Which character would you want Araki to rewrite?
JoJo Thread
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Fugo as a traitor.
Kars, become more fleshed out like kira
Jobin as main villain.
Have Old Joseph not be useless in the final battle with Dio and actually manage to fuck him up a bit with hamon and hermit purple.
He had an interesting emotional nutjob thing going for him, too bad I guess
What is Diego?
Giorno. He's one of the worst characters in the series
Esidisi was fun as brain.
Kill yourself, fanboy
>The alien episode redrawns
Good shit
Yeah, it's only ALMOST as good as the manga now. Instead of being total shit designed for babies :^)
Shigechi never really had a chance to shine I feel.
Why is she so perfect?
Wait which one is which?
Left one is the good one
>unironically liking part 3 Jotaro
How to spot a pleb
That's a sad baseball.
Post Jojo characters as cute girls
Who cares? It's just low-tests celebrating nothing.
But he defeated Kira.
President Valentine.
He may be an absolutely unique antagonist, but his personality is still too self-contradictory to make sense.
I've seen this in every thread and still don't understand it.
Get out
Does he have the biggest balls out of any JoJo character?
>Being a faggot who needs every protag to behave like Naruto/Goku/Gon/generic shounenshit
"joseph fans"
But seriously, after 5 years of the same tired shit you kids really need to neck yourselves.
Every Shinobu frame was fucking terrible, I can't believe we had the stomach to endure that
It's just one guy trying to force his own new epic meme.
Diavolo version of the short lived Cockona meme.
Johnny made it seems that Valentine was some selfish faggot but why would a sellfish faggot send a guy to save his country after his own death? That's the act of a real hero if you ask me.
This is why the Ruskies should've nuked them
The legs were inside you all along Johnny.
Care to explain why? Well, him being a fat manlet the first times is sure as hell something I'd want changed
Oh god
Did they hire the guys who worked on Kanon and Clannad to do this?
True. But he never got a real chance at development I feel. He's a douche one minute, then tells the heroes who Kira is a dies immediately afterwards. He really deserved better for a brojo.
He was the only converted antagonist who actually contributed to the plot as well.
Memeing DiU's horrid drawings is just beating a dead horse at this point
Altough Killer Quality is still pretty funny though
What the fuck is this, they're both bad
You mean her eyes on the bottom?
>Killer Queen Quality
Post the picture please.
What's the in-Universe explanation of post-Part 3 Stands not having a basis from Tarots or Gods?
>still has a beard
>He was the only converted antagonist who actually contributed to the plot as well.
How about Polnareff and Kakyoin? Or FF and Wekapipo. And Okuyasu and Rohan.
>not liking girls with facial hair.
But that's modern Kyoani
I'm talking about mid 2000s Kyoani
Nothing. Besides, both Kenny G and Vanilla Ice have non-Tarot Stands already in Part 3.
There is none. There never really was a reason for them to be named after Tarot cards and Egyptian gods either though.
Can he feel his dick?
This is the same director and designer combo as Clannad, the uguu didn't change much
Of part 4 I meant. But you are right, I actually forgot Okuyasu and Rohan.
Okuyasu as a villain feels a bit arguable since he was just following orders, though I guess it still counts.
Rohan was only helping out of respect for Reimi. I don't think he truly became a hero. The guy still tried to kill Josuke while gambling with him. He just went from chaotic neutral to lawful neutral.
can he feel his butthole?
I like all the protagonists except Jotaro, even Giorno is a better protagonist even though Bruno was really the main start of part 5.
Also Jotaro fucked up so bad the universe got reset.
He can move his knees.
>even Giorno is a better protagonist
Maybe if you like sex dolls.
That aside, I'm not sure. He still wears a diaper until the end.
I kinda wonder if Gyro had to ever change him. Would make sense given that the exhibit levels of homo far greater than that of the previous Jos/Brojos.
Since Ball Breaker looks the way it does, I assume Gyro grinded against his dick at least once, or wanted too.
I don't remember the diaper past that one scene
>Fortune teller tells Diavolo his glory will never diminish as long his double identity is a secret
>Diavolo's downfall starts when Polnareff realizes there are two Diavolos
Was this, dare I say it, pottery?
He's still paraplegic. How else is he supposed to use the bathroom?
It's subtle, but a few panels make it sorta obvious.
Was this intentional somehow or is it just araki magic again?
It all goes back to the how much can he feel question, he has a range of motion in his hips and thighs.
He just remembered it is all.
Araki has a very good memory.
Yes. He failed to keep the secret so he got rekt.
>Diavolo! You're Diavolo!
>Yes! I am Diavolo!
Was it supposed to sound so awkward?
The point was to show that Rohan is his fucking Gary Sue
Maybe the real legs was the corpse of Jesus Christ we found along the way.
No. It got re-translated for a fucking reason
He has multiple times that Rohan is nothing like him besides being a mangaka. He likes Josuke while Rohan hates him. And if Rohan were a gary sue, why doesn't he have an ultimate stand like Tusk and GER?
He also said that rock man mangaka was supposed to show up in part 8 too. So it's just a fun character to write for him I guess.
>even when you break it to pieces and entomb it in stone, it crawls out like a worm
>buried his mum and got discovered
>He got stabbed by the arrow, not hard
So did Giorno against Black Sabbath
Diavolo didn't bury his mom. I thought it was the priest.
> he doesn't think heaven's door is OP as fuck
> he doesn't know araki's flatly said he wants heaven's door as a stand
> he doesn't notice rohan gets his own separate manga, a few books and a shit ton of art from araki
It was the priest. The priest was Diavolo's third personality in another body, clearly.
He has literally one of the most powerful stands in JoJo what are you on about.
Heaven's Door can't be OP if he can't just write "I know who the killer in Morioh is" and uncover Kira's identity and save them from even being in this mess.
He also gets his ass kicked multiple times, exploded multiple times, has childhood trauma after his babysitter died while he was in the house, has a terrible haircut, almost loses his stand to a kid in rock paper scissors, almost gets hit by a truck, has his house burned down, loses a finger, and goes bankrupt after buying a stupid cursed mountain range.
Diavolo is Kira 2.0 , he was a psychotic kid that pretend to be meek tortured his mother and rape Trish's mom. If anyone needs to be rewritten its him.
And that priest was Pucci and whole part 6 was just another convoluted death from GER. And that's why Giorno didn't show up. DEEPEST LORE OCEAN.
You are so fucking stupid.
Araki makes a point of saying in his author's word that he picks up compendium books like that all the time to help him draw, and then proceeds to draw Rohan buying a fucking compendium book to do the exact same thing.
If you're too fucking stupid to see through Araki's horseshit, that's your issue. Don't fucking sell your shit opinion where Rohan isn't an obvious self insert when he is.
He's one of the MOST OBVIOUS self inserts in a story I've ever fucking seen.
>Heaven's Door
>Not a top level stand ability
Kill yourself
>plz let me drag my retard headcanon argument into this thread :^)
He also shoplifts.
Why Kira developed a new ability but Giorno didn't?
No dignity
Because Kira was HUNGRY for it and the arrow drew itself to him, Black Sabbath stabbed GE with an arrow over and over by force, and that doesn't do anything unless it's the Requiem arrow.
Arrows doesn't react to hunger.
Shows what you know about Jojo, retard.
Go read American comics
Why did Giorno kill Polpo again?
He was a douche but it wasn't his fault Black Sabbath killed some background guy. He can't control it. Plus his stand was a pretty good way to recruit people for the mafia. And he was just following orders anyway, very vague orders, but his whole job was just to do that stuff.
To create a disruption of power in order to climb ranks within the gang.
Plz stop being stupid
Maybe Giorno already got GER from that but never realized it? The arrow at the end was wholly unnecessary, but it still looked cool.
Arrows react to stand potential. Also Giorno was also "hungry" since he almost died there.
He killed Mario. If you can't control a weapon you shouldn't release it. Also Polpo was doing it for years so many gangster wanabe without stand potential were most likely killed by him.
Giorno is a good guy.
>he also gets his ass kicked multiple times
This is something I actually really liked about all of Rohans fights, that despite having a pretty OP stand and a smart enough user to use it, it never seemed stupid that Rohan was at a disadvantage
That being said I kind of wish part 4 had more actual fights with him and the rest of the Duwang gang, but I suppose his stand is why he got the fights he got. If he were to be in any other fights they would all be ezpz