Your waifu just read all the posts you've made about her. How does she respond?
Your waifu just read all the posts you've made about her. How does she respond?
>making posts about your waifu
Yeah sorry, I'm not a memer. My waifu isn't is plaything to play around and play kawaiiwaifu circlejerk on here with.
She will be happy and a bit embarassed.
I either get teacher'd
or i she doesn't mind it
"Why is nothing here user? Don't you know what a waifu is? Why bother having one at all?"
She leaves in disgust.
I fapped to my waifu being molested by a monster in her source material. She is from a borderline ecchi series and the scene was mildly erotic in nature and nothing serious happened to her. It made me feel extremely aroused and I feel bad for fapping to it. What do I do?
Good thing I only post nice things about her.
I don't post about my waifu.
>"But why a dog user?"
J-just say that you love her so much that you get incredibly jealous of even the idea of anyone thinking about anything associated with her.
She'll laugh in amusement and kick my ass.
the people who constantly post about their "waifus" are the scum of this board, and the feelings they have for their "waifus" are probably not even genuine waifuism
it's an intimate relationship between a man and a fictional girl, you're not supposed to advertise her all over the place.
She probably isn't used to being complemented, so she'd probably be really embarassed or confused.
>"Wow, don't you have anything better to do?"
>"Why do you spend all day doing nothing but browsing this website?"
>"Why don't you get a job?"
While I overall agree with you that at least some of the vocal waifufags I've ran into have been just playing along, it still feels nice to talk about her series with someone who's not a complete idiot. You obviously can't do that on Sup Forums though.
>"I'd rather do you."
>"How do you know what I do all day? Are you stalking me?"
>"Robots and offshoring."
I like to write about her and post it somewhere because that's one way I have to connect with her.
Considering I only ever post compliments and nice things about my waifu, I think she'd be pretty flattered.
I like to post good things like
"You want to drink my pee?"