Hitler was just the ultimate puppet

He was just a puppet, supported and financed by the world richest anglo-saxons families since 1933 until the end of the war for two major reasons:

1-Make huge profits, that you can't even conceive
2-Kill european nationalism once and for all for the next century

Not to mention the countless other benefits in all areas post-war (ideological, economical, geostrategical,etc)

Also Hitler didn't died in his bunker, he was exfiltrated (like Operation Paperclip) and enjoyed a happy ending life in South America with other nazis high dignitaries, dancing tango, smoking cigars, fucking bitches.

Have a nice day

Other urls found in this thread:


you too. have a nice day.

Thanks. What do you think of it fellow german?

It is simply the truth, wake up

i don't even know who that guy is. - sorry, am i supposed to? i just thought his beard looks funny and i wanted to take a closer look at the picture, when i read your nice day and replied.

I know the grand father of bush financed him
Along with others.

Mate how can you not know who Charlie Chaplin was?

1) Hitler controlled every firm and bank in Germany at one point. He could have re instituted usury and skimmed off the interest the state loaned to Germans to become the richest man in the world. He did not.

2) Hitler refused investments from wall street in 36, which is "coincidentally" when jewish run nations started amping up anti Nat Soc propaganda.

sry didn't recognize without the hat.

Bahahahahaha backed by jews bahahahaha
Do you have a source for this?

Weak bait fuck off

Pretty much all of them. They made him, it was in their interest. They helped Hitler's rise to power, and financed the nazi era

Don't you understand they wanted a war? Don't you understand they wanted german nationalism?

I know it's a difficult pill
Of course you won't find sources for the richest anglo-saxons families.
But little players like Bush grandfather, Ford, etc has been made available:
"The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism. "

Not a bait at all

Charles Edward Saxe-Gotha-Coburg, a relative of the Rothschild's was collaborating with Hitler, was arrested by Gen.Patton, tried, found guilty and had all his assets given to the reparation fund. His cousin is the queen of england now and Jacob Rothschild calls himself a jew. Surprise!

Lol, no.
What made it so easy for Hitler and NSDAP to rise to the power was the fact that the Weimar Republic was a failure controlled by Jews who exploited the German and used Germany for easy profit.
And the fact that the "people" responsible for the communist revolution in 1919 were all Jewish.
And the fact that the German found out that the Jews sold Germany to get Palestine (where they commit genocide afterwards and its still going on) in WW1.
Germans where very aware of the Communist revolution going on in USSR.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg

You're full of shit. You just said Hitler was bribed by the jews to do what he did. If Hitler's sole motivation was money, why did he not re institute usury? Why did he not become the richest man in the world? Richer than even the jews who would pay him? Because the Fuhrer had the power to skim profits from every single firm and bank in the country. And Germany was very rich during their reign.

You are just a lying scumbag kike trying to slander a pure movement. Your argument makes 0 sense.

None of your facts are incompatible with my points

When you're a shill everything is incompatible with my points.

But doesn't that mean that the ""Holocaust"", in the end, was something planned by Jews?
Since you're saying that he was a puppet.


He was a puppet, I didn't say 'he wanted to be the richest man in the world'.
In your scenario, it wouldn't have been in the interest of the internationalists and their plan for the next decades. It wouldn't have killed european nationalism at all if Hitler did that. It wouldn't have ended in a world war with profits far greater for everyone involved than what you're describing. It wouldn't have ended with the creation of the european comission, etc etc the list is endless

Hitler Arrested Baron Louis De Rothschild

Hitler versus Rothschild

Hitler Was Not a Rothschild or a Zionist Agent - William Finck

Hitler's Speech Against the International Bankers, Warmongers, England

How Hitler Defied the International Bankers

Source please so I can check for myself.

>profits far greater
How is that in any way correct? And how the hell could Hitler possibly profit in any way from becoming the world's most hated man by purposely losing a war?

You are full of shit. You and every other child of satan kike.

>He was a puppet
Next you'll be claiming Hitler was a Jew, won't you?

You can do this all day they cant accept it. Hitler backed himself with germanys own currency.

Of course. Think for a moment, and see the bigger picture.
In their own words, a few casual jew lives are literally nothing if it's in their long term interest

>You can do this all day they cant accept it.
Oh I know there's no chance of changing the shill OP's mind. I posted that evidence for people who might be tempted to believe him.

>Hitler backed himself with germanys own currency.
And of course that's one of the reasons why the Jews wanted to destroy him.

Thank you you're precisely describing their plan

Th..thanks. I almost believed faggot op but I now see the light..

Nope. But an internationalist puppet yes of course

>Thank you you're precisely describing their plan
Which is the exact opposite of what those links prove.

>But an internationalist puppet yes of course
Did the Holocaust happen too?

Hitler and the NSDAP never existed. So called "Fascism" never existed either. It's just a ploy the "Jews" (better known as the CIA) uses to arrest edgy teenagers for profit.

>Hitler and the NSDAP never existed.
And here I thought OP's beliefs were the most retarded in the thread.

>National Bolshevik
ahhhh. makes sense.

Show me one shred of proof that Hitler and the NSDAP existed outside of CIA backed sources.

>Show me one shred of proof that Hitler and the NSDAP existed
Pic related.

>outside of CIA backed sources.
What the fuck does that even mean?

Do you realize just how fucking retarded you sound? I know you're a Communist and everything but holy shit, fuck off you absolute kike.

First off, I'm not a communist you nigger. Karl Marx was a spy for the US and the USSR never existed, it's just another ploy to keep you a good servant for the CIA.

Second of all, a picture proves nothing. Do you believe the Holocaust happened as well because there's a picture? No, I don't think so.

That war and Nazism was their ultimate "controlled opposition" that had and would benefits them for centuries in every single areas.
If you think it's just a coincidence, good for you.
Rockefeller family, Rotschild family, and the others are way more intelligent than you think. They are always long term thinking

>First off, I'm not a communist you nigger.
Of course you are. The Bolsheviks were Jews. Communism is Jewish.

>Karl Marx was
A fucking kike

> and the USSR never existed, it's just another ploy to keep you a good servant for the CIA.
You are literally insane. Take your meds before the walls start talking to you.

>Do you believe the Holocaust happened as well because there's a picture?
There are no pictures of the Holocaust. There are pictures of Hitler and the Third Reich.

Congratulations you're a retarded boomer

have a nice day

My grandfather's SS uniform lol.

>That war and Nazism was their ultimate "controlled opposition"
Well you're an idiot for believing that.

Also, I notice how you haven't posted a single piece of evidence backing up your retarded claim.

You have nothing because you are nothing.

Kill yourself please!!!

Nice "idea", Schlomo.

The people you call "Jews" are simply CIA/Protestant funded actors. The fact that there can be Asian and Black Jews proves my point.

But now, can you actually give me something besides a picture proving that Hitler and the NSDAP existed?

Yeah like they will give you evidence that they wanted german nationalism and that war..
Of course it was in their interest, but of course they won't tell you about it in their newspapers.

hitler exists so that any time a white person is proud to be white they can be called hitler

it's a hard pill to swallow

So you're saying german nationalism and WW2 wasn't in the interest of the richest anglo-saxons families (short, mid, and long term interest) ? Is it what you think?

A collateral effect of the "kill the european nationalism once and for all"

>Killed European Nationalism
Of all the things I've seen tards like you say, this is the most tarded.

Maybe Op should drop his meme flag so we can see his israel flag.

Use your brain please and think for a second

>tfw not as smart as OP

still spreading this jew lie

lol but come on you act like the richest families on earth are fucking retards who don't think for longterm and plan for decades

Stfu America, I'm so sick of your gay shit

Any proof? I can make up a story too

No one answer me. Did the richest anglo saxons families did not have interest in german nationalism and war? For short and long term?

Fuck off kike.

Of course not mate, why would they give proofs of their implication to us litte populace?
Do you have proofs from them for your 9/11 speculation? Sandy hook? etc

It's a very bold hypothesis, one that simply isn't true. Hitler emerged as an underdog on the political scene and eventually won power because of popular support, his party was most definitely not funded by the Jewish financiers it most vehemently opposed.
Regardless, to say that National Socialism was a massive "controlled" opposition is an extraordinary claim, one for which you need to provide extraordinary evidence which I don't think you have (please do provide it if you do).

Exactly. Put up or shut up.

Meme flag shit posting. Figures....

What would these rich, anglo-saxon families gain from killing european nationalism?

Do you think ISIS soldiers love america and know who financed the group and helped them to rise in the middle east? They would behead you for saying that.
it's the same with nazism

Hitler was funded by Globalists. Prescott Bush invested a lot of money into the Nazi regime, so did Henry Ford. Hitler was a puppet in many respects.

Shill thread, Sage and report

>Henry Ford


Link related.

So elite Bankster families and families like the Bush one made trillions of dollars in profits from selling Weapons, Guns, Oil, Raw materials and Drugs, to both sides of every War since WW1 to the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and the recent ones. But somehow WW2 is different and they are not involved at all...Nazism, WW2 , holocaust, creation of the EU etc didn't directly benefit them at all for the next decades economically and ideologically...
I'm not saying national socialism was not a real movement etc but they fueled it, financed it as it would serve their purpose later. Hitler was their muppet

It's funny how you are so sure that it's not case, not even a possibility, when History of the last century is showing us that it's exactly how those families act and play the game

Look faggot if you really think the jews have some kind of mental ability to control anti-semites to their own benefit. I would like you to tell me that thought and see if I agree with your stupid logic. So if I am rich and have a rich family who controls some places of the earth and sone politics. Wait I got superpowers I can control everyone even the opposition maybe but can you control the true opposition that fights for the people and not for power no you can't now let's think it again if they were it's puppets why didn't they let them take Russia and England or the world so they can have their big plan oh wait a sec you are wrong

>Germans and Poles

History facts are more on my side than yours.No?

No shit.

>supported and financed by the world richest anglo-saxons families

ultimately it was satan who was pulling his strings in an attempt to bring forward the anti-christ and fight God, hence all the black sun shit.
(just my opinion)

That was for?

I will just leave this here.

He joined the National Socialist party as a spy.

He was a Nazi infiltrator.

It's easy to be a vocal party member when you're just playing a role. Putting on an act.

This is what lead him to become the propaganda minister of the party, and continue ranking all the way up.

Keep that in mind.

The top Nazi leader joined the Nazi party as a spy.



>>Henry Ford

He was a globalist, but not a Zionist. Henry Ford supplied trucks and tanks to Hitler during World War 2. Hitler actually respected Henry Ford because of his views towards the Jews. Henry Ford was all about destroying the Zionists.

And? It doesn't contradict nothing of what I'm saying. Of course Hitler would do all of these moves economically and ideologically pre war.
If not how do you think those families would finally obtain a full world war