Uchouten Kazoku S2

Benten-sama a best.

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That's a nice angle.

>I showed you my dick now answer me

Best girl and the worst woman. I love her.


Nidaime is gonna get fucked up.


The absolute MADMAN


Glad someone put Benten back in her place.

That's not Kaisei.
I can't wait for him to meet Tenyama, it would be great.

What would sex with Kaisei be like?

Friendly reminder to not reply to tripfags.

Finally someone with some taste.


Fuck off. It's Stalker. He makes stitches and webms and actually contributes to good discussion.

>Kaisei having anything on Benten
Nice try tripfag.

Just boring enough to the point where you would always be wondering what it would be like if she was Benten instead.

Kill yourself please

If you like him so much then why don't you marry him?

He is just an attention whore. He is using his tripcode all the time when he isn't even contributing anything. He doesn't need a fucking tripcode to post webms anyway.

user and Stalker have a platonic relationship.

Whimsical characters get really old really fast. Nobody (apart from fetishists) likes haughty bitches. Murdering a sentient being (regardless of whether it is seen as normal by said sentient beings) is as low as it gets. (Also, this argument is bullshit, plenty of tanuki hate/fear her because of that, MC is just too damn thirsty to care.)
She's shit.
>he still hasn't anonymised everybody

Why would he meet Tenyama?

>Whimsical characters get really old really fast
Which is why the first season is all about exploring the causes of her present condition as well as how various characters view her including hints at her own self-image while building up to a climax where the audience is forced to interpret her actions in the past alongside Yasaburo. You could say that evoking such a childishly narrow-minded reaction from you is proof of the effectiveness of the narrative.

Exactly what do you eat, by the way? Even plants have a form of sentience, and even simpler things if you want to take up the standards of belief systems which would attribute consciousness to every atom. I suppose you must be shit as well.

So when do they hate fuck?

Tenyama has his favourite gun

Who was in the wrong here?

wew wrong webm

Stick to Care Bears.

Tenyama still have his gun, doesn't he. That and Tenyama will probably be back for revenge on Benten.


Fuck off narutard

Yasaburo, because he didn't step in to defuse the situation before his waifu got trashed. Now she's been made void as marriage material and he will have to go hook up with his cousin.

It's almost like you just read a synopsis from another unintelligent user and didn't even watch the show.

>Exactly what do you eat, by the way? Even plants have a form of sentience
In SF sentient beings are ayylien species who can think and should have the same rights as humans, shouldn't be killed for no reason, etc. I just googled it, so I understand what the issue is, it's used differently elsewhere, so that's why you misunderstood me.
>>Whimsical characters get really old really fast
Which is why the first season is all about exploring the causes of her present condition as well as how various characters view her including hints at her own self-image while building up to a climax where the audience is forced to interpret her actions in the past alongside Yasaburo. You could say that evoking such a childishly narrow-minded reaction from you is proof of the effectiveness of the narrative.
Slice it however you want, it's just a boring character trait to me.

I want to pick Kaisei's bag up and shake her gently

Do not reply to him,newfriend.

>step in to defuse the situation
Tanuki getting involved in tengu disputes, this is no good either.

Kaisei is the bag

What's the original video to this?

>he doesn't like something
>he hasn't even seen it/is just shitposting/is retarded
Never gets old.

That little "eh" that she makes is so cute. I can almost see the girl behind the power hungry Benten.

It's her backpack, she's probably inside the bag.

But it's not a tengu dispute, there are no tengu involved.

>Slice it however you want, I just have shit taste

Do not reply to him

Yasaburo is such a fucking beta faggot holy shit

Oh I forgot the classic one
>just have shit taste

The bag is animated, and even so why would she be inside the bag if she can be both?

Do not reply to him

>summer clothes
>thigh highs
Isn't she hot in that?
>inb4 hell yeah she's hot

Yasaburo knows his place as a tanuki and likes to have fun more than pursue love with Benten. You don't need to hook up all the time especially if you are a youkai

The other user already destroyed your whole post, I just felt the need to chime in because of how incredibly stupid you are.

You are a disgusting pedophile

Do not reply to tripfags,newfriends

You need to go back.


Not really, only addressed one of my points and I don't really think you can "destroy" someone finding a specific character trait boring. It just comes down to preference.

He's Benten's subordinate, he should have helped her to at least get up, she's gonna be fucking pissed with him

Yasaburo only knows that for Benten, he still thinks Nidaime is a tengu.
It's a small bag, any movement inside would show on the outside.
>why would she be inside the bag if she can be both?
To hide her true form from Yasaburo. Beside, there's other object inside the bag and I doubt she swallowed an ice pack.

Tanuki's serve and respect all Tengu

epic anonymous ftw Sup Forumsro am i right

He's hesitating about pursuing Benten. That's part of what all of the "When are you going to try?" and "Don't think this doesn't concern you" stuff has been about. This episode provided an interesting sort of twist on the matter with the moon scene. It comes juxtaposed against the scene where Tenmaya happily revels under Benten's heel, but Yasaburo asks for her to return the moon to him instead of allowing her to keep it. One can easily imagine the opposite scenario where he uses the matter of the moon as a way to try to sweettalk her, essentially doing the verbal trickery he engages in with other characters like the tengu.

>It just comes down to preference.
Saying that whimsical characters get boring fast is applying one's subjective taste as a statement of truth. If you want to discuss your meaningless preferences, you should make it clear.

Don't reply to him.

>don't reply to tripfag
>don't reply to user
Who can I reply to?

That felt so fucking good. Nidaime is based as fuck.

>Saying that whimsical characters get boring fast is applying one's subjective taste as a statement of truth. If you want to discuss your meaningless preferences, you should make it clear.
You can't be this autistic (in the literal meaning of the word). It's fucking obvious that in every statement containing feelings (which inherently can't be proven right or wrong) the [in my opinion] part is implied.


Wait, Nidaime isn't a tengu?


I want Kaisei to sit on my face.

Don't reply to him.

He is a tengu in denial

Don't reply to him,newfag

You are just spamming at this point. Let it go before you get banned.

Then post more Kaisei so I can reply to you instead.

Yasaburo should be foolish enough to get in a fight with another tengu for her

Getting involved in tripfag cartel disputes is no good, just ignore both.

"Whimsical characters get boring fast" is a statement which could be backed an argument as to the static nature of a character within a narrative. This is why I then disproved that interpretation. You essentially have no reason for your feeling, and thus there is nothing fit for discussion which is why you should have been clear from the beginning that you were stating an empty, subjective reaction.

Yasaburo should take Nidaime as his new sensei and learn how to properly treat her. She would be begging for his giant testicles by the end of the week.

From what a few people has been saying in past threads, apparently so. I have my doubt but there's novel readers in these threads.

I still don't believe Nidaime went gay for Yasaburo. If so damn he charms the strongest tengus

You're kind of autistic user, take your meds

He's in the same boat Benten is in. Kidnapped.

Don't reply to him,newfag.


Are you fucking new to Uchouten threads?

I don't believe it either, maybe user just exaggerated the situation. Or maybe Nidaime spent his time abroad in France and now he's gay.

It makes sense to me, Yasaburo is actually the tanuki equivalent of a young gentleman. He's a bit sarcastic and over the top, but he's always treating the tengu with coy respect. Nidaime is wary because he always sounds like he is setting up for a trick, but in the end he is one of the most trustworthy characters in the entire bunch.

Are you fucking new to Sup Forums?

Are you? Your meta whinning isn't contributing to the discussion. Go kill yourself.

I forget does Yasaburo change voices as a woman too?

Nah femaburo is still voiced by Sakurai which is great

Maybe we'll get some this season

Don't reply to the tripfag, newfag.

Are you fitting in yet?

Don't reply to the newfag replying to the the tripfag, newfag.

Here's a (You)

I'm liking this nigga more and more. Benten a SHIT.

>Best girl
>Not okaasan

Female Yasaburo is true best girl

Stop shitposting,newfriends.

Can he be impregnated in that form?

Only one way to find out

Is another flying ship/room sequence coming soon? That was one of my favorite parts from the first season.