Its now cool to hate Little Witch Academia

>its now cool to hate Little Witch Academia

Wtf I hate LWA now

I still haven't even watched it. I'm constipated with too many choices of anime to get into.

You should follow the bandwaggon started by MALfags too. Hating LWA is the new cool

but the LWA fanbase is small
Why are the contrarians attacking this anime? I have read wrong opinions from people that apparently are the fans that the LWA anime is not on par with the OVA so you can't say the fanbase is the annoying kind spamming shit like LWA is AOTY (It is) Why would you hate this? Because trigger?

Its the faggots from MAL

I like it every frame is a meme

>wrong opinions

Who knows
Personally I hate the komonoshitters more than anyone right now

Who are you quoting?

I don't really hate them, it's probably baby's first anime with visual storytelling for people that only watch memeanime so that's okay. But it kind of bothers me that it's now on love live territory when it comes to sales. It's dumb. And it's dumb to feel bothered like that too.

Its pretty comfy and got memed hard on twatter and japan's reddit 2channel


The more popular the show is the more acceptable to hate the show

Little witch academia is not really that poplar. By that logic Sup Forums should have hated Watamote long time ago

Its popular on Sup Forums because it attracts crossboarders.

LWA threads always moves too fast

its boring trash only redditors like you like

>muh crossboarding boogeyman

How to spot a redditfag

>using redditor unironically on Sup Forums

And they say Sup Forums is different from reddit's anime board

Yep. Sales =/= quality.
That's like saying the Big Bang Theory is the pinnacle of television because it gets a shit ton of views and sells a shit ton.

The first 8 episodes were all fantastic. The 8 since then have been mixed, and even though I still like the show and I have high hopes for the ending, I have to admit that the show has some problems.

Recent episodes haven't captured the whimsical tone of the earlier ones, which is what drew me in in the first place. The plot is generic as fuck and Croix doesn't really feel like a threatening villain because this is a kid's show and of course she's going to lose in the end. The pacing is weird. I dunno, there's just a lot of wasted potential.

I think it's wrong to compare the show to the OVAs though. I didn't think the OVAs were that special anyway, I liked the early episodes of the show more.

It's just people jumping in the train. Personally I've hated it from the start, I can't stand how poorly it's been executed, and I still watch it every week. I still enjoy it sometimes, but that doesn't stop me from hating it. On top that, last episode was awful, disgustingly bad.

>Still wathing it despite hating it so much

How you are still alive then ?

Kill yourself, cancer.

Cancer is a dead meme now.

>implying visual story telling is a bad thing
>in a medium where every work is a sequence of visuals

Part of Sup Forums always hated LWA because it was associated with the west, and the fact it's not very good is making it lose its fans to defend it.

it was fun as movies, but when I had watched 2-3 episodes of the anime I realised it had nothing more to offer.

Reading comprehension is a high level skill.

It's just so dull and bland. Unlike Trigger's other works, it has little new to offer.

Sure if you can't form your own opinions.
It's not too bad, I still look forward to it on the day it airs. I have seen more meaningless and boring productions like seasonal LN crap and KyoAni anime. And I am still hoping the ending will be good and satisfying.

Konosubafags, LOLI THICC Dragon and the LWA general are more obnoxious for me. I still enjoyed Konosuba and KF along with LWA last season.

How to spot a crossboarder

LWA is far from being Trigger's best and it isn't as good as OVA, but I look forward to being proven wrong. So far, it's fairly mediocre with some good moments here and there, one of them being the episode when they got into Sucy's head, of course, though I still like it, because it's quite charming and I have a boner for Trigger, so I'll watch basically everything they made.
>hating on LWA
Why are people retarded? It's not beyond average or worse, nor is it something that exceptional, but it is a decent show with lots of charm.

It was going to receive hate from the start because of Trigger haters, it already had some hate base because of the second ova being partially funded by kickstarter and being kinda popular outside of Sup Forums.

For some reason Maid Dragon fags picked a fight with LWA, there was barely a thread without they shitposting on every LWA thread while their show was airing, maybe it was just Kyonaifags shitting on Trigger studio, but it was way more obnoxious than any other show last season.

> The first 8 episodes were all fantastic.
No, It looked like a stupid kodomo anime.

The first half was good, but it's been bad since Croix entered.

It doesn't matter if the Lwa fanbase is small. Sup Forums have always harbored unwarranted, unexplained hate towards Gainax and post-Gainax productions. This has been the case since TTGL in 2007. It's just shitposting at this point.

>help! help! we're being bullied!

Watamote was hated when anime aired and for many months after. It calmed when these shitposters left and mangafags stayed.

Thanks for proving the point. I really don't care though.


If you didn't care, you wouldn't say that you didn't care. You know that, user.

If anything, it's been quite consistent in it's quality, outside of few stand outs like episode 8.

LWA is legit boring and hasn't been fun to watch since the broom race

Ursula is incredibly cute though

>since the broom race
What is episode 8 and the sacrifice show, lad? Also, with Croix coming to play, the plot may thicken itself in a meaningful manner, though I doubt it.

LWA is not that popular because theres no legal way to watch in the US yet

Get ready for more faggotry once it premieres on netflix