to prevent murders

The only objectively good character in the show
RIP in rippies

Wet centrist detected.

A police force would get its shit pushed in by a Fiend though. They'd have to commit suicide just to kill one.


Threadly reminder that in the novels, Saki dies in childbirth, the kid gets sick and dies before manifesting his powers, and Satoru dies exploring while trying to reach the mainland.

Shh, no tears now, just despair.

>Murdering and enslaving children is justifiable

I've never heard anyone else say that this character was good and not a psychopathic manipulative populist.

He did nothing wrong, but he was an awful individual. These two points are not mutually exclusive.


Go read the translations, user.

"Co-existence" is a funny way to put "degenerating you and the rest of your kind into primitive servile mutants".

That's just bullshit after everything she went through

Between servitude and extinction, most species would choose servitude.

Filthy rats are lucky that truehumans still need them to effectively manage the land, or they'd have been completely wiped out for causing so much destruction.

I literally just checked the novel I downloaded and the ending mentions none of that. It's pretty much the same as the anime.

Except the mole rats were not slaves

They and the humans live a life that is so isolated that they never learned of Squeeler's rebellion against their queen until Saki told them about it

>How can this be considered a good ending
A good ending is almost always not a happy ending.
>the only character that you could empathize with while the rest where self absorbed assholes
A lot of them, yeah, but not all. Probably not even most of them.

>regardless of how noble those may have been.
They weren't noble in the slightest. He wanted to be king of everything. He killed queerat and human alike indiscriminately for getting in his way. He took two of the only people who treated him kindly, chopped off their limbs to make it look like they died, and forced them to produce him a baby he could indoctrinate into being his personal WMD. None of these are the actions of a well-intentioned person. His goals beyond wiping out the village were to conquer the world by enslaving human children and subjugating every queerat colony along the way. He was easily the most despicable person in the story. After being defeated he begged to be treated like a human, disregarding the fact that he treated humans like they were lower than dirt. The mercy killing he got was far too kind. He ensured that peace between humans and queerats became an impossibility.

They aren't real kids, they are psychic bonobos that enslaved humanity and turned them into molerats.

They weren't slaves only if you consider serfs under a medieval-feudalism type of system to be "free".

It very much was slavery, don't forget about the hit squads that wiped out entire colonies when they dig too deep or fought a war for too long against another colony, or did anything remotely "questionable" (and likely weren't warned about what falls under "questionable" beforehand).

The rats were literally programmed to treat truehumans as gods and worship them, how is that not slavery?

Bullshit, Saki becomes overlord and starts reconnecting to all the other scattered human villages.

It's not slavery because so long as they keep their progress open to the cantus user and obey the rules, then they are free to exist.

Kyoumaru and Squeeler literally have the same level of technology but Squeeler is the only one that was listed to extinction because they kept a moving library with them

The cantus users are just that paranoid and every question of theirs has to be answered truthfully. Other than that, they are free to trade, slave, and conquer

Muh nigga.

Squealer was an horrible person who wanted the same fucked up world but with him at the top.
He would have exterminated/enslaved all queerats with the help of human children.

That said, it's true that since the humans were all self absorbed assholes and did what they want with inteligent beings, it was kind of satisfying to look at them being exterminated and at least I found myself wanting the queerats to win many times.

>as long as they obey the rules, they're allowed to stay alive
you're still ignoring the use of hit squads to wipe out entire colonies, mentioned more than once in the show even

This and the "ruled" are pretty ambiguous.
And, hell, not dying "as long as..." isn't being free in the slightest.

>MAY have been

Did you even read the first part of the post condemning Squealer? Overthrowing tyrants is a noble goal, Squealer's methods were not.

You're still ignoring the fact that they are not corrupted with power. Every movement of their were justified through observation and investigation

If they won't genocide, then there's a chance that that molerat would escape with vital information that could ruin the balance. Afterall, it takes only one Cantus user to wipe out the world. A small tribe of cave dwellers is nothing compared to that

You're rights to freedom are limited by the rights of others

>populist dictator
>did nothing wrong
In the evolution from jacobins to fuhrer is muh waifu the common thread is going full retard

>Squealer was an horrible person
I remember when i was bluepilled just like you, but then i took the squealerpill

>He took two of the only people who treated him kindly, chopped off their limbs to make it look like they died, and forced them to produce him a baby

Where did you get that? How would he chop off their limbs without one of them wiping out the whole colony? They had a baby, got murdered in their sleep and the baby got raised by Squealer. It's still fucked up, but way more plausible than your take.

Is he a personification of jews?

taking a global look at it, if he had succeeded the queerats would have become an apex species and exploded in population, slowly taking over more land and eventually reclaiming the world at large

from that standpoint, his attempt at reclaiming the freedom of his species from the control of truehumans was doing "nothing wrong"

the phrase itself has become a meme, but it's not strictly wrong

Chopped off limbs was false.

in the novels, Squeeler drugged them both to coma. Forced Maria and Mamoru to have a child in that vegetable state then killed them both and gave the bones to the village

Best part of the show was Yamauchi's magnum opus aside from Doremi and Casshern Sins, episode 10.

It's not slavery because so long as they keep their progress open to the cantus user and obey the rules, then they are free to exist.

I dont think slavery means what you think it means user.

Damn, Mamoru can't even get laid when he's Maria's only human option. Has to get a handjob from Squealer just to knock her up.

It was the idiotic old scientists who inflicted all of it on humanity. Everything after that was just humanity's post-human posterity spiraling down the toilet.

The mole rats pay no taxes nor services. The cantus users are the dedicated few who has to police their very very fucked up world

>"make sure we know about everything you do"
>"make sure you follow everything we say"
>"make sure you always worship us as gods"
>not slavery

Nigga I think YOU don't know what slavery is.

>pay no taxes or services

Wat? They are literally the serfs who till and farm the land, log the forests, and mine from quarries to provide human villages with the materials and food they need.

Are you an idiot?

A single cantus user can do all the work of a hive. What for do they need mole rats as slaves?

He's agreeing with you user. He just forgot his greentext.

They don't do that because that jobs are stressful and you don't want stressed cantus user.

thats what i meant son.

this guy knows whats up

Yeah right. Last time I checked, there was not a single frame showing the molerats as oppressed people.
There is not even a single road that connects the cave to the village.
Not even a single mole rat on their farm

Stop making up stories. This is not a good vs evil

Science and recordkeeping mostly. Cantus users have better things to do than fuck around in fields all day.

Hives are mostly "set and forget", and a single agency with a couple dozen humans can manage a massive number of them. It's a slow, passive resource trickle that keeps things balanced.

yeah missed the sarcasm because no greentext

His crime is that he lost. He lost because he wanted power for himself. He lost because he routed to violence prematurely. Had he played the long game, paying token tribute while building up technologically, the technologically degrading bonobos would be rendered irrelevant next to their resurgent empire. But that would have taken generations and Squealer wasn't interested in building. He wanted personal power, something he would have had to forgo to pursue the long game.

Only the most important people have access to the archives, user.
Saki's father even mentioned that they are the ones who are fixing the electricity. If the molerats were truly slaves, then they would not even be able to wage war with one another

Don't forget the population difference as well. There were somewhere in the neighborhood of a few thousand cantus users in total, spread among all of their villages.

Maintaining infrastructure (dikes, fields, etc) takes manpower. Yeah, you could have a couple hundred cantus users do it. But they have other shit to do.

If we assume Saki's family is average, they'd already lost/killed two of their children before Saki came along and successfully awoke/controlled her power. That's a lot of death resulting in a very slow population growth/stagnation.

>his crime is that he lost
Yes, that was the only thing squealer did wrong.

Restrictions on electricity and other technology were as much self-imposed as they were necessary.

Technology = greater potential to learn more, faster = not as easy to control the flow of information to the population. Their entire gameplan requires very strict access to information, to prevent any possible loss of control over power by the offspring of cantus users.

Squealer did some morally reprehensible things in pursuit of his goals, which were justifiable to him since he was trying to liberate his people. Queerats were at the mercy of their hive's queen and could be killed at any moment by her, so he lobotomized her. The queen stays alive, the queerats stay alive and the colony can grow, it isn't perfect but everyone gets to live. Next he tackled the only other apex predator, humans. He found their weak point and brutally exploited it in a surprise attack. Ultimately things went to pieces and his plan failed.

Squealer broke a few eggs to make an omelette, but ultimately morality is a spoil given to the victor.

>Restrictions on electricity and other technology were as much self-imposed as they were necessary
Squeeler has houses made of solid concrete. A technology that not even the Cantus users have.

They were restricted from owning a living library but not to making their own discoveries. They also have complete freedom to commit atrocities to their own communities

I've wanted to watch the show just for this guy. Is it worth it?

It's a great show full of complex and realistic characters in a very fucked up world
Go watch it for the sole reason of literary intellect

Dropped this halfway through, what is this faggots deal? Spoil my shit up

He's unironically my husbando.

Hold on, did the novel finally got fully translated?

The cantus users had every right to subjugate and cull the ratniggers as they pleased.

Welcome to Sup Forums.

Well, at least they are humans unlike the disgusting inhuman monsters.

I'm talking about use of technolgoy by humans, fucktard.

He kill yourself you fucking lazy cockbag.

Yes, last year.

Hope you are not shitting me buddy, now I will have something to do while my computer gets fixed, thanks.

I understand how some people can be on Squealer's side or against him, but are there seriously people ITT who are on the CANTUS users side? You can side they didn't know better at the time of the series, but they still weren't in the right at all

You can say*

To me no one was in the right side.

I was on the Cantus users side because I got attached to Saki and Satoru through the show and hadn't emotional connection with Squiler. I wanted them to survive.
It wasn't rational or moral decision.

How can Akki kill humans freely just because she thought of herself as a queerrat? Is it really that simple?

Everything was in perfect balance because of them, user
Nothing they do has any ill intent.

Basically Lawful Evil

It's like real war: hardly anyone ever truly I in the right. Take the world wars for example. Or Vietnam. This is a comparable situation. Both parties are neither in the right nor the wrong.

You get it wrong, she thought she and queerrats were human but the cantus users weren't.

Pick it back up. I almost stopped halfway through. The build up is absolutely worth the payoff. If you want it spoiled, you can easily read online what happens. It's worth experiencing it firsthand though.

If you like characters that actually have complexity and moral ambiguity, it's awesome. It's a slow burn, but one of the better anime I've watched in the past few years.

In the long term it would be better if the cantus user were to die out

You know that two pupil guy? it was said he was powerful enough to split the planet in two if he wanted to. What happens when you get a fiend or karma demon with that kind of power? The planet and all life is done for.

It is also stated that the average power level of cantus users increases with each generation, so the chances for a planet buster to lose control only increases with time.

So why is death feedback controlled by thought? If a cantus user were to go insane and genuinely believed the other cantus users weren't human, he'd be free to murder everyone?

>what are Demons

duh, what do you think a fiend is?

thats why they had the phase cats and queer rat assasins

Pretty much.
Everthing was at peace until the cantus users declared war against humanity. Everything fell to disaray since then.

>So why is death feedback controlled by thought?
What do you propose, AI that judges if their actions are just?
>If a cantus user were to go insane and genuinely believed the other cantus users weren't human, he'd be free to murder everyone?

Did anybody else get the vibe that something went wrong with Saki's Cantus ritual? Didn't seem like they really explained it. Maybe it was nightmares instead of flashbacks.

on all of Sup Forums nothing triggers me much anymore since we're in a stale dark age of board culture, but Squealerfags almost always seem to get me

I hated the death feedback bullshit in this show. It seems like the psychic users who go insane were relatively common, and yet there was no one around that could really do anything about them. If someone goes insane shouldn't you have enough power in terms of numbers to overpower one man? How could one person be more powerful than 50 all combined? Why couldn't they see one of the insane ones as not human anymore and work past the feedback? Even now people look at others as nonhuman and justify genocide.

It also seems like such heavy memory manipulation would be more apt to make people insane.

Especially Boy A
Motherfucker doomed civilisation cause he was horny

It's not like there is psychic wrestling. Think of everyone having a gun with virtually unlimited bullets and you can only take them away through partially willful hypnosis. Most people aren't capable of killing someone else, especially if they know it will kill them in the process. That's how fear works in reality.

>How could one person be more powerful than 50 all combined
Because the insane one can kill but the others can't.