Whats going on over there at bakabt?

Whats going on over there at bakabt?

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Newfags gettting btfo

I've been using the site for years though. How do you even make an account now?

You can't. Get a new hobby and leave this board.

You have to wait for an invite/application system to be implemented. They're still setting up shop on the new server.

Reply to this post or you'll never get into AB


No fucking way.

Yep, should've made an account while you still could. Good looking with the torrent selection and retention in nyaa.

It was shit anyways, fucking commie worshipers.


Post results.


I am fine with this.

>application system
I can't even apply for a job

>Commie worshippers
That's not nyaa senpai.


If you can't define torrenting terms and explain why you like anime, then you're just illiterate.

unless this is going to be the new what.cd of trackers then it's going to take more than that
>just wait a few years for invitations to start, oh you also must have good standing on these specific trackers that we like

Trackers can't just become THAT super elitist out of nowhere, especially when they're not even the best.

they can if they're delusional enough, I imagine

I had an account with over 8:1 ratio that I just forgot about and it was purged. Then I created my current account and it's now over 25:1.

How do you guys bloat your ratios? I made a mistake by downloading the series that I want instead of building my ratio first instead.

BakaBT is the easiest tracker to maintain ratio on, even now that it's actually private. Every huge torrent is freeleech and half of the rest have the files readily available on Nyaa. Just grab a whole bunch of that stuff you've been considering watching and let it seed. Most of the torrents will sit there doing nothing, but a few will seed a lot if your connection isn't shit.


Isn't BA down too atm because of the userbase leak?

It was always up, just the tracker was having problems (got fixed last weekend).

My account is warned for shitty ration but why am i not able to download Freeleech torrents ?

Because of your shitty ratio.

And you know what grinds my gears the most, i have like 5 large 5+GB torrents that i seed constantly however no leech ever connects to me .
This is fucking gay

You might not be connectable. There are various reasons, including ISP asshattery.

That's not a lot, and considering BBT's bonus system is more for retention of torrents rather than deflation of economy like AB's you should have seeded smarter picks.
Also check your port connectivity.

>download popular series on nyaa or other trackers
>make sure it's the same file uploaded to bt
>you can now seed it in bt

Within a month, I gained like 1TB upload.

To late leecher-kun.


Utena is on my backlogg huehue.

>Bloat on BakaBT.

I downloaded City hunter torrent as a Free leech and have uploaded 446gb on that torrent now.

Holy fuck, why did I ever not think to do this. My ratio has been around .5 for the last few years.

so what are your stats Sup Forums?

29:1 ratio
over 1tb upload
over 100 active

>tfw no user will invite you when they implement invitations
I'm going to call you guys cunts even before you get to show it

But I have shitty internet and leeching off BB was my jam.

Who cares?
AB is better.

>tfw you have a dynamic ip so you cant port forward which means that you cannot seed to private trackers

>dynamic ip so you cant port forward
that makes no sense, you just need access to your router configuration

>and yeah your ISP forced you to have a CG NAT connection

0.78 ratio

So when do I get to hand out invites?

How the fuck do you figure that? If you have good internet and don't delete torrents immediately the ratio is good whether you want it or not. Only difference was wasting time to register.

>not having accounts to both BBT and AB from years ago
how does it feel to be so N E W

>not using google search to navigate BBT


The fuck

>caring about bakabt when animebytes exist

Learn to differentiate between internal and external IP, user

>not having a BBT account but opening links incognito so your ratio won't be ruined

>paying to pirate

What? You don't know how private trackers work?

Eternal truth now.

>Have old account I've barely touched
>password recovery on forum says it sent email but it doesn't


you can't do it anymore