What is best way to convince my friends to be against male circumsision?

I have seen it multiple times and read articles about all kinds of horrible consequences of people having their dicks cut off, infections, not able to piss, nerve damage etc and strongly oppose it, but my 2 closest friends in uni strongly dissagree with me (they are female). What is the best way to argue against it? Is there something that im missing that makes me wrong?

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>my 2 closest friends
>they are female

Tell them only Ässät fans support circumcision.

The better question is why are you so obsessed with baby dicks?

You are making alot assumptions here and my gender or personal information isnt relevant in context of this question, thank you for your precious input..

Its up to the penis owner. If its women, you are arguing against their cosmetic preference. But you can ask what they think of fgm and if they would want that decided for them.


One of my relatives had to get circumcised past middle age, painful and even dangerous. Circumcised infants heal very quickly. Seems hard to argue against.

Ask them if cutting a babies ear lobes off would be acceptable.

Well, lookup the study where they did MRI imaging on a circumsized newborn and it fucked up its brain permanently, that's a start.

Dont think itll work i sayd something similiar when we were talking about it, they have the mindset that female circumsision is so much worse that male one is not bad in comparison.

You sound extremely homosexual.

this lmfao
OP is literally a fag

I thought Finns were asexual creatures that reproduced by mitosis.

>people getting their dicks cut off
If your doctor cut your dick off when performing a circumcision, then he’s probably not a very good doctor and you’re most likely obligated to enough legal compensation to buy an entirely new dick for yourself

>David Peter Reimer (August 22, 1965 – May 4, 2004) was a Canadian man born physically male but reassigned as a girl and raised female following medical advice and intervention after his penis was accidentally destroyed during a botched circumcision in infancy


This is correct! Taking a closer look at Finn’s gene pool, a large part of their ethnicity is from their ancient ancestors, such as bacteria and other single called organisms who, believe it or not, use mitosis to this day! Science sure is a hoot!

>Canadian doctor
Explains everything

Hahahaha that really is a prime example of the skill Canadian doctors have in their craft

The poblem is that youre arguing with women

Homo mee töihi

Go for the point of choice. Would they want decisions about permanently altering their sex organs made by someone else? Of course not.

Back the FUCK off.

Tell them that it removes the natural lubrication that it provides in sex and masturbation (helps against aids/stds due to less chance of skin breaking), keeps the glans from drying out or roughening and becoming all dry/scaly looking, messes with the growth of the penis which can cause a smaller, less girthier penis, There's also a great chance that the circumcision will be botched leading to scarring, infections, nerve damage, and even death. It's also permanent despite "restoration" methods, because the foreskin is of a different elastic tissue than the other penis skin and lost nerves can't be gotten back. Circumcision also causes psychological trauma of which it's effects linger around well into adulthood. You also lose the ability to pee or cum into a skin balloon which is incredibly convenient during emergencies.

Donate to foregen, goys. It's all so close.

You give them genital mutilation and then ask if they liked it.

U mad?

t. Tappara fan.


If that's the level of argumentation you're getting from them, I wouldn't bother. You might as well slap them in the face and tell them “it’s ok, a punch would have been worse”.

Where in Finland is dickchopping a custom? What the fuck? Are they some Ameriboos who think it's hip and the right thing to do? Maximum collateral jewry.

Anyways, just tell them that it is a sensitive issue for men and if the kid wants to get himself chopped as an adult he is free to do so but you shouldn't decide it for him. If that fails just jam a bunch of bullshit research papers in their face, dumb cunts don't understand anyway so you can convince them of any conclusion you feed them.

ask them what amount of female circumcision would be equivalent


a picture of my dick

You don't need to argue against them. They want circumcised penis because it's more aesthetic, which alone is a stupid reason to get a circumcision.

Who the hell even gets circumcised here unless you have some medical reason for it?