Black People

Prove to me that black people aren't specifically targeted by the police because of their ethnicity in western societies.

Look at the FBI crime statistics for 2015 and 2016.

Fuck that, you prove to me you don't have giant pussy lips right now.

Sorry I posted it in the wrong board. Sage and mods please delete it at once

Black people are specifically targeted because of their race. If they stopped committing crimes, they wouldn’t be targeted so much.

They are targeted byy police, specifically black police.
But it's because they're criminals more often, not their race.
If racism is such a factor, where are all the Indian prisoners? Where are all the Korean prisoners?

The arrests match the described ethnicity of the offender.
Deal with it.

Please don't bump the thread and sage you are sliding more important threads I'm sorry

user, the only way Niggers will have a good life is to go home.
Spread the word

Fuck off frog, you opened this can of shit, not our fault you don’t know how to post on Sup Forums

Let’s keep talking about niggers

Why the fuck would a cop go out of his way to engage a nigger they are just risking their lives and for what? Just to screw over niggers?

Here you go.

They are. Cops look for them to commit the most crimes because they do commit the most crimes. If you want ice cream, you don't go to the barber and wait for him to start serving ice cream, you go to the ice cream shop.

They are targeted. Know why? I'll make it simple:

Year after year a small group are responsible for the majority of crime. Should police allocate more resources to that small group/largest problem? Answer is yes.

Basically what you are saying is that its racist to arrest blacks for their crimes. Keep that in mind when you need the police to save you and they respond with "Sorry, we've arrested too many blacks for murdering innocent people already. You will just have to be murdered by them, otherwise it would be racist"

Prove to me blacks are people.

Sup Forums can't

You won't accomplish anything by talking about niggers here. Almost everyone on Sup Forums hates them and are wanting to see them die. I wanted to shitpost on /r9k/ but there are more important subjects to talk about.

I'm sorry and don't forget to sage. Niggers are criminals, end of the line.
No. Because niggers and other subhuman races can't understand the notion of respecting authority
Thanks for the infographic but I already have it

sage this is a useless shitposting thread I made

fifteenth pbp

Im white and i cannot count on both hands and feet how many times i have been pulled over


>Korean prisoners
Koreans are basically considered honorary whites in many white circles
>Indian prisoners
that's a fair point. Fuck Indians, everyone hates them (both kinds)

They commit more crimes




If dark skin color would be the predominant factor, indian and arabic people in general would be targeted to and its not the case.
Of course a lot of inocent blacks suffer for this, but it wouldnt be so serious if the black comunity in general wouldnt contribute so much to the criminal element

As a former rural cop, I worried far more about white sovereign citizens instead of blacks. Those motherfuckers need to be shot on sight.

they are failures at home and abroad


fucking hell I hate this board

>Implying FBI isn't racist
>Implying the FBI doesn't lie
>Implying those stats are accurate

I kinda feel sorry for you guys


>t. person who has never lived around niggers

shut the fuck up about black people.

this is kike gassing time.

and you bring up this bullshit.

>Rural cop

That's because all the niggers are Urban.

crime is color coded.

I've lived around them some are nice some steel your shit

You know, you have apologized so many times for shitposting and yet you’re posting completely off topic.
Talk about niggers or get out of your thread.
Personally, I am grateful that cops are targeting blacks, but the problem will never truly be gone until either a genocide or a mass deportation to Africa or one of the African provinces like France or Germany

>Myth number one
Percentages of victims as a percentage of victims is a useless statistic. You need to look at the percentage of victims as a percentage of the population. Your "Debunked" argument is flawed because it doesn't consider overall violent crime rates.

>Myth 2
This doesn't prove anything either. What is the trend of black crime? How much of the decrease is due to whites? Whites could be getting much classier while blacks stay the same, this would make a huge difference - especially since blacks are only 15% of the population.

>Myth 3
Were they arrested because of drugs, or were they being anti-social and upon further investigation drugs were found? What kinds of drugs? Where were they doing drugs? Were they dealers? Also, blacks are more likely to live in cities and you're more likely to get caught doing drugs in a city - please control for this.

>Myth 4
Something tells me this is black teachers being mean to black students.

>Crime prevalent in black community
No shit most people aren't criminals, society wouldn't function at all if that were the case. What matters is how much more prone to violence blacks are. Crime costs a lot of money to fight, and they are a drain on resources. Compare this data to whites and then we'll talk.

TL;DR This is fake news. You suck at data analysis. Go to fucking university you nig nog

They are targeted because the commit more crime

Stop bumping slide threads you fucking idiots

Wow dude a genocide? I get the deportation but why a genocide. And do you really think that will ever happen?

Correction, 5% are nice, 95% are barely civilized savages. I grew up in PG County

Stop causing crime and stop resisting. You lacked a father, never learned discipline... When an authority figure comes along, the negro can't into 'stop resisting'. It was never taught. Thank you based Democrat LBJ for implementing the welfare state that helped caused this.

So you are telling me that 95% are uncivilized crazy nogs? C'mon dude quit the stereotype not all nogs

It's inevitable that someday blacks will commit genocide against whites on a massive scale or vice versa. I think its a good option. Its a small world after all, and there simply isn't room for all these different races and cultures. Obviously I will look out for myself, so gas the kikes an nigs an chinks an goat fuckers

They are, as they should be.

I think a genocide will happen when blacks start abusing their power over whites, and the whites rise up and purge them


More white men die per year than blacks to police.

Yeah i dont think they have that much power

I’m telling you that, yes. I lived with and among them for many years. Niggers gonna nigg. Pick a new meme flag faggot nigger lover

It's like the black plague all over again, except the yellow fever and chronic diarrhea sweeping across our beloved lands simultaneously. I think we're about to enter another dark age, the only question is will I or others like me reach the light and dawn of a new era?

>When they start
have you been outside? It’s already started, but whites are divided between real whites and fags.

You idiot implying Hitler hated blacks. Dont think those modern fat stormniggers represent the reich. Like im talking about the fat tattoo skin heads not stormniggers

bump 'cause the French know diversity

You and I see it, but it will take the niggers really overplaying their hand to wake up the rest of the white race, just like the Jews overplaying their hand during the Weimar Republic woke up the German race.

Prove this negative, I fucking dare you.

They are, as they ought to be, because they commit the majority of the crime, problem ?

They are targeted more because their race typically creates more crime than all other races combined, thus, potentially stopping more crime that going after just white people or all races.

because if we wanted to make people racist we would release these so called "innocent" blacks from prison

Stop the crime than the police stops.

Don't stop the crime the police won't stop either.

Sounds simple right?

These idiots won't understand. I literally posted the textbook example of a slide thread here Sup Forums is dead. Either there are JIDF, sharblue, COINTEL, e-celebs or other companies/lobbies shilling for their products and ideologies, either there are angry teenagers or resenful manchildren who use this place to vent because it's a place of free hate. Shills and baiters alike take advantage of this to slide important threads and to create confusion.

While at the same time /SIG/ and nofap threads are getting slided or deleted. Same for the periscope pedophile ring. No one even talks about the (((suicided))) co founder of Wikileaks.
All is lost. Fuck this board

Predisposition to Crime...

Predatory Rapist Behavior...

That's why Negroes are targeted.

That's not how it works. Prove to me that there aren't goblins

