>“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”
>“Why do we need more Haitians?” Trump said, according to people familiar with the meeting. “Take them out.”
>Trump then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like Norway, whose prime minister he met with on Wednesday.

ITT we post salt from Reddit and elsewhere because of the President's comment's today. It's been pretty great so far. Comments from other media are acceptable. I'll start.

Other urls found in this thread:

Original article:

I prefer Tumblr salt, since they're even more bleeding heart and mentally ill than even Reddit.

–]VersaceEbola [score hidden] a minute ago
Fuck Donald and every single last person that voted for him, you people are a disgrace to the rest of America and complete utter garbage

What if we archive it, baby.

Then put some of that shit, too. I don't really know how tumblr news works.

I'm so sorry I wanted anti-whiteness to die down significantly.

But you aren't the Dane. Thanks, though.

The more anti-whiteness increases, the more conscious whites will become. It's probably a good thing.

rednutter [score hidden] 5 minutes ago
Either Trump has gone senile or it's a signal to the portion of his base he lost with the Banon rift. The signal is: KKK Grand Wizard is still in the "White" House.


>KKK Grand Wizard is still in the "White" House.

Why do they always jump to KKK? The KKK is a fucking joke compared to the shit going down now. This isn't just a bunch of hicks in the woods burning crosses.

rhetoricalmice33 [score hidden] 22 minutes ago
OK, folks, so what are we going to do about this?
I think we need to draw a line in the sand and ask who is on the side of Trump and these racist attitudes and who is on the side of America? We cannot allow anyone on Trump's side to call themselves a patriot. They are not. They are unamerican.

DaemonTheRoguePrinceMichigan [score hidden] 26 minutes ago
His statement wasn't derived from statistics nor from fact (as per usual) but from his own racist ignorance (as per usual), but we can't be so reactionary as to pretend these countries are better than they are. Haiti and many African states are indeed poor and often politically unstable. That's why these people want to come here, and why we ought to help them do so!
Fuck. This. President.

Riiiight. Cause Saffers are super duper conscious they are in a country full of feral ninogs who want to rape them and drag them behind a shitty old merc down a dirt road.
The less in number and more openly hated whites are, the more docile and feeble they become.

Gelldole [score hidden] 33 minutes ago
Ironically, the English translation of “Mar a Lago” is “the place that is full of assholes,” a pretty close match to “shithole.”

ummm, guys... they're uh... they're organizing

wat do?

White SA are, what, 10% of the population? Not much they can do or could have done. No one on this board is aware that America is still at least much 56%.


which subreddits are you mining?

>heh I hate your oppressive religion but if I use it for my personal gain, then it's okay.

EquanimityFour [score hidden] 40 minutes ago
Joel Embiid is 7'0" 250lbs. and is from Cameroon. He averages nearly 24 pts, 11 rebounds, and 2 blocks per game...AND he handles like a 2 guard and can pass from the post. Check his twitter and Instagram they are terrific. He is a Goddamn national treasure. I don't want to live in a country that doesn't recognize that kind of game.

Oh well if there's one pro athlete that's fun, we should let the rest of the country in, too.

They left because it's a shithole, why are you upset? You should be grateful you're not in that shithole anymore.


politics, rn.

>vast majority


r/ politics

it's almost over 9000 comments of pure salt

Shills dude liberals are fucking dumb

how are you going to explain this to your children, Sup Forums?

Also see how many times you can see a quote from (((Emma Lazarus)))

Did he actually say African and Haiti? Or is this another "sources who know his thinking"

"If something seems nice in my imagination, there's no reason why it shouldn't and must work in reality."


>tfw norwegian

i love my president

Sup Forumss white and therefore does not, nor will ever have children because they get in the way of chronic masturbation and videogaming, cost money and women don't like fat, austistic authoritarians who say nigger too much

>Implying I don't think I'm a Nazi as is.

>Vicente Fox to Trump: "Your mouth is the foulest shithole in the world"

It's cute that they think a Christian would ever vote for them.

>we should choose to let in the people who are the worst off who will contribute the least to our great country except when it comes to crime because they stand to gain the most
these people simply cannot grasp the concept of consequences

That's some very efficient mining. High proof.

>India frantically taking notes

How long until Trump says nigger?


i really wish trump would just get his shit together and do the military coup already. he knows it needs to be done.

Goy! These liberals are posting antisemitism by calling Israel a shithole. Notify the JIDF!!

>notice me Trump-pai I'm a shithole too

Holy shit that is hilarious
They're just mad at themselves because the know these are shit hole countries and they do everything they can, cognitively, the repress that thought.




I noticed he said emmigrate. Does he plan to go back? If it's not a shithole and he is ashamed to live here, it should be an obvious choice.


Jesus was born in FUCKING ROME. How fucking retarded are these people. Rome is one of the greatest nations to have ever existed, let them start their 'trend', it'll backfire hard kek.

>Ramember when we had presidents who weren't profane morons

Someone forgot about Andrew Jackson


I'm "unamerican" for not wanting more non-Americans into my country and getting benefits that could go to Americans. Ok.

Last one. This was a direct respons to WaPo's offical reddit account posting about their "tough decision" to print profanity in a headline.

how much shit-posting to get too loser-status to smoking cocks in space?

they miss O'teleprompter

he just reads whatever someone writes

I dont get it, he thinks they would have fired George Bush or something?

>getting head from an intern in the Oval Office and nutting on her dress, fingering her with a cigar

yeah, i mean, i'm glad such a good, moral individual exists to make these confusing analogies seem so simple.

It's funny because the Hellenistic Near East was one of the richest and most civilized places in the world at the time of Christ.

>the married president jizzing on an intern in the oval office is somehow not as bad as pointing out there are countries that lack basic pillars of civilization



and Obama would have been IMPEACHED IMMEDIATELY

nevermind the fact that if Obama said it:

A) It wouldn't have leaked
B) If it did, no one would print it.


You know, at first I was mad, then I thought these were getting funny, now it's just sad how fucking retarded they are and how they have no one in life to guide them except for that echo chamber, and all they want is approval and they're are saying/thinking whatever they can to get it from those other kids in the same boat. This is what happens when you break up familes, kids like this are the result. Just sad.

What do you think of Trump's offer to all Norwegians? Already packing?

this story proves that liberal pathology rests almost entirely on second hand embarrassment. It's the reason all these reddit fags are saying shit like "I just can't take it anymore", they are literally worried that because they are american, and the president said something they perceive to be racist, that they themselves could now, by proxy, be perceived as racist themselves, and they just can't handle it.

"we ought to bring the whole worlds disfunction to our country"

- only if this fagget rooms up with them.

Why is he writing out actions?

Is there any concrete proof he said this like a legitimate recording or is this all some anonymous source hearsay?

Edit: Thanks for the gold, fellow faggot!

Direct quote from article:
>"The comments left lawmakers taken aback, according to people familiar with their reactions."
>people familiar with their reactions
Is this the new "one source familiar with his thinking"?

he's so close to the truth

the forest for the trees indeed

Rather like the holocaust, whether there is proof or not is irrelevant. What matters is that people believe he said it.

I guess the first question to ask would be why their parents left in the first place

Not Rome, Jesus born in Roman occupied Israel. It was shithole countries runs by tribes

why wont they leave?

Virtue signaling faggotry. A lot of those are just synonyms. Whatever happened to "brevity is the soul of wit"?

We gave this guy the nuclear codes?...



If Jesus existed today, he wouldn't point to Gehenna (where the trash and dead bodies go) in an attempt to describe Hell, he would point to (R)eddit.

"Racist" is the worst word in theworld to be called. Call someone a racist and they immediately drop their argument and defend themselves. People lose their jobs, their family, their lives because they are percieved as "racist" OF course the libs would have shitfits over someone thinking they are racist

God the cringe. They think theyre so cool

Which of you faggots wanna bet that this story will be debunked on January 17th when Drumph literally Hitlers, er, I mean hosts the first ever FAKE NEWS AWARDS?

>I was born in this country but I still hold allegiance to my home "totally not a shithole" country

this is why civic nationalism is shit

I still can't wrap my head around the endless numbers of retards that saw this (probably fake) news and made their own thread about it on Sup Forums. How could they not have guessed that 100 threads on the subject were already on Sup Forums? It's so stupid as to be unbelievable.

Judea was part of the Roman Empire, which is what I meant by 'Rome'.

*yawn* *yawn*
can't escape that one now.
fuck must Seppuku suicide now.

USA is the major Empire of the modern age. That means they force race mixing on all countries they control. It provides cheap labor (which depends on a large number of unemployed people to scare the workers into working cheap,) and dumbs down white countries by interbreeding. This makes them easier to control.

When the USA falls in about 2040 (when most of our Boomer Generation will be in its 80's or dead,) the USA will not be able to force anti white laws on other countries through economic warfare. China also might be a super power by then and that will shatter the white self hater's beliefs in universal innocence for everyone but white males. This is no joke. The Chinese have the all time Kill Record in their victory book. How will the Chinese treat their slaves then, when the slave get restless? Likely worse than they treated their own during Mao's reign.

>From a group of people in /ptg/ who came from plebbit

>this President is so profane!
>user name: neilpoonhandler
>poon handler

It's evolving...

>it's not a shithole we swear!
>POTUS wants to send us back? but it's dangerous!
it never ends

There wasn't a salt thread yet and salt threads are fun. Get off your high horse.

Jesus didn't look for greener pastures ro try to immigrate to in a "better country". He was righteous, and stayed where he was from of course.

It's the latter. It's literally from a brief from someone that was in the meeting. It's total bullshit, but it sells. Trump is probably letting it brew and then going to stomp it out and make them all look like fools because that's what he does best. I'd bet $20 he got one of his own to "leak" it and say made up shit.