What exactly did she mean by this, Sup Forums?

What exactly did she mean by this, Sup Forums?

She is fond of the phallus.

She and her cohorts enjoy health class.

"Please screencap this so people will watch our show."


Girls dream about taking bishie dicks in every hole all the time.

She's one of us.

>tfw she will never be real
>tfw you will never get to fuck the shit out of that slut



I wish i was sex.

I don't think 12 year olds love dicks. She's lying

Fucking 12 olds is nothing special, where I come from. Young teens love to party and want to loose their virginity real quick. My (19 y o) brother bought a lot of booze, for a 13 year olds, birthday party, and fucked her that night.

name of show?

Do you honestly expect that asking again will get you a more positive response?


Where are you from? Sounds great.

She meant that you should kill yourself and stop making shitty threads over and over again.

she means we need to go overboard as to not be compared to the vastly superior Oreimo

I dont care about positive responses. I just want to know the name. It would mean alot to me.

12 year old aren't even teens and some of them probably don't even bleed yet, what the fuck.

I'll give you a clue: It's airing this season, and is pandering shit.

If you can't find it from that then you honestly do not deserve to find it.

>megumin will never sit on your face
it hurts

My little sister can't be this ecchi.


shitty dialogue for losers to spam on imageboards

Estonia. There is so little to do here, that everyone just parties and drinks alot.

Yet they want an adult to buy them vodka, rum, jack, smokes, weed etc. if she wants it for free, then she has to give something back. Nothing immoral here, since the girls are the ones that approach you with their requests. And since they all act like adult skanks, then its not that weird either. I'm one of those guys, who just visits those parties for the ass.

I found it. Was kind of hoping it wasn't another generic PG-13 romance comedy. I figured it wouldnt since i didnt think a girl talking about loving dicks would be a kids show. I turned out to be wrong

For fucksake. It feels like were getting R rated anime less and less When is the last time we got an adult romantic comedy type show with tits?

She's not wrong, but kids of all ages love dicks. Everyone loves dicks, if you don't love the dick of another, it just means that you love your own dick.

Through dick, unity.

>tfw when eunuch.

Looks like I found a new destination for my summer vacation.

Someone give the man a better screenshot.

Russia-kun here, this is probably true for more or less every ex-USSR country.