One Piece

Reminder there's no chapter this week.

Will Sanji and Pudding redeem themselves?

Sanji doesn't need to redeem itself, dumb faggot

he needs to redeem his character from how pathetic he's been for most of the arc

Who will grow older by using this? Momo? Or Luffy's child?

New Fishman Pirates, Spee. D reader

Has Sanji ever showed infatuation to Carrot?

Pretty sure the plot device wasn't introduced for a single joke.


Why didn't Jinbe defeat the New Fishman Pirates on his own?

I don't think dynamite makes people grow old, Spee-san.

Why didn't Fujitora save Dressrosa on his own?

Jinbe will never hurt a fellow fishman.

He was blackmailed, he doesn't have to redeem shit.

thats wrong tho cos fujitora cant hurt a shichi even tho how many people they kill or lives they ruin he needs to wait for doffys title to be revoked due to dressrosa to kill him in a buster call

What makes you think the real one won't be used on someone important?

Which arc are you rereading atm

Oda is a Hack confirmed.

Is Lao G Sora?

Interesting that the Crew has 3 non-humans now.

I understand why he did nothing but his logic still annoys me

>I'm not going to attempt to control the situation with the Warlord, which will prove to the world that the Warlord system is out of control

I wonder how many people died because he refused to step in.


read the arc. The answer is there.

rereading the whole thing 1 volume per week, currently at post-enies lobby.

Akainu clearly doesn't give a fuck and is willing to throw huge sums of money around in the name of JUSTICE

why would sanji and pudding be the same?
Sanji is a pile of shit and worst child for Judge while Pudding is Big mom's most favorite daughter.

theyre not meant for each other

>Pudding is Big mom's most favorite daughter.
[citation needed]

none because this is One Piece.
In fact, you could argue that things turned out better because Fuji didn't interfere. Luffy and Law beat Doflamingo's crew entirely so all the people that got turned into toys are normal again and even King Riku/Kyros are back to rule the kingdom again. That might not have happened if Fuji just took out Doflamingo by himself.

Big Mom only cares about her as a tool.

If Law gets credit for defeating Dofflamingo doesn't that defeat the whole point of Fujis plan?

Who is mother Caramel?

Some old crone

More like 3 humans.
>Talking rubber band
>(Failed) Abomination of Science
>Magical animal
>Devil Child

Not really. One Ex-Shichibukai defeating another would just show that they are filthy pirates and can't be trusted.

bad translation

He actually says it's hard to go up. An example is impel down and the war only increasing his bounty 100million when EL increased it 200million. Also as you get in that range it's harder to go up because enemies are much stronger.

>he actually thinks Big Mom cares about Pudding

quick, laugh at him

i think next chapter is a good time to find out.

the fuck you talk about?

I think Sanji is supposed to be the (failed) abomination of science. The furry is either Carrot or Pedro

Why did you change the filename, Shitposter-kun?

zoro is not human either.

>Will Sanji and Pudding redeem themselves?
By BTFO of SaNa some more.

The more you job, the higher your bounty goes up.

Ok over/under on Law using his immortality surgery to somehow reverse Kaido's immortality during Wano arc?

Im going to go with 25% of it happening.

>the Whale Shark may be one of the longest living animals in the world, with an estimated lifespan of over 100 years.
Jinbe will forced to eat it and Oda will use it to fix his boring ass design.

>Law makes Kaido mortal
>Kaido turns into good guy dindu nuffin

user he just wants another war. What's so wrong with that...

>tfw found out a theory about katakuri being the one to break the mirror last week and decided to make a youtube video
>too beta to upload because i have a terrible accent
>saw the theory posted on reddit yesterday

Reminder Buggy Tensei is a thing and with full awakening he will split the world

I don't know what's worse that the vinsmokes aren't all blonde or
their outfit's color scheme

Because it's not Zorofag

Their outfit are fine, them not all being blonde is fucking cancer though, it makes them all look like shit

>makes them all look like shit
well that's what they are

I bet Oda or someone in charge of the anime pulled back on the idea of superhumans looking suspiciously like Nazi's ideal race. Especially with all the turmoil going on in Europe.

Well yeah, but they could at least still LOOK good

He wasn't exactly going for subtlety here

Reminder OP is a faggot

>telling you kid to grow her hair out because she is ugly = bad
Your mom never gave you advice? You must be one ugly shit

The vinsmokes aren't all blonde.

I think Big Mom's scream might actually break all the mirrors.

Jinbe is perfect the way he is

Honestly, the SH need some firepower and straight characters. You can't have everyone be crazy. Not sure how Oda could balance a crew full of crazies.

Has there ever been a more Spee D. Reader post than this?


Patiently waiting next SaNa chapter.

May I ask what do you see in this ship, Nami never showed any indication that she loves Sanji. Sanji always loves the pretty girls

>no qt spaghetti spilling waifu literally willing to die for you
I don't know how much longer I can take this

He was too weak to defeat Doflamingo. Zoro would have beat the shit out of him if their fight continued.
Anons try and claim he had to leave Shichibukai alone but he captured Law.

But he was too weak to hold Law.

He was to weak to slow the birdcage.

Doflamingo was Luffy's strongest opponent other than the yonko. Stronger than any new admiral.

Luffy's King Kong gun is a yonko tier attack.

Oda already said the only guy that baby 5 will reject is Sanji

Smiles in One Piece have lost their meaning. No expression. Disgusting.

That was under Sengoku.

Me too!

Waiting for Zoro to come in and steal Pudding.

Someone in the last thread said there's a new popularity poll coming out in August, is there a source for that because I haven't seen any announcements

Well they did destroy the factory.

The latest chapter is the source

This. Fujitora isnt as strong as what people think. Hes just a newbie admiral. Doffy even planned to kill him after defeating luffy. He wasnt scared of the blind ugly fat fuck like how he was scared of aokiji in punk hazard. Sabo wasn't either.

Doflamingo wasn't scared of Luffy either and he lost.

He wasn't scared of Kouzan either but it would've been a huge waste of time for Doffy to fight him even if he somehow ended up wining.

>Reminder there's no chapter this week
Is it time for One Piece to move to a monthly magazine

Momo will become a super samurai by swallowing 100 samurai shadows and getting Bonney to make him older.

Tfw u used to be stronger than this brat but after 2 yrs the brat beats someone who fodderizes yourself in punk hazard like a little bitch you are. I bet he masturbates to luffy after hearing that luffy defeated doffy.

Because luffy got support from other people. Doffy is very confident 1 on 1.

Do they realize what they have done?


The ex graphic designer already leaked what will happen.
Luffy will train his haki in wano and the fight will begin.
Luffy and alliance vs kaidou and 3 calamaties.
Luffy uses gear 5 and beats kaidou but dies then the marines come and law makes a deal where he will revive luffy in exchange for his life then hand him over to the marines to not let them take the others.

Why does Oda likes to shit on best characters?

What do you mean? Doflamingo? He's not the fucking mc and he was never supposed to be top tier.

>You can't have everyone be crazy.
Nami, Robin, Sanji when he's not a horny sperg, Usopp, Zoro can be a straight man when he's not acting too cool to care.

Really most of the crew balances having their own quirks and calling out their more retarded friends.

This isn't DBZ, strength is not linear. Doffies fruit is a real mother fucker to deal with.

Figures that I didn't read it due to lack of interest

Doffy would have BTFO'd luffy if it wasn't for plot armour. Oda nerfed his abilities for the luffy fight. He didn't even use parasite.

Would Doffy be a tiger-dad?

>Takes 8 year old children bounty hunting and seems annoyed that they cannot subdue a grown man without his help

It was a very unsatisfactory fight. Just put the cage on people one by one mingo you fucking retard.

>He didn't even use parasite
He did right at the end, it didn't really work on him

Why is Smoker such an embarassment?

Faggot can never keep up.

No, he din't. Birdcage is bullshit. More like he buffed his stamina so Law and Luffy would be needed. Doffy is an insect to G4.

Funny how Whitebeard's svastika was somehow crossing the line, but this is ok.