Megumin Monday

Can we have a comfy Megumin thread?

Of course.

Volume 11 will have a kiss. Kazuma will man up. Screencap this.

This small girl is hitting smug levels that shouldn't even be allowed. Should we let this keep going?

can confirm, my father works at kadokawa

>roughly 40kg
Imagine how fun it would be to manhandle her tiny body. I'd just walk around the house looking for things to bend her over and fuck her on.

not for lewd


Here's a non-lewd one:
As Megumin consumes her balanced meal of lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins, a vast volume and variety of magnificent chemical reactions are occurring within her body to break down her food into usable energy.

Isn't all aerobic life just an explosion in slow motion...

what's an aerobic life?

What are you gonna do about it?

Tell her that her genuine smile is much more beautiful and restrict her ability to use explosion magic

Megumin highlights of the season:
>Yunyun vs Megumin
>the bath scene in ep 2
>Holy Sword Excalibur
>Bathing with Darkness
>Visiting Alcanretia in casual clothing
>Explosion against Hans

Which Chomusuke are you talking about?

Fuck yeah it's finally up. Megumin the bestest girl.

Wait what? Are you talking about Continued Explosions?


Daily reminder that Noro Chizu II is getting decensored. Loving, steamy sex with Megumin, now without the constraint of Japan's laws on pornography!


She looks so good in her casual clothes.

What's this? Some kind of mobage? Looks very cute.

I wanted to see more of these clothes.

Ye. Megumin collapses when she uses EKSUPLOXION!!!

I love how Megumin and Kazuma are the only characters who can pull off that uninterested anime look.

How is it called?

Chain Chronicle. But kind of pointless since the collab is over.

Oh, that sucks.

Why do japs fear the cunny?

do not reply to canadian threads

The /spa/ Megumin thread was started by a French flag.

>tfw first time seeing this and actually canadian

I can't wait for Continued Explosions to be translated anymore... please deliver, yuNS...

It's an exported Sup Forums / Sup Forums meme. You guys are supposedly shitposters along with Australians.

I personally don't but I can totally see it, seeing as the whole "Canadians are all nice" facade.

I want to feed Megumin after she hasn't eaten for three days!

>no matter what you do you will always be a leaf
Feels pretty bad desu


yeah, I still remember it
probably the second best megumin thread ever just behind >144444444

"Megumin is the best girl. Aqua is trash"

--Vladimir Putin

If you're gonna post frogs, at least post giant toads.

I don't think he would even mention Aqua.

this is what we should use our military budget for

komekko will steal it?

Going to fap to some Megumeme NTR thanks for the thread OP.

why are you telling us? masturbation is not that big of a deal
do you really need to let people know that you're going to masturbate?

She will get between Kazuma and Megumin and kiss her sister

That's cute but I hope it doesn't happen. I would ragequit so hard.

Is this appropriate underwear for an adolescent archwizard?

my penis likes it


I'm still surprised that this was included in Continued Explosions.

Kazuma and Megumin sweet love making when?

Volume 11. Mark my words.

>ywn carry Megumin and grab her ass with both hands


haha I wish. Romance in most japanese stuff is the carrot that they put in front of you to keep watching/reading the series. No incentive for them to solve it. It's short sighted, because they extract more shekels from one series at the cost of you knowing that author does this shit often and you not buying not much more from him, but they still do it all the time.

My hopes that stuff will progress in that aspect are 50/50. If it doesn't, at this point one may as well quit the series.

Even if it doesn't progress now, I'll still keep reading in hopes for an eventual conclusion.

Even if it does happen, it'd be done "off camera", so to speak. They'll make vague reference before they get started then it'll cut to the afterglow and pillow talk.

No, I meant the thread.


The one in the bathroom where they look like a young married couple always gets me.

Konosuba threads have become rude and not nice. Megumin threads are my only refuge.


slav megumin

Cute. CUTE

They are so perfect together. The kiss scene needs to happen.

Leg Locking is my fetish.


It's also her specialty.


I love this.

During /spa/, Canadians made the best threads and posts. Prove me wrong.

>no thighhigh

>my car

If I were rich, I would totally get a Megucar.

Damn it, I forgot most of what happened during /spa/. I only remember lots of SEAposters and that faggot from the vatican who can't stop posting about Raphiel and her farts.

>it's not a pinto

I remember the sports anime thread, and that huge Megumin thread that lasted all of /spa/.

I want her and Kazuma to fuck already.


Don't we all?

inb4 waifufags

She's ready to marry him and consume the marriage right after. Kazuma just needs to get his shit together.

Which part of Megumin's body would you like to smell?

Stop this degeneracy, user. Megumin is not for lewd.

But she wants to be seen as a woman...

Perfect wife material.

How did she manage to become best girl in the eyes of everyone despite being barely featured in the promotional materials?

>Best personality, design, gig
>Most individuality of all Konosuba characters
The author conceived Megumin with love and care. It couldn't have been any other way.

I like the sound of that.

not enough explosions in here

Why is Emilia the InĂștil LARPing as Megumin?

They have the same VA.

This is genuinely going to be the holy grail of porn.






Her beautiful, short black hair.