Destroying leftist careers in academia

Is it morally justifiable to destroy the career of far leftist/marxist/sjws in academia on lies?

I am in a position to destroy the 5 year career of a far left douchbag marxist at my school. They openly hate whites and push white genocide and I have been put in a position to get them fired and likely ruin their professional career but it is based on a lie.

I believe it is morally justified because the left has decided to ideologically as a group lie, change words meanings, do anything to attack non leftist students/academics/anyone. Case in point was the marxist professor at Laurier University Nathan Rambukkana who literally lied (a fucken prof) about a complain to silence a TA that dared to provide 2 sides to an argument.

Please confirm Sup Forums it is justified. This person will suffer greatly from this. It will ruin their life. I also dedicate their suffering to Nathan Rambukkana.

yes, wtf
do him

>but it is based on a lie
Then don't do it, user. We are not like the leftists. We don't have to cheat to get ahead.

Everything is justified.
This is total war.
We're either the best generation of Europeans, or the last.

>Then don't do it, user. We are not like the leftists. We don't have to cheat to get ahead.

All's fair in love and war faggot

White people are failing because they have too much compassion for non-whites. Think: what would Jews do? Wwjd. Whites need to start fucking over the nonhumans first.

of courshe

Is it morally justifiable? No.

But admit it Sup Forums you're just as immoral as the left side just in different ways. The only truly moral stance is non involvement.

On hand we socially castrate a single leftist.
On the other hand if the lie gets out it would be all too easy for the left to warp it into "wyppl or alt-right hate _____ (race, orientation, identity of person) so much they lie to ruin our careers." or whatever else half truth they want to spin out of it.

>Is it morally justifiable?
Without a doubt, lefty fucks would do the same were the roles reversed.
>Is it the proper course of action?
Probably not.

>Is it morally justifiable? No.

This is a war against those that have no morals, against those that think the existence of whites is reprehensible and that white culture is an abomination that needs to be eliminated at any cost.

I think when you fight the worst, most murderous and inhuman movement in history then morals are not to be considered as the enemy will not, and has not, acted moral.

the person in question is a self hating white communist

>self hating white
That would make the left backlash that much worse if the lie were to get out, in my opinion.
"Imagine how much worse the lie would have been if I had been a minority! We can't let this injustice stand! All whites need to be removed from admin or power roles!" Albeit that's not different from the tune they're currently singing, it just adds more fuel to their fire.

But you do you. If it makes your life/job better or easier then by all means do it. The idiocy of the left hopefully won't be a thing for much longer.


Fucking do it OP, fuck leftists.

Kek wills it. Do it!

Make them suffer, but do not tarnish your honour to do it.

Do it. Stop thinking about it, do it. Now.

I'd normally say no. But their anti-white rhetoric should have been the end of them so do it.

kek wills it

& the moral conclusion was reached long ago

kek lives in this thread!

Everything is not justified.
But turnabout is always fair play

These radical professors need to be stopped. They have an obligation as a teacher to be neutral and to let the students learn and come to their own conclusions. They are teaching as if they already know what is right and are telling students that they have to conform to their beliefs or be black balled and called a racist. The ones that aren't teaching from a neutral standpoint are manipulating their students. This is a problem bc now colleges are forcing sjw bullshit down everyones throats.

this, do it

check this dumb nigger out. could you handle the shitstorm backlash if your dirty kike plot was ever unearthed? probably not.

It won't and it won't affect me as much as you would think.

The leftist is finished, their career is over.

The problem is the worst of the worst of these professors are employed to teach anti-white and anti-male crap. They're not just spouting their opinion, but reading from the course textbook. All the 'studies' courses (gender, race, queer etc) need to go.

What is the tldr

do not sacrifice your virtue, user.

I don't think you'll be successful with it, but judge them by their own standards. If they ruined the lives of those who partook in the #UniteTheRight rally, then they are fair game.

They would destroy you for far less and then laugh about it over soy lattes. They wouldn't even remember your name after the coffee break.

Destroy them. Compassion and "morals" are why they have any foothold at all.

This. You really need to think long term rather than short term. You are opening a pandoras box where the ramifications of consequences produce more consequences with more ramifications. By the way, you are likely not the only person that they upset. Allow them to demonstrate what you clearly know will be a failure and it will back lash on them. The last thing you want is another leftist who has no job.