Haven't you figured it out yet, Sup Forums?

Races aren't the enemy.

Foreign Ideas. Memes. They are the enemy.
The Multi-cult is the enemy.

People of various races in your country don't mean a damn thing, it's the cultures that destabilise and demoralise a system; race issues are a red-herring by (((them))) to make sure you never unify your culture. Because unified cultures can get shit done and think for themselves.

So long as you are multicultural, your culture essentially has multiple personality disorder.

Look for example, at the race (((they))) try hardest of all to keep un-integrated: African Americans. African Americans don't even have an opposing culture, they're just Americans, if they wanted to, they could integrate 100% tomorrow, so (((they))) have to fluff up an imaginary """""black culture""""" (which is unironically glorification of thug shit, vapid criminal music, normalising prison and not having or starting a family) - this isn't culture, this is forced pathology.
And they do it to say "this is black culture, which is different to white culture"; in reality, black american's culture IS america.

But if blacks ever woke up and realised that, they'd start looking after the country, voting in the interests of their stable families and for their own success - they'd begin to help unite the USA into one single culture again which would mean the USA no longer is mentally ill, no longer suffers multiple personality disorder. If they can do this to black Americans, people whose only true culture is american itself, then you'd best believe they can EASILY do this for incoming migrants.

The multi cult is your true enemy; it is the weapon used to keep you, as a nation, indecisive.

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Too bad you wont get any bump
They will slide threads like this or shill against it with muh civic nationalism meme

The tide is turning, not everyone is like this.
There are some forward-thinkers here.

By which i mean people who understand what the metagame is.

>'Black culture' isn't a culture, it's a forced pathology.
Yes. What we call 'black culture' isn't actually a culture, it's more like a lack a culture. Black American culture is actually devoid of culture, it is opposed to all things good and it glorifies everything bad: black culture demonizes academic success and hard work because they perceive that as "acting white", they discourage stable families and black men think it's "cool" to fuck multiple women and never take care of their children, they think it's "cool" to assault and rob people. Their "culture" encourages the very worst aspects of humans. As white westerners, we should be doing everything to undermine and destroy this fake thug culture and instead encourage blacks to learn, work hard and raise decent families.


The thing is however, this thug culture is not naturally occurring - it's kept alive artificially by lots and lots of money flowing into keeping certain legislation going, into the (((black music industry))), into all sorts of (((mainstream media))).

It's all there to keep Black People from the path they were on before the democrats begun their plans to destroy the stable Black Nuclear Family.

Because they knew stable black families would very, very quickly realise their ideas, needs and wants are basically 100% in-line with those of their white neighbours.

Race relations in the USA haven't been worse than this in a long, long time.
And it's all planned.

Culture is the expression of the race.
Behaviour is largely a product of genetics.

>race issues are a red-herring
cultures come from race.

you can't separate race and culture entirely and still do anything useful

The enemy is not the niggers, not the sandniggers, not the chinks, not the kikes, not the poos, not the roaches, not the natives.

Who are the reds?

Nice thread op but we have to deal with (((them))) first, because they are the source of all of this anyways.

Actually, it's a waltz.

Piaget understood this; culture (society) is an environment. The environment shapes the plastic creatures within it to manifest a form and function that works in that environment.

Then the manifest creatures create a new slightly different society, which then demands different (but similar) things from the next generation of creatures in it.

This is how humans intellectual capacity exploded in this positive feedback loop - consider how complex society is now. 50 years ago you could work in a factory, 500 years ago the most intellectually demanding work was that of a tradesman, now common people need to be computer scientists, engineers or scientists.

But what happens when you take a race out of their culture (a scattered sample of them so that they cannot form a coherent culture of their own, much unlike Islamic migrants who are more unified), and then dump them in a pre-made culture?
They, unless kept out of that culture by artificial means, will evolve into their new environment (or die).

Race and culture waltz, but you can take people with incoherent or weak cultures and they will evolve into the stronger culture (which is also the theory behind empire-building - the failure of most empires is biting off more than they can digest, which is often the sin of mortality caused by a given over-exuberant emperor).

We are not rigid creatures, the thing we all have in common, not just amongst humans, but with animals and even plants, is that we're all hyper-adaptive.

>Nice thread op but we have to deal with (((them))) first, because they are the source of all of this anyways.

That's what i mean.

And we can't do that by fighting each other.
When Blacks and Whites realise (((they))) have been pitting us against one-another as a century-long distraction, then their power fades.

Waltz is a dance I know. What are you talking about when you use Waltz. I am lost. I can only dance it and Viennesse Waltz.

the fucking commies.
Cultural marxists, proponents of total degeneracy, anti-civilization, anti-west.
They're really the only enemy. Even (((them))) have their sense of nationalism and fight against degeneracy.

A dance, i just mean a dance - a back and forth.

Humans manifest a culture.
Then the culture shapes the humans in it.
Then the newly shaped humans manifest a new culture (that is similar to the last).
Like a dance. A waltz.

We co-evolve; we are the first creature on earth to create our own environment (the environment is the primary evolutionary pressure).
Western culture breeds smarter people than African culture, for example, because the demands of African culture are extremely low in terms of intellect.

Bump for obvious quality.

Yes, the marxists are scum.

They promote more diversity and hate culture.

Culture is the personality of a given land (obviously); they promote multi culturalism (societal multiple personality disorder) in order to justify their psychotic claims that capitalistic society is fundamentally broken and therefore needs to be replaced with their toxic failure of an ideology.

Since working from the eocnomical base hasn't work in the past, their scope now is to substiute the superstructure - which includes mostly cultural aspects of various people - with their "invisible ideology".
I wonder when people will stop falling for that meme.

>African Americans

You are free to go live among them and see how that goes.

Pretty easy to spout this shit from mom's basement in some 98% white suburb. Go on safari in Memphis, Baltimore, St. Louis, or Detroit then come back and let us know how we're all the same and we will just up and assimilate them into some "culture" that isn't pure barbarism and savagery.

I don't think communism is actually a meme to be honest, well... it is, sort of... but it's viral (and not in the pop-culture sense, i mean virus-like).

What it is, is more like a mental disorder for society.
Because it's quite clear how it manifests - it manifests when the people at the bottom begin to feel so out of touch with the people on the top that they think 'fuck it, what if we just knock down the foundations of this society thing we're all part of'.

If you start to look at society as a superorganism, it gets a lot easier to comprehend it's ills, for they are so very similar to our individual ills and imbalances.

The cure (or rather, the preventative measure) to avoid the mental illness of communism is to keep those on the bottom feeling as if they have a stake in the game; that they, although not being at the top of the hierarchy, are an important part of the hierarchy and are not being ripped off.
When that breaks down; communism sets in.

I wouldn't want to live in a trailer park either. Rough areas are rough areas, because a pathology has set into them.

I'm not saying all blacks are perfect people who just need to be given a chance, i'm talking about societal ills and the steps that need to be taken in order to cure it.
This means them working hard too - this means them giving up this pathological, sick thug culture, this means them rebuilding their families, getting married, having something to live for other than smoking weed and listening to gangsta rap about spending all your weed money in the stripclub.

These are the actions of mentally ill and depressed people - people who are depressed look for their dopamine hits wherever they can get them, and this is precisely what a massive majority of the black american community is doing right now.

This is not a call for more gibs, this is not a call for mindless wandering into dangerous or rough parts of the country.

This is a call for integration back into the core western value and culture system.

And an identification of (((who))) it is that is most interested in making sure that never, ever happens. The same people (((who))) fund shit like BLM, (((who))) fund shit like antifa.


>This is a call for integration back into the core western value and culture system.

Value and culture system is only an outward expression of genetics. If back Africans were capable of your idea of civilization or even wanted it they would create it. Why do they not have it in Africa or Haiti?

What you are trying to do is force your values and culture on creatures who cannot adapt to it and do not wish to have it.

Seriously, kid. I don't think you've ever actually dealt with niggers in real life or you wouldn't be spouting off this environmentalist bullshit. They have been in our country for 300 years and have had every opportunity to monkey-see-monkey-do.

>Value and culture system is only an outward expression of genetics.

No. Again, you misunderstand the waltzing evolutionary dance of society-and-individual: It's not as simple as you seem to think it is, it is not a one-way projection, nature is not as simple as you're hoping it is.

>What you are trying to do is force your values and culture on creatures who cannot adapt to it and do not wish to have it.
This is where darwinian reality takes over. Those who can make it in the society do, those who cannot don't. This is subverted HOWEVER if a class is actively working against this natural process. Creatures evolve into their new environments (which involves a lot of iterations of that creature failing) but that will never ever work if you go and cull that creature before it has a chance to adapt.

Some won't or cannot adapt; but the goal should be making sure they cannot drag-down those who CAN adapt (ghetto anti-intellectual culture actively puts down its more capable members).

>Seriously, kid.
I think you know full well i'm no child.

>spouting off this environmentalist bullshit.
I don't think you know what environmentalism is... It's not this...

>They have been in our country for 300 years and have had every opportunity to monkey-see-monkey-do.
Re-read my original post.

Actually, user, communism was never made from the bottom.
It's always members of the bourgeoise, not rarely the elites, who'll promote the tenets of marxism, not the simpletons at the bottom.

This jewish push to turn /po/ into a civnat loving neocon board is horrendous. If you're a shill kys, and if you aren't kys for being so stupid.

This would apply to "orthodox marxism".
These days, things are way more complex. Their strategy relies on space occupation so that they'll be on the right places to socially engineer society into accepting their ways. They generally begin their work at the universities, thus they form a new elite which mostly uncounsciously thinks like them.
That's the whole point BTW: turn everybody into a red without them knowing it. The ideology becomes so common place it atually subtitutes what people perceive as common sense.
Notice how things that would be held preposterous by mere common sense today deemand some form of rationalization in order to reject.

They promote it but the true proletariat make it happen.

They promote it in the hopes of not being first in the gulag when the revolution comes.
"r-remember me, g-goy? i was on your s-side!"

I have never meant anyone, nor do I know any political figure that has ever stated "We want to kill black people". I didn't know there were actually people out there who want to murder the African race. Shame on them.

There aren't that picture is edited from some SJW strawman blog #223238842

the only reason the proletariat buys into their shit is because they manage to brainwash these people. In order words: they manage to implant in them some form "class conscience", since the proletariat is, for the most part, the most conservative parcel of society.
That's why their previsions for WWI didn't come true. Workers were like "fuck that".


Klansmen used to say they wanted to hang around and "kill themselves a nigger".

Exactly. Often the most important thing to the common man is their family, and communism directly opposes it.

Imma sleep.
Bump for them fags to see this.

He knos de wey

yeah, same.

Can confirm: multi-cult is retarded
My entire childhood was my basque grandmother and Italian Dad fighting for supremacy. Found out when I was 15 that my dad was half English and my grandfather was Portuguese. Now I’m trying to be an American/Anglo/Portuguese and it’s really cringe

>I don't think you know what environmentalism is... It's not this...


You preach environmentalism in that people are products of their environment. This is a cornerstone of Bolshevism.

Also read the book "Negroes in Negroland". All this black dysfunction and failure to adapt in ANY culture anywhere on earth where they are imported is not new nor is it the product of the Jew. It's the way they were when we found them.

Instead of trying to fix niggers and continue to carry them along white man's burden style, it's high time we separate and leave them to create civilization (or lack thereof) where they can express their own values and culture which has been proven worldwide to be incompatible with anybody else.

Why do you feel you owe the next 10,000 years to help evolve these stone age primitives to share what your ancestors built for you and your blood?