Oushitsu Kyoushi Haine

>[HorribleSubs] Oushitsu Kyoushi Haine - 04 [720p].mkv
Who's watching still?

Also we're in agreement that Kai is best boy, right?

I am. Discussion for this died pretty fast.

>Heine is the royal tutor in the city of weiner
This must be intentional

Best show on Tuesdays really.

Will this little turd ever stop being a problem student?

Natsume? SukaSuka?


Say something nice about this cute girl(male)!

That escalated quickly

That hat is a bit much. It's way too big.

>this will get no doujins where all four princes are raped by fat faceless men

Me. It's one of the shows I looks forward to most every week.

Kai a best

Litch hungry for sausage

My sides

Could be why they picked Vienna for the setting when any European city would have done really.


I can fly

This show is like some piece of 2004 has travelled to the present. Chibi is so early noughties.

Yeah put that big hot wiener in your mouth

He's so easy to bully.

Is it bad that I unironically think this will be AOTS?

I know I'm watching better shows, but this is the one I look forward to most.

>This 15 year old elite does not know basic addition and subtraction

I want to nuzzle him while we play with those colored blocks that you use to teach first-graders math.

I laughed more at this than I should have.

What the hell
These chibis are cute but Haine being literally the size of a bag freaks me out.

Truly the best boy

wtf i like boys now

Licht knew how to eat it. Slut confirmed

I keep forgetting there's a big-headed loli in this show.

She's easily forgettable. If you're watching this show for girls, you're already wrong. Besides, this is Austria, she's destined to get married off to the fat old Duke of Salzburg when she's 12.


Jesus he's such a bully

It has all the good points of cheesy anime from the 2000s.

Poor teacher. Imagine having to tutor these retards.

This show is great

It's not nice to bully girls!

>implying they won't give her to Haine

He's a commoner

I want to carry that bag.

Bratty youngest brothers that can get away with murder are a plague.

Kai is objectively not a retard, he's just odd. Makes me really curious as to their relationship with the still-absent oldest brother if they all turned out like they are.

Their brother probably got the whole "groomed to succeed the throne" upbringing from a very young age and so didn't spend a lot of time with his younger siblings cause he was so busy learning to be king.

That's a possibility. I think he's close enough in age to Kai that he probably doted on him, which explains why Kai is so clingy, but then got snatched away and spent virtually no time with Bruno, Leo, or Licht, which left Kai having to run herd on a bunch of younger siblings and that's why they seem to crave his approval more so than each others'. They go all gooey when Kai praises them, but none of them have even mentioned their oldest brother's name, much less wanting or needing his regard.

Plush when?

I'm seriously considering picking this up for the blondie.
He keeps getting cuter and cuter each week.

Just do it, it's a cute show.

are we unlocking horrible tragic past?

What a fucking slut.

Do it while there's not many episodes out and it'll just be 20mins of your week.

Commoner upbringing probably comes with some bad baggage.

And thank satan for that.

>using gestures because his words aren't so good

Please make more webms, I've been dying for some for this show

If you want webms post things like 'I need a webm of this scene'. There are many Anons capable of it, they just don't know what people want. Whenever I think I'll be useful by making them someone else will pop up and do it first the moment people make requests.

Okay then if you or someone else wants to:
The scene in the first episode where Haine rolls away from Leo with his diary.
The scene where Leo runs away from Haine's pop quiz.


He seems to have some kind of chip on his shoulder about being a commoner.

Here's a long ver. Should short version just be the roll or the zoom back and roll?

No that is perfect. It's best when it's in context.

Here's a zoom and roll anyhow. I lack the knowledge to reverse one section of a clip and not the whole thing or else I'd make him roll in and out for a nice loop.

I really thought they were going to show off the whiny fag's running here. This was much better. I'm starting to like Autism-kun.

There's some fun smears in here.

This is also great. Thank you so much user.

>look back to the scene
>Kai really did run after him and I just didn't notice it
This show is brilliant.

so is this any good?


Watch it and find out yourself. No one's gonna hold your hand.


I was really liking Haine's voice but today I realized his VA was also great at acting. That's a stage actor for you.

The part where he keeps standing up is too reliant on audio to work soundless without feeling like the pauses are too long. To tell the truth I'm not sure how to clip it, could try shortening the pauses but I don't have time for that tonight.

I didn't realize it needed the audio that badly, but some things are like that I guess. Thanks for this webm as well though.


Unfortunately we read faster than spoken word, so even when the joke doesn't use sound effects and music pauses it can feel too long as a silent webm.

thanks for the webms user, they're great

Thank you webm user.

e-edit when

is this show supposed to be fujo bait?

because im not feeling it and its kind of fun actually

I got those kinds of vibes too at first.
The manga is published in a shonen magazine though.

I want to fuck sensei.

patrician taste

I am. It's surprisingly not bad.