How is this nigga stronger than Super Sayajin Blue without any kind of transformation or even training?

How is this nigga stronger than Super Sayajin Blue without any kind of transformation or even training?

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Plot convenience

He isn't. Super Saiyan blue offers ki control to a point where goku can lower his ki to a power level below a regular super saiyan. The regular super saiyan transformation is raw uncontrollable power and can't be suppressed.

Buddy, these things somehow leisurely bitchslapped people who blow up planets on a bad day. You're looking at the wrong series for consistencies.

The Androids have infinite energy therefore they are infinitely powerful. The better question is why do you retards never stop power level wanking, I mean really are you 12 years old?

He is still way stronger than post God Ki SSJ Goku.

In old DBZ characters learned to become more powerful by pumping out more and more power.
In Super characters learned to become stronger by containing the power they pump out within themselves.

Super saiyan was the peak of pumping out power with no control. When pumping out power was the only game in town it was unstoppable. But now that control has become a critical factor, the other characters can start to catch up by making up for lack of power with better control.

So maybe the androids are the peak of power control. They have perfect control of their power because of technology, but their actual base power is quite low. This would explain why they can't be sensed (similar to the gods). And how some scientist managed to make beings so strong out of ordinary humans.

So if 17 spent years raising his base power, with perfect control he would become stronger much faster than everyone else.

Basically Cell is literally perfect.

Remember how strong Frieza was with no training? How Frieza with 4 months of light exercise and dieting managed to become stronger than any character in the entire original run of DBZ?

Do you remember how much stronger base Android 17 was to base Frieza? It's the same logic for Friezas massive power increase. Goku and Vegeta are low power fight apes who basically spent so much time training to make up for being lower power fight apes. Meanwhile, every big bad is basically at such a high baseline for power they never really exert themselves in training, so the lower power fight apes make up the difference.

17 and Frieza are examples of just how easy it is for them to close that gap

Imagine if perfect cell had trained.

Perfect cell was only around for a few days and trained maybe once, so much potential.

I know people are going to defend this, so I'll say it right now: Don't.

Both Goku and 17 were holding back, sure. But there's still a problem here: There is no visible 'Gap' between the two. If they were both holding back yet were seemingly equal? Then that means 17 is still somehow stronger than a Goku who has:

Trained 7 years in otherworld
Absorbed the Power of SSG
Fought a GoD and lived to talk about it
Fought Golden Frieza, who was as strong as a form several times stronger than SSG
Trained for 3 years in the RoSaT
Got his ass handed to him by Hit
Received numerous zenkais over the Black Arc
Fought an insanely powerful Fusion that only got fucked up because Black and Zamasu weren't compatible. Had they been, then they would have been truly fucked through and through.
Became x10 stronger: proven by Goku overpowering Hit without the need of Kaioken x10. Hit wasn't holding back either, the dude was going all out like he promised he would. Fucker killed Goku, which is quite the feat.

All 17 has done is:
Range a fucking park for a decade or more.
Give some energy to the Genki Dama to destroy Majin Buu.

That's fucking it.
It's illogical and stupid as shit.
It's plot convenience and it's garbage. They could've at least fucking explained it.

Despite all of this, this dumb ass motherfucker is like:
Toei what the fuck are you doing???

The one thing I can respect about the manga, as shit as it may be at times, it at least isn't as fucking absurd with plot points. (With the cost of it being infinitely less dire at all times and lacking any real spectacular moments.)

**Tell my family I said peace out
Why the fuck did I put senpai?

you must be going insane f a m

Dragon Ball Super is utterly retarded in this regard, but let's assume this is plausible. Let's assume that the whole "Frieza trained for four months and surpassed everything Goku has fought ever since" thing isn't just a gigantic asspull. Let's even go as far as to assume that 17 COULD have gotten stronger than Golden Frieza with ten years of training.

Why? Why would he train so hard when his only opponents are poachers armed with guns? This requires early Dragonball levels of power. Kid Goku wrecked Red Ribbon goons left and right, and even when Goku first met Bulma he survived a bullet to the face. There would be absolutely no reason for him to train.

And it STILL bugs me that all this shit could've been prevented by having team U7 train with Whis for a day. Yeah, a massive powerboost in a day is a bit of a stretch but it's not like this is the first time we've seen it.

Shit, this is another good point I probably should've thought of.

This would be like a rookie, inexperienced fighter fighting against children every day for 10 years, and wins a fight against a world champion who has even more years of hard-earned experience.

I wonder if any of what's been going on is what Toriyama intended to happen fully, or if Toei is just doing what they can to make fights entertaining.

Because as the manga has shown: Toei and Toyotaro are getting VERY different drafts/guidance for the material they put out.

Imagine if Sup Forums stopped sucking the least interesting villain's dick for half a second.

10 years beating up poachers. > training with gods

Yamcha shoulda sticked to baseball...

>raw uncontrollable power and can't be suppressed

Explain right after the time chamber then you dunce. Stop spewing nonsense.

>And it STILL bugs me that all this shit could've been prevented by having team U7 train with Whis for a day.
Is there any chance left they will use the Time Chamber to train after the team is gathered?

Galactic poachers all day every day. That or his wife is a universally level slut and 17 needs to train his body to fully satisfy her.

Based of the fact that the narrator keeps mentioning exactly how much time is left, this seems likely

You ever play buu's fury or Xenoverse or just any rpg and just fight all the weak low level enemies.

17 did that with poachers for 10 years just did a lot of grinding.

Imagine how strong Goku would be if he had to personally kill every animal he ate and got EXP for that. He'd be able to make Zeno his bitch halfway through the Cell saga.

I doubt it. This and Dende unlocking everyone's potential make too much sense for Toriyama to allow it.

Right now they're having Goku test everyone's strength as they are, which appears to to mean they're going to fight without anymore training (except Gohan and Picollo).

This is all Chi-Chi's fault
You can't get XP from plants

My fav DBZ game.

Then again, 17 has an abnormal body due to the enhancements. Maybe his body just doesn't work like you'd expect.

bad writing

dont look for a reason or explanation.

its just retarded nonsense plot

And people thought Super 17 Saga was stupid

Plot convenience. They just wanted him to be useful and used the "hurr I trained offscreen" as an excuse.