"Asuka isn't a bitch"

"Asuka isn't a bitch"

She's not wrong though. She's just being honest about it.

Oh, the cunt.

She is wrong though. She herself has been open about her true feelings to Kumiko. She was just putting her down there.

Oh, the angel.

>being honest

This board is full of little bitches.

>two best KyoAni girls voiced by the same person

What does this mean?

I can think of plenty of situations where being honest makes you a bitch/asshole. Do you guys ever interact with people outside teh internet?

You're a cunt if you don't say things like they are.

If someone can't handle the truth it's their problem, not the other person's.

Sup Forums is autists and shy males who get a confidence boost in front of a computer screen.

Asuka wasn't trying to be malicious about it, she was just honest.

If you're gonna be "honest" then at least back it up otherwise it's a baseless opinion that makes you aggressive for no reason. Get reeducated, posts above me.

>You're not a cunt, because you're being honest.
You can lie like a cunt and you can tell the truth like a cunt. You're still a cunt.

She's honest, at least

Then tell me how was she being a cunt.

She left the guy hanging for a week and when he confronted her about it, she pulled this retort. It was harsh, uncalled for, and just amounted to her taking out her angst and frustration on someone else. Therefore, she was being a cunt.

You're a little bitch.

Just being honest.

You'll die alone.

Just being honest.

She is, but it's a self defense mechanism she puts up to keep from getting hurt. Kumiko barreled right through all of her barriers because she didn't fall for it. That's why Asuka and she were so close; they could be real around each other.

You'd be surprised how many people around me appreciate my blunt honesty.

oh shit, I never made the connection

>Hey, I think you're a little bitch and you should go kill yourself
>o-oh what a nice thing to say


No one said it's a nice thing to say but it's nice that she's honest enough to tell you what she truly thinks. If I told you honestly that you're a bitch, in response you should ask me why and if my reasons are valid, you thank me for being honest and try to correct yourself to stop being a bitch. I'd rather have a friend like that than someone who tells me that I'm cool but constantly think or say that I'm a bitch behind my back.

"Kumiko is the fluffiest"

I'm sure they do. They'd know to stay clear.
>in response you should ask me why
Or tell you to go fuck yourself. You live in a fantasy world where people should roll over for you. In reality you are very sensitive and desire others to be nice to you.

I want to smell Kumiko's love juices

Good pair.

Threads like this are good reminders about chronic autism.

You're the one that's sensitive if you can't take criticism. A mentally stable person would do what I describe in response to my statement. Stop being a little bitch. You're the one in the fantasy world where everyone thinks everyone is great, get real.

But she isn't honest

Bless Saint Kumiko.

Not that user, but if you told me out of the blue that I'm a bitch I would tell you to go fuck yourself. Why would I care what some dude thinks of me? And why should I care about changing to be of his liking?
You chose your analogy wrong. You should had use a food analogy, everybody gets those.

Are you dumb? The analogy was suppose to be in conjonction with the show (where Asuka is a classmate). Not someone out of the blue.

Honestly she came across as borderline chuunibyou to me, like half the shit she said is what a pretentious teenager would say just to impress her more immature classmates, while every adult would just probably ignore her pseudo-psychological bullshit.

Like her whole "look kumiko your carismatic and outgoing senpai that everyone admires is actually a two-faced cold-hearted bitch who doesn't care about her friends because she has grown up problems, what you gonna do about it?" was childish as fuck and in the end, kaori, natsuki and aoi ended up being much more mature than her, despite what kaori said. Hell even kumiko, ribbons and haruka too.

So yeah she was a bitch, but also a stupid bitch with daddy issues who almost ruined everything.

I'd give my dick to Asuka.

she aint tho

Kumiko is so cool!

>Or tell you to go fuck yourself.

and the relationship ends and no one's time is wasted pretending to be buddies

>Or tell you to go fuck yourself.
Great then contact can end here because you are such a bitch.