[HorribleSubs] Natsume Yuujinchou Roku - 03 [720p].mkv

>[HorribleSubs] Natsume Yuujinchou Roku - 03 [720p].mkv

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I'll wait for commie, but it's nice that CR didn't take a whole fucking day this time.

Good episode. Shibata is a cool guy.

Natori next week. YES.


where is fox child

Touko is fine too.

That's bad enough, at least I hope there will be no Matoba.

Delete this

Is he cheating on Natsume?

>hating natori and matoba

Their flashback episode was awesome

>I'll never have my own Touko-san

Ah, how convenient. Just lift the skirt and make Natsume a sibling or two.

Why does Tanuma always get friendzoned?

Nothing is sacred

Matoba is literally the worst character.

She can't have kids of her own user, Natsume is all she'll have.

She's mean to be 50+ and she was unable to have any kids before anyway.

I don't watch Natsume for this shit.

Old ladies don't have butts like that.

He's good if you are a girl or a homo into edgelords.

I'm a homo and I still hate him.

>I'm a homo
Fuck off, you degenerate scum.


Please no bully, you'll make the loli cry.

How do you know?



I am one

Oh next chapter is the one about the girl who's father's yokai are still around her house.

Someone please update this image.

>no Hiiragi


best youkai

The first 10 seconds of the OP really just set the mood for some Natsume, don't they?

Anyone got a pic of Reiko from the OP?

I wish she wasn't attached to that shitty Fagtori, although at least you don't have to worry about him touching her inappropriately, I guess

Does this seasons animation look a little fuzzy for anyone else? I don't know if it is CR doing something but it does not look as crisp as it should.

At last. They really pushed back this chapter for some reason. The timeline is all fucked up now.

They previewed Takuma's daughter last season at least.

I love his voice though

I completely agree. Matoba is garbage and most of his episodes are the weaker ones in the series.

dead franchise

As long as Fujos exist this series will keep going.


As a Natsume fag, I feel sorry for never living up this thread.
It's because I always backlogged it first. That's the best way to enjoy this heartwarming series in my opinion.

So, good bye senpai tachi.

>not taking in a nice weekly dose of Natsume
Suit yourself.

>fall asleep first at the sleepover

You snooze you lose.

what did he mean by this?

Just fuck already.

Shibata is in natsumes boy harem now? How much dick can one guy take?

He wants all the dicks he can get.

He just has to say normal things in the most assholeish manner.

This episode was pretty fucking gay.

>no Tanuma or Shibata

I know. Can't wait for next week.

Touko is not for lewd. DELET,

Oh boy next week's episode will be that chapter.

Natori proved otherwise though.

Consider suicide, my man.


this episode was 2spooky4me


Do you think he feels empty whenever he's entertaining the ladies or doing his acting job?

I think so since he doesn't have friends in canon, everything is an act for him.

I guess I'm a little bitch but this episode legit scared me. Couldn't look at the screen, I was afraid something would jump out.
Fucking doll feet were killing me too.



Fuck that part was way too spoopy.

>show looks cozy
>74 episodes
How good is this show, really?

Really good with a dash of spoopy. If you binge watch too much you'll be stuck in that comfy nostalgic feeling.

Try the first three episodes.

So natsume can touch youkai. But can he have sex with them? He has hinoe.

He eye fucked this yokai.

Reiko looks so much like Natsume.

I bet a youkai did that.

holy FUCK this episode creeped me out

>dead franchise
pretty sure it sold a decent amount of BDs compared to everything else

It's really good. I think the first season and the fifth are the best, but there really aren't any bad episodes. The show never loses its touch.

It flopped

Watched first two seasons and it was ok
Are the new four good? The story kept on the slowest tolerable end for me, does it not get slower?

>came to natsume for comfy
>got spooks instead

what story are you talking about? most episodes are self-contained

There's no "story" to Natsume. It's an episodic format series.

3-5 (and 6 so far) are more of the same but start having more focus on Takashi rather than the past deeds of Reiko. If you don't like the first two then you probably won't like the rest since they have the same feel. I think they're great though.

A show so slow they now play old episodes in reverse.

I'm really excited.

you're garbage

>I can hear Ishida's sweet voice again
Everything he says sounds so emotional and heartfelt. I love Natori episodes.

I'm pretty sure that was the main reason why they decided to change his color scheme from the manga, so they'd look similar.

i do wish he had the silver hair sometimes just to make him feel more odd

plus i think silver hair on anime dudes is cool

Eh no, Reiko also has sliver hair and green eyes in the manga.

I also love how it looks but it wouldn't really fit in an ordinary human setting.

That's not hotaru

Haven't watched Go yet, any more episodes with stories about Natsume's past? Time to marathon and catch up.

first episode of Go has natsume meeting an old relative/foster parent. some of the other episodes explore the backstories of the other characters like tanuma, matoba, natori and natsume's current family. first episode of the current season turned natsume back into a kid, so while it's not set in the past we do get a look at what he was like in the past.

Go is probably my second favorite following the first season. it's really phenomenal.

My bad, it's been a while since I've looked at a color spread of her.

Both of these parts made me laugh. Good episode, I wish Shibata appeared more often.

for you