The absolute state of British teeth

If socialized healthcare is so good, why do Brits always have such shit teeth? You unhygienic faggots make me sick.
pic 100% related

shart in mart

Dentistry isn't socialised.

I've only done that once actually. The bathroom was surprisingly really clean and they had those things to cover the toilet seat and a bottle of Lysol to clean it off beforehand.

How was your spot on the beach this morning?

Awesome for getting your cock gobbled

Lol here we'll crack jokes on a mother fucker if his shits fucked up I mean you go to public school eventually your gonna hear it. Why don't yall do that? Plus its pretty fucking funny teeth are important aesthetically.


absolutely literally and unironically this. anglos explain now.

The absolute poorest and scummiest people don't care about dental care. I'm sure this is the same in most countries

98% of your population is poor and scummy?

Statistically have the best teeth in the world.

Feel free to keep believing some brainlet meme stemming back to when we imported sugar from our colonies though.

34% teeth.

OP pic looks like an amphetamine addict, lots of that shit in the UK....

Also they dont get the full cost for treatments and treatment is very fucking expensive.....

Feed your kids or get your teeth bleached?

*Pulls a image of Jeremy Kyle*!
Only single mothers and NEETS watch that shit! Low life scum being paid to tell their story..



picking the anomaly as your example id not an argument

Because bongs don't care as much about aesthetic care for teeth. They're less likely to get bleaching and alignment done, but their teeth are just as healthy as others. The pictures you see all the time are your standard poorfag bongs, same as any other country.

Inbred Norman genes.


All Americans have Simon Cowell teeth, they are as fucking fake as their personalities.

Japan is the same in this regard, they don't care about teeth. I will say that I find pure white teeth unattractive.

Why does Japan never get any shit for the state of their teeth? They are worse.

This is the aftermath of having separate taps for cold and hot water.

new meme
I just wish I could draw. I draw about as good as Brits brush teeth.


Vacationing in the US currently, m8?

It’s because when the nhs started, a lot of old people got free dental care and came home with free false teeth. British people then began to associate perfect white teeth with their grandma.

>I will say that I find pure white teeth unattractive

flag unironically checks out

Orthodontics destroy your jaw development

Whats your excuse for this?

You do realize that Americans suffer from the affects of meth more than any other "western" country, right?

>they are as fucking fake as their personalities.
That's the point. At least fake teeth are more affordable despite having a bigger problem with tooth decay. Oh no so many of your people are in horrible pain? That sucks!

post your jaw then chadjeet

reliance on welfare / government handouts while sitting at home being lazy and eating and not finding a job
socialism, YES

In reality they are probably trucker's wives

If Americans are so superior, why did you let your skin go a shitty colour? You racially unhygienic poofs make me sick.

Fun fact: The average Brit has better dental hygiene than the average American

Haha good one! BTFO!


>in a 12 year old


Serious question guys...
Or a brown girl
No give backs

Posting cherry picked images of the absolute lowest of the low from a modern day freakshow equivalent to make a point about British dental standards.


>modern day freakshow

What a beautiful metaphor for Great Britain

even i am a mutt but you need to stop

Brown girl. Breeding with anglos is racemixing anyway, so might as well find a cute mestizo or some shit.

so in your fucked up, psychotic little world, teeth have nothing to do with healthcare.

At least mine don't light up like the forth of July tacky Yank

too lazy to brush. stoopid fucking limeys.

Well, it's better than just giving money to some people.
Of course the best thing would be to give money to no one.

Its funny how all the pictures people use for bad British teeth are from the Jeremy Kyle show.

Its like taking photos of people from Maury Povich and then extrapolating that all Americans are obese and black... oh wait

We used to see the Osmonds and the Bee Gees with their dazzling white teeth as unnatural, and something to ridicule. Many of the apish grinning numale soyboys seem to be a little TOO obsessed with grooming, like male homosexuals, including their teeth. .


No fluoride in the water !

>No fluoride in the water !

Paki semen in the daughter!

I fail to see how that would strengthen ones teeth.

Don't knock it till you've tried it, shitlord.

Not so bad surprise. I expected much worse because in Britain there are many Niggers who are prone to pick up fights.

The Anglos themselves brawl and get rowdy. They need BOUNCERS at McDonald's.

Is there not dental insurance?

>t. semen guzzling german

uhm sweetie its 2018


I think it was a funny joke on the simpsons and became a meme over time.

Yes, since many whites have downgraded their genes & culture to Africa tier.


for (you).

That's not her real teeth lol, she actually has good teeth. Why would someone make a fake image about British teeth, divide and conquer? In fact the whole British are inbred thing is a dehumanisation tactic in general. Our media always joke about majority White areas of England being supposedly inbred which is just another tactic to ridicule and stigmatise 100% white communities.

According to OECD data, Britain and Germany tie for top spot on dental hygeine, but it's ok yankee bros 9th is pretty good

>Why would someone make a fake image about British teeth, divide and conquer?

Brexit teeth’s


>Why do Brits always have such shit teeth?
And yet American teeth are far worse.

Everyone who uses a knife and fork will be prone to an overbite. Your teeth are supposed to be pulled in to place by rending and chewing meat and tough vegetables so they line up which also helps your jaw develop. Lack of refined sugar prevents cavities. Prehistoric man had very healthy teeth. Incidently this why most kids need braces as they grow up because their teeth will grow in crooked as there isn't enough space for the teeth due to lack of jaw development.

it's for pudding

Everyone watches Jezza just to see these people.

Not necessarily, just make sure you never have teeth pulled.

i'm currently letting my wisdom tooth rot, what am i in for?

Abscess, followed by skull bone infection, followed by meningitis, followed by painful death.

Upper or lower ? Upper - Abscess,septicemia, antibiotics. Lower, Same as above with possible lingual nerve damage, resulting in loosing subtle control of your lower lip. Just makes your look a bit think while talking

>followed by painful death.
you say that like its a bad thing

lower, sometimes i get a sharp pain in the back of my head, this is a spastic thing i'm doing but i just can't get put under, can't do it

You don't need a general anaesthetic for tooth pulling, just a local anaesthetic, you won't be unconscious ! Get it pulled asap or you'll regret it.

>they are as fucking fake as their personalities.
When a bongs feelings are hurt. haha!

they decay with their nationalism

>i'm currently letting my wisdom tooth rot

r u serious

I forgot about that. Fucking giggling my ass off over here!

Confirmation bias and maybe tea consumption.


never forget your place burgers

Only in areas with high rates of niggers.

Always a kraut linking this shit meme, still butthurt about losing the battle of britain?

Go bush your tooth.


>If socialized healthcare is so good, why do Brits always have such shit teeth?
perhaps because once you are over the age of 18 the state doesn't pay for cosmetic dentistry.

Rampant alcohol consumption over centuries disfigured the British man.


The males kept fucking the ugly girls because they were permanently 10 beers deep and had no better judgement

delet this

only if you post pic of you eating an apple through a barbed wire fence

I only have 13 cavities. Stop this shit meme!




>If non socialised healthcare is so good, why do Americans always have such shits? You unhygienic faggots make me sick.
Pic related.
