Rare holohoax arguements

Would the Germans really have built gas chambers (with windows) on the direct other end of the the camp? In full view of the city of lublin?

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What gas chambers?

>not wanting to watch Jews get gassed from the safety of a window

Been there in 2013 and I can tell you I am more of a sceptic than ever.

The Gas chambers are a fucking joke and the crematorium was tiny.

Part 2

You would need at least half an hour per body with these tiny things.

The counter argument now is the furnace manufacturer "says" 3000 bodies can go in there, A DAY!
Gets better, that every day since the start of the war thousands of live people were being shoved into those blast furnaces and the ashes were taken away by train cars, no joke

why not?

which camp is this?

Windows are totally essential for gas chambers. Gotta let in the air, or someone might feel ill with all the gas.

Starting from a false premise like all holocaust denial material, they were originally delousing chambers.

I think that this bodies per day is a valid question that should be easy enough prove right or wrong.

You could rebuild these things and shove 3000 pigs in there. I find it hard to image that there will be only ashes left after a day.

And more pics. Here the entrence to the gas chamber.

I hope they did because aside from jews they've also threw gypsies there.
t. moved out from Lublin for work, liked the place a lot

The same as OPs

Poland had 3.5 million Jews prior to 1939.

After the war, nearly 95% of them had disappeared.

You can 'muh 6 quingorllion!!' all day, but i've yet to see any holocaust denier refute this with anything remotely approaching plausible.

I think you may be referring to the authenticated german documents that claim they could at Auschwitz (I don't know if there are documents for Majdanek) cremate 4756 a day - using 49 ovens, although they wanted to build more to have a greater capacity. there are also documents of an argument with the builders because the chimneys burned out from over use, suggesting they were really running them over that capacity.

but I have not heard about train loads of ash - given the amount of ash a person makes (under 1 cubic inch per pound) an average romanian jewish peasant would be smaller than a small shoebox. you could put a million into a pile the size of seven tennis courts only ten feet high. it isn't train loads, or mountains, it is not even a hill

No matter how emaciated the jews were, the remaining body fat from the bodies would cause an inferno according to that (((theory)))

If this is true, this works explain why Poland is not being jew'd into accepting an invasion from mena.

So, should it be true it would have been beneficial for Poland.

These people were starved but does it take more time and energy to burn a skinny body?

There is a giant pile of ash and bones next to the crematorium. This was really depressing to look at.

Is your system font times New Roman?? WTF..

U chink m8?

The amount of material needed to burn 6 million corpses is LUDICROUS.
If anyone here has ever had a fire / furnace house heating system, you'll know that it takes S LOT of coal or wood to keep just a single room warm in winter for the whole day.
To burn corpses to ASH takes tens and tens of times that and all at the same time.
The numbers are impossible.
It would be ten times easier to just force them to dig their own mass grave and shoot them in and bury the dirt over the top. It makes no sense whatsoever.
It's insane that people believe the holocaust stats.
I personally do think the nazis did indeed try and kill many jews but 6 million in gas chambers? What a load of shit.
Maybe 2 million jews MAX including camps and war stats. 6 million my asshole.
There's a reason all the plaques and shit for Auschwitz all have different numbers for dead jews.

This is what i think, too. I do believe that it happened but the numbers seem off.

Notice no holes in the roof. The official and real story is that the germans tossed in zyklon b pellets and quickly shut the door.

It was a delousing chamber and no humans ever died in it

Today OP was a pretty cool guy

*the "gas chambers" are on the direct other side of the camp from the ovens. Makes sense the germans are know for their poor organization

Ah, so you could say that it was humanitarian chambers?

Poland also had 12 million Germans living in it after 1945, and almost all of them were gone by 1950. What happened to those Germans?

Poland saved Europe from Islamisation from the Turks. They knew how Muslims treated Jews, and how they were a marauding people of the sand. It's very unlikely that the Poles would have granted Muslims the same privileges that they did to the Jews for 800+ years prior. I doubt that even Polish Jews would have wanted it.

Also, it is true, lol. Unless you wish to believe that the Polish census of 1931 and immigration records past that until 1939 were fabricated.

Yes and we asked us the same thing.

You have one door and no openings. How the hell are you going to get the next group in there without killing the guard.

It makes more sense when you assume that the crematorium was used for people that straved to death.

Why would they use zyklon b, cyanide + irritant, rather than plain cyanide?

oy vey
you will pay for the 6million louses


There is a cemetery directly adjacent to majdanek. The jews forbid the poles from putting in a crematorium, in fear if there is ever a backlog people will wonder how the germans managed to burn 3000 bodies a day right next door

"oh mr kike, our ovens are full, can we use majdaneks? We only have 500 bodies to burn so it should only take 4 hours.

"Youse GOYIM better stop asking questions abut our $$$ holoHOAX or we'll send some more jets into your skyscrapers!"


You've almost tripled that number. Around 4.5 million were in once occupied Poland in 1945. I really wonder why the Poles wanted Nazi collaborators out of the country??

The fact that this discussion is illegal in Germany makes me even more suspicious.

Cyanide is kind of hard to distribute by air..

The holohoax.
Because when something is so truthful it cannot be questioned and if you dare to question it you will go to jail.

> 1945 "6 million jews died in holocaust"
> 2018 "6 million jews died in holocaust"

What is this room?

It has Prussian blue staining, which makes me think it had to be a delousing chamber. What was it officially used for?

According to our guide this is the gas chamber.

> not a valid question
> actually illegal desu

you mean (((authenticated))) and (((testimonies)))

like almost every fabricated bullshit safe a few token "fakes" to feign credibility

No shit. If this was truly the best documented and sourced event in human history, as they claim, it wouldn't be illegal to discuss it. - It's not illegal to discuss and debate how many people died at the battle of Kursk on either side of the battle for example.

And it gets even more suspicious when you think that AUSCHWITZ!!! is used as a weapon to justify anything and destroy any actual opposition, to indoctrinate, censor and shut down anyone who questions the current world order.

Also: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amalek#Amalekites_in_the_Hebrew_Bible

its not merkel that made it illegal, thats on the kryptokike occupators

What do locals think? are they skeptical or do they buy the story?

I'm Polish and aall the Poles I know seem toh ave alatent anti semetic gene

> Majority of jews lived in Kresa
> After the Eastern Poland wasn't Poland anymore
>Millions of jews appear out of magic in Palestine

>jews and commies made up a lot of shit in the years trough the war to justify their deathcount along with shilling for various millions of le gassed jews before anyone even entered the any "death camp"
>therefore its only plausible their lies are true

Angela Kasmierczak aka Kasner is a Polish cryptokike whose parents and grandparents, who were socialist/communists, fought against Germany in both world wars.

They are sceptical, too.

Burning 3000 bodies a day one by one by putting them into the oven like a pizza.

Some went to the Soviet Union, some to America, an abundance to Israel, others spread far and wide and of course a fair few died in the war. The
>disappearance of "3.5 million Jews living in Poland"
is not the equivalent of
>The Holocaust happened
That's merely your inability to question or critique propaganda.

>fire alarm

>I really wonder why the Poles wanted Nazi collaborators out of the country??

Clearly the Poles weren't interested in rocket science so they could into Space like the US.

Anyways, what happened to those 4.5 gorillion Germans?

Poland can into space

>Mfw the goyim develope hyper advanced mass produced Holocaust analyzing technologies on accident and rip open Pandora's box of anti-semitism like a wet fart

>Eternal Americunt calling any German "a Nazi collabortar"
>denies the number and justifies the ethnic cleansing and murder of millions at the same time
You never changed, Eternal enemy

It's not though.
Hydrogen cyanide (HCN), sometimes called prussic acid, is a chemical compound[8] with the chemical formula HCN. It is a colorless, extremely poisonous and inflammable liquid that boils slightly above room temperature, at 25.6 °C (78.1 °F).
Adding irritant to make zyklon b only makes the Jews realize they are being gassed and panic

My mom cremates animals for the humane society here and they can get through maybe a couple dozen animals a day in their much larger, modern cremation oven. The biggest dogs would take a couple hours, and after each load they have to grind the bones. Small cats may take like 30 minutes. In their oven they can fit several dogs at a time, but it's usually one by one because private pet owners don't want mass cremation.

Actually this is untrue. A hoard of Muslim horse archers rode into Europe and settled some lands. The Polish king, being a pretty smart guy said "hey how about I make you guys aristocrat class and in exchange you fight for Poland"

The Tatars fought for Poland in the battle of Vienna and have a very good reputation in Poland even today. An average polish skin head who screams about rapefugees will defend the Polish Muslim Liptak tatar minority

>denies the number and justifies the ethnic cleansing and murder of millions at the same time

You fucking deserved it Kraut after your little Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact with the communists, besides Silesia and Prussia was Polish clay to begin with. You didn't lose anything that was yours to begin with.


You are an absolute Untermensch and probably a Pole yourself.
I am not even going to bother with your lies and shit. Rot in hell, you piece of shit and may the devil take your soul!

Where is their nation state then? The prophecy promises it. Then again, they aren't ((())).

Delousing. It's part of bath and disinfection 1 and there are many german wartime documents describing it's function, it's reason for being built etc

> The naked Americans took their places under many showerheads along a white-tiled wall. There were no faucets they could control. They could only wait for whatever was coming. Their penises were shriveled and their balls were retracted. Reproduction was not the main business of the evening.

> An unseen hand turned a master valve. Out of the showerheads gushed scalding rain. The rain was a blow-torch that did not warm. It jazzed and jangled Billy's skin without thawing the ice in the marrow of his long bones.

> The Americans' clothes were meanwhile passing through poison gas. Body lice and bacteria and fleas were dying by the billions. So it goes.

how about you carpet bomb every nation that's trying to annex some land

3 million were expelled back to germany, 1 million were kept in PL with another ~400,000 killed. this is all google-able?

lmao! stay sour, kraut.

like the amazing moon landings that for some odd reason are not replicable and the ((original)) video footage is no longer found.

Sure I may not know what happened to them, but I know what didn't happen to them. There are tons of other plausible explanations. They moved to Soviet territories, changed names, moved. How do we know how many are missing?

>Majority of Jews lived in Kresy

not true retard, sorry! over 60% of poland's jews were under german control, with about 33% being taken by the soviets. and if you believe the nazi's just let the jews leave to palestine, or the soviets let them leave prior to the germans invading russia a year later, you're a deluded chump.

>Poland had 3.5 million Jews prior to 1939.

>After the war, nearly 95% of them had disappeared.
What is the creation of Israel and picrelated. As the Bolsheviks kikes did their Scorched Earth massacres of the eastern european population in 1941, they evacuated trainload after trainload of heebs eastwards. This is easily verifiable. Where do you think the sudden influx of population in Israel came from?

If you were actually doing this, you'd liquefy the bodies by dumping them into industrial mulchers, mixing in sea water and pumping the slurry several kilometres out into the Baltic.

Sure, I am certainly am aware of the Lipka Tatars. Though, their population in Poland is and was almost quite literally non-existent. There were ~2000 in the 2011 census. They're also quite liberal compared to any other group of Muslims on Earth. But yeah, any group or ethnicity who put Poland first was welcome, to PL's glorious benefit.

For some reason windows are not supposed to be in gas chambers. Also, Germans did not even want to gas Jews let alone watch them...

you got me mutt I think your right. Kresy was populated by a much higher percentage of jews, but it had much less people overall

Anyways since you believe in the holocaust 6 million can you explain to me why 6 million were thoguht to have died in 1945, and 6 million are thought to have died today, when the majdanek official death totals alone dropped from 1.5 million to 70,000?



>>have "gas the kikes" as a rallying cry
>>muh superior race couldn't be that evil to do that. The ovens are not that big!!!
Well, gee golly, I guess those ovens were built so Hitler could establish pizza parlors for everyone and eradicate world hunger.
That's why they made the kraut civilians to march in and clean the camps. The scale of the slaughter really makes us question if it really happened.
That doesn't mean that Hitler did something wrong mind you... just that "superior German engineering" didn't translate well to oven construction.

What a surprise!


Yeah yeah, you talk a lot for someone who lost control of his country to Muslims. The Poles had every right to take Prussia and Silesia and then deport your asses to that gulag you called the German Democratic Republic. The fact that those two parts of the former German Empire aren't full of shit skins speaks volumes in its own right.

People who say that mean It didn't happen back then but they want it to happen in the future. SO it's not a contradiction

The ovens were there because lots of people were dieing due to typhus epidemics etc. Ellis island has ovens, were they genociding immigrants?

They made germans march in because of black propoganda

lmao i would have thought even neo-nazi's would have known by now in 2018 that wikipedia is reliably sourced. google for the 1931 census for a different site to appease your deluded mind, then. or just go to the bottom of the page and look at citations, or literal fucking pictures of the documents lol.

They never existed in the first place.

> retarded mumbling

What I dont get is that they were supposedly killing thousands of people per day at these places, but there is all of these "holocaust survivors". How? You hear these stories of how they lived there for months or years. If the turn over was thousands a day why were they keeping some alive? It doesnt make sense.

So when the USSR started playing around demographics, it's not possible that those Jews moved to other parts of the USSR or Israel? I mean fuck, where did all the Jews in Israel come from?

This one should be edited to included the christian population from the same dates, which drops by about 100 000 000 souls.

thanks for translating what would have been another one of your factually unfounded statements

Tough talk from a meme flag faggot

> 6 million jews killed was known in 1945
> Majdanek death total was 1.5 million then
> Today the majdanek death total is 70,000
> 6 million jews killed is still the figure today

please explain.

Irene zasblatt, the women we were taught in school hid diamonds in poop, never told anyone her story of being a holocaust survivor until after she watched schindlers list

I cited west german/federal german archive numbers, if you're implying that those numbers were somehow USSR drafted. and israel's jews came from all over Europe after WW2. the soviets wouldn't let them leave out of their countries until the 60's/70's.


Nigga please, it's one thing to criticize the kikes about the infinite holocaust credit card that they cash in whenever they want to steal someone. It's quite another to deny that the Germans killed a shitload of people.
Nazi love is already considered abhorrent with or without the holocaust. Embrace the hatred and grow because of it.

it's almost as if there was more than 1 camp! wow whoa!!?!

it's also almost as if a lot of jews died from methods outside of concentration camps

there is no such thing as a romanian jewish peasant or any other kind of jewish peasant. The kikes can't do hard work like work like farming.

Zyklon B is incredibly toxic even after it's been used. The bodies would be filled with it and you would have to wait about 12 hours or so for it to even be safe to handle. A bullet is much cheaper than building a camp to kill people in such an inefficient way.

So you admit 6 million was a lie?

If that's true how did sondercommandos work like this for over a year? They even had lunch among the corpses

So youre retarded or jewish enough to think you will convince anyone with this? You tihnk we dont know there was more than one camp

6 million jews died. Oops we overestimated majdanek by 1.4 million. 6 million jews died. This is what you believe?

if that's what you inferred from what i said, you're kinda braindead

he means within the new post-war polish borders