>a boy in college
>gets romantically involved with a woman 15 years his senior.
>later finds out he was adopted as a baby
>has sex with the older woman
>later finds out she is his birth mother.
>conflicted as he hasn't told her yet.
>she keeps wanting to advance the relationship.
Write an Anime
I distinctly remember reading about this in the newspaper a few years back, except it was a dad x daughter version.
In Tony Kaku:
>anime set in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world
>MC and crew are a group of explorers who get commissioned to find and map a supposed ocean to the South
>since it's an unexplored region, they have no supplies other than their armour and weapons
>along the way they explore ancient ruins that now lay home to various monsters
>Omnibus show like Amagami or Photo Kano
>Same MC, different girl for every arc
>MC and the girl start the arc as a couple
>The arc depicts how the girl gets stolen from MC
>The "other" is different on every arc
>The last, filler arc depicts the school's bicycle falling in love with MC and deciding to heal his heart after seeing it being broken
A high school boy is hit by a Japanese truck and wakes up in another world. However, he's not the hero, he's the princess. While trying to make sense of this, the MC is kidnapped by the demon lord who wants to make the human princess his bride. However, the demon lord turns out to be a girl. More than that, it's the MC's childhood friend who was also hit by a Japanese truck.
A "Perfect student" (honours society, A++ grades, perfect attendance since kindergarten, etc) lives only for academic achievement. She has no real friends, no clubs, no hobbies but studying. She prepares for her high-school years by planning to apply to a prestigious High School.
Her parents, afraid she is missing out on "life" convince her to take the last day off from school to relax, watch TV, and see more of the world. She does so, even going so far as to stay up till late watching anime, only to find the next morning that she never turned in her transfer forms. Rushing to finish filling them out in her tired state, she makes mistakes on the kanji in the school's name.
When she arrives at the dormitories of her new school she finds she's actually been sent to Japan's Worst All-girl Delinquent Academy. Terrified and ashamed that she's been sent here as punishment for her "awful criminal act" of cutting school she tries to fit in as best she can, and gets taken under the wing of a Senior girl who spots she's not supposed to be here, and she soon makes a small band of friends including Short-Temper Judo girl who never refuses a challenge, half-british Ko-gal lesbian stalker, and Computer-Crimes Hacker girl.
Episode ideas include:
MC learning about the other girls tragic, tear-jerking back stories, each becoming more and more tragic and outlandish until she realizes they're just jerking her around. Most of them just like being Yankees.
MC spills the lunch of the leader of the Motorcycle Gang, who challenges her to a race "or else". The only girl who ever beat her in a race was Senior Girl, but the gang trashed her bike after the race in rage. Can they get it repaired in time AND teach MC how to ride?
Ko-gal gets accused of underwear theft, and only MC refuses to believe she did it. The two of them Nancy Drew it around the campus, tracking clues and suspects until finally... MC realizes that Ko-gal WAS the thief, seeing MC defend her honour just got her wet so she played along for kicks.
The truth is discovered! MC's parents, after not hearing from her for so long, finally track her down and attempt to clear up the mistakes and send her to her proper school... but, can she actually leave the first group of friends she's ever really had?
>Boy meets girl.
>boy dates girl.
>boy fucks girl.
>boy learn that girl is actually his long lost sister.
>she got pregnant from their incestuous relationship before they found out the truth.
>kid is born with his lips glued to his forehead and his fingers all twisted with deformity.
>boy goes borderline insane after girl commits suicide from post birth depression.
>boy is stuck with deformed baby.
>the apartment they lived in caught fire and the baby died, boy is blamed for death and gets charged with murder and arsoning even though he did nothing.
>he is declared innocent on court after 2 years in jail.
>when he gets back out society rejects him for his criminal past, even though he was declared innocent.
>goes literally insane
>goes on a rampage across town killing everyone using an improvised flamethrower.
>gets sentenced to death
>dies laughing completly mad about all the shit that happened that was not even his fault to begin with.
>kid is born with his lips glued to his forehead and his fingers all twisted with deformity.
That's not how incest works.
This completes my 13 episodes one shot anime script, each line is a single episode, rate it.
Salaryman otaku finds a malware in the form of a visual novel in his pc which reflects his own life one day into the future.
>That's not how incest works.
You do realize that incestuous relationships greatly increase the chances of the child being born with genetic syndromes and deformities, right?
A high school girl is hit by a Japanese truck and wakes up in another world. However, she's not the princess, she's the dukes daughter. While trying to make sense of this, the MC is kidnapped by the demon lord who wants to make the human hero his bride. However, the demon lord turns out to be a truck. More than that, it's the MC's childhood friend who was also hit by a Japanese boy.
A high school boy, living a "just-above-average" life, suddenly found himself surrounded by several girls: the shy but industrious Student Council President, a bookworm hailing from an established traditional Japanese business, an aspiring track-and-field athlete, and a "hidden otaku" looking for the perfect confidante.
But, the boy already found himself falling for a normal girl who didn't really stand out at all.
This girl, seemingly effortlessly, makes her way into the boy's heart, leaving him oblivious to the elaborate scheme she has prepared just for him alone.
Yes, over multiple generations. It's a very light increase for single generation incest. It's a bigger risk for women to have children when they're over 35.
An orc in a fantasy world is hit by a rampaging magic trunk. He reincarnates into barron trump and learns he is the chosen one set to overthrow his father
9 episodes of NTR is not worth it for used goods
I would watch this. Sounds really cute.
Not into yankee stuff personally, but seems like it would make an alright CGDCT.
Hentai plot?
A kidnapped is by a Japanese truck high school girled and princesses in another duke's daughter. However, truck's not the duke, world's the Japanese truck. While trying to make demon lord of this, the bride is howevered by a Japanese truck to make the another world his childhood friend. However, the truck turns out to be a kidnapped. More than that, it's the princess' childhood truck who was also kidnapped by a demon duke's daughter's truck.
Doesn't really say enough.
Have you ever actually had a child with your sister?
That level of fuckedupitude only results from decades of systematic inbreeding.
>beta Sup Forums neet suddenly wakes up in generic isekai world #47563
>his house is transported with him
>he still has access to Sup Forums
>he makes threads asking for advice whenever he's confused and they keep fucking with him
>half the chapters are formatted as Sup Forums threads
TFW this already exists
>Yes, over multiple generations. It's a very light increase for single generation incest. It's a bigger risk for women to have children when they're over 35.
You fail to take under consideration the possibility of other incestuous relationships on their family line.
But do you think it would sell some merchandise? enough to make profit out of?
>Have you ever actually had a child with your sister?
Of course not.
>That level of fuckedupitude only results from decades of systematic inbreeding.
Indeed, which I would explore in the season 2 of the anime if it becomes popular enough to get one.
It already exists? Name one anime that reaches that level of autism!
>Doesn't really say enough.
It's set up like a traditional harem romcom. The twist is that the normal-looking girl is the most devious of the girls, going full Lelouch against the rest of the harem members, all while doing almost nothing directly.
The story is designed so that the normal girl wins under all circumstances, and the reader will feel disgusted by her victory.
Literally /mlp/ fanfic.
Magic is discipline where devices to invoke them, Conduits, are assembled using various parts, mechanisms, and catalysts, to create a desired effect in the form of a weapon or some other form.
[Ford]ain Marrett, a frustrated car mechanic, decided to head out to the Orient for a more refreshing life than just picking out parts for rundown vehicles. Upon arriving at Nagasaki, he meets Gran Mira Mistral, also known as GM-san, an engineer looking for fresh talent in the world of Conduit engineering.
A young girl is abducted by aliens. They claim she's the long lost princess of an ancient civilization and are here to take her home. When they arrive, it becomes clear that this is all just a prank. They perform their typical anal probing and send her back to earth and drop her in the middle of a field 30km from her house, wearing a silly costume. She vows to have revenge. Timeskip to 50 years later. The girl has become the president of Earth, after uniting the planet with her tale of the threat from beyond and concrete evidence she managed to snag on her way out the door of their ship. Under her rule, Earth has built a mighty warfleet using alien tech the illuminate has horded for decades.
A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl’s phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day’s confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn’t exist in this universe at all. She is the girl’s alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC’s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
>Self-Insert character #13241
>Raised in isolation, ignored by his family and abandoned by his Mother
>Obtains an ability to slow down his perception of time giving him the ability to think but not act while time is at a stand still
>Plot would basically devolve into a decent into madness and schizophrenia as he uses his ability to consistently outwit and outsmart people from pure brute force thinking
>Is an extreme misogynist due to festered resentment in his upbringing
Think of a slurry of Death Note, The Wasp Factory and Taxi Driver.
A fathercon girl is hit by truck-kun then wakes up in another world as a father of one daughter and moreover the daughter is fathercon too.
>MC pulls a magic sword from a stone
>this makes them the prophesised hero
>wise, kind elder offers to guide MC on their quest
>MC refuses to follow the prophecy, instead decides to just sit at home
>queue shenanigans as villains and evil-doers invade and attempt to kill MC
>MC defeats them all entirely by accident, gaining the attention of the big bad
>village is destroyed, rip wise old man
>MC doesn't give a fuck, decides to just wander around
>MC consistently defeats evil and saves the day entirely by accident, and there are several times where MC intentionally tries to fuck everything up but can't
>endless praise
>big bad is defeated in an epic clash of the ages where the MC literally just stands there and the magic of HOPE AND FRIENDSHIP gives MC the power to defeat big bad through sheer asspull
>MC attempts suicide, kills big bad's successor in the process, MC survives
What if we took something like Asterisk, Rakudai or one of those shows. But we gender bent it to make it look more unique than the rest of the genre, everyone would like it!
It was just a prank
>In a futuristic post-dystopia world
>A general unites the world under his flag and saves it from the wasteland it previously was
>30 years later his 27 year old daughter inherits his empire
>She wants to build technology to traverse dimensions to make humanity greater
>Introduce MC-kun, he's a slightly above average college student
>Every college gives a questionnaire to see who might be suitable to work for government
>He answers some broad question with an interesting answer
>President girl sees it, wants him to work for her
>He starts
>they grow closer, to his displeasure
>She bullies and abuses the shit out of him
>Constantly gives speeches about how she will Humanity control the multi-verse
>He develops stockholm syndrome
>She creates a portal to another world
>She prepares to go into it alone
>MC is trying to convince her not too
>She kicks the shit out of him
>They then have sex
>Next day she is prepping to go into the portal
>She she commands him to come up and kiss her goodbye he shoves her off the platform
>MC jumps in portal
>Immediately transported into a giant crowd
>Looks up at 4 suns
>eyes adjust and he sees people in rag clothes
>A wooden platform with a gallows
>Public execution
>Walking up a long flight of stairs
>Introduce antagonist
>Right as they ask if he has any final words
>Loud boom
>Antagonist grins
I've thought about writing it into a book desu
Everytime I imagine the villain it's blackbeard
>witch (male) goes on quest to find his childhood friend who has gone missing
>is assisted by his familiar, a talking black cat who is overly protective of him
>along the way, he meets a motherly knight, a quick witted archer, a lewd rogue, and ends up bringing a dead prince back to life as a lich (male) who also joins the party
>turns out childhood friend has joined up with a cult that wants to summon an eldritch god
>successfully convinces them to join the party and they defeat the cult, saving the kingdom
>lich prince ends up winning the witchbowl
Pls r8
So it's like colour wars taken up a notch. Could be good.
What happens though?
Get rid of the 50 year time skip and just keep her as a loli.
Dunno if madness and schizophrenia are really going to be aiding the story here unless he's participating in criminal activities.
Would be okay as a healing anime.
I don't think it needs the dying wise guy or attempted suicide if it's just a comedy.
Just like my otome games!
Does this president girl have some later relevance to the plot? Otherwise I feel like you could almost just use truck-kun.
When we say lich, are we talking ALL I'VE GOT IS BONES or a looks human but is actually dead type thing? The final plot twist would be pretty good to see reactions from Sup Forums, though.
>Get rid of the 50 year time skip and just keep her as a loli.
I didn't say she wasn't a loli.
Yes president girl will show up again. Attempting to conquer that world, and getting BTFO, or trying to bring protag back because she misses the dog she beats.
A world of fantasy and magic where people with magical aptitude are aligned under a divine entity which determines which kind of magic they use.
This ISN'T like a situation where someone can use fire because they are aligned with X, but rather how you would differentiate from something like C++ and JAVA. Both can achieve the same thing, but how they go about it is different.
Certain entities are gender specific. Someone who is aligned with Gaia for example, can only be a woman, otherwise it won't work. E.G. trying to run a Linux program on a Windows PC.
>So obviously our MC is male & is aligned with Gaia, and thus can't use magic despite being from a bloodline that is strong in magic. (NOTE: not everyone in this world can use magic)
>Naturally this causes problems & his family considers him a disgrace who tarnishes it's rich legacy
So, despite all this our MC still trains himself in magic. But ultimately it's just like doing Kata, a.k.a just going through the motions.
>MC has a love interest in the form of our female MC, also aligned to Gaia; but since she actually is a girl, she is quite a powerful magic user.
Fem MC is getting near the age (14) where magic capable people get ready to join magical military academies. Male MC knows that what lies after that is war and potential death, but can do nothing because at this point, he is nothing.
In a fateful encounter, the MC saves an old witch who says she can help him. She gives him 3 cartridges; each one of them will temporarily transform him into a female version of himself... HOWEVER using the 3rd one will make the change permanent.
The MC wants to be there for the Fem MC because he's always loved her. But can she love him back if he becomes a girl?
>text limit sucks, so i'm skipping a lot; but I've always liked genderbenders that actually address the trope's consequences.
Okay. How does the MC fit into this world and what exactly does the antagonist do that's so antagonistic?
This sounds pretty fun. How long does a 'temporary' gender change last? I take it he plans to enroll in the academy in order to protect her (and build an obligatory harem).
Will there be Yuri?
>When we say lich, are we talking ALL I'VE GOT IS BONES or a looks human but is actually dead type thing?
The latter, but he's armless and mute. He had died in a frozen wasteland, which pretty much preserved his body, but his arms were fucked up beyond saving and his throat had been crushed. I've been thinking about this story for about a year and have been wanting to show it off. Pic related is how I imagine the MC.
>final year of high school is wrapping up
>a boy is dating two girls at once with out them knowing
>he gets them both pregnant by accident
>the girls are surprisingly understanding and still love the boy
>boy moves them out to the country.
>two small cheap houses next to each other.
>boy spends all this time trying to farm, work part time in the town, take care of the girls, and hope no one catches on.
>its a comedy
>tfw had an idea for a manga in highschool
>shadow creatures came from space via meteors and infected people and gave them certain elemental abilities and extreme intelligence alongside a shared belief or plan
>mc gains a gray shadow with no initial powers and no initial knowledge of said plan
>gray shadow can absorb others and gain a fraction of the original's elemental abilities but the former shadow host keeps his elemental mastery while losing the extreme intelligence and knowledge of the shadow's goals
I later learned what parasyte was. The shadows in my idea were basically large black lizard things, but that's also an unoriginal concept.
To expand a bit, because of his family's standing in the world, he can go to the academy but not as a member of the active forces. Kinda like how you can join the military, but not have to be one of the ground forces.
Essentially he does that, but because of certain events he is forced to use those cartridges. They don't last very long, something like 15min if that.
There will be yuri, because he does eventually fully change... but it's not necessarily a "happy" thing right away. For example, I've had a scene in mind forever that's a spin on the shopping episode. Where other female members of the cast try to make our MC feel better by letting him experience what it's like to have fun as a girl. Only problem is this pushes the MC over the edge into a complete identity crisis.
I have a lot more, but to answer the question; yes.
Hour long OVA of Seth Rogan with a bag of weed, munching. Then at 58 minutes someone smacks it out of his hand and Seth goes, "Dude, my weed!" With 2 minutes of credits
That's what I've been trying to think of, my first time ever being in one of these threads. I don't really like superpowers so I can't use that. I could give it a steam-punkish vibe and have MC-kun use his other wordly knowledge to invent shit that world doesn't have.
>Villain's army seizes control of the execution
>Kills all government personal around the area
>Does not harm civilians in the crowd
>Grabs the state leader
>Let's call the antagonist Krag
>Krag shoots the state leader on the platform
>Kicks his body into the crowd
>Starts shouting about how the government is corrupt
>If they really cared about the people nobody would be dressed in rags
>He preaches about how he will overthrow the state
>Army rides away in airship
Now how the fuck do I get the MC involved.
I feel like this would all work much better if the MC and co weren't fresh out of highschool.
How about 2 minutes of Seth Rogan wit ha bad of weed, munching. Then someone smacks it out of his hand and a bunch of niggers bash his fat, pothead open with tire irons?
>Now how the fuck do I get the MC involved.
Essentially your MC has to either come to the plot (i.e. mingles with fleeing government characters, decides to help them) or let it come to him (wrong place at the wrong time, i.e. is searching for somewhere to spend the night and comes across some rebels stealing a MacGuffin).
It's up to you, but you don't have to make the MC take sides immediately. For now his priority might just be getting a roof over his head.
I like the idea of the antagonist isn't necessarily a villain. Probably I should focus on MC figuring out something our world has that the other one doesn't, that he can make with limited funds.
>genderbent magic-battle high school harem
This exists. It is called 'Shitsurakuen' (Paradise Lost). Pic related is vol1 cover.
>school has special system where boys battle each other
>weapons are ripped out of partner females' chest
>MC is the only girl who is capable of using the male devices to draw weapons from other girls
>she proceeds to gather a harem of dykes
Also, what are MC's skills? You said he was a college student and also has experience as president girl's doormat.
Obviously your average slightly above average human won't know much about engineering, chemistry, physics etc. unless he majored in that field, and even then, many of the basic processes we do today (i.e. lithography) just wouldn't be possible if other areas of science in your world aren't developed enough.
I must think about this more extensively, thank you user.
A high schooler falls in love with his teacher. Then they get transported to a fantasy world since that's the thing to do now, I guess. He tries to act cool and protect her but he's just a stupid kid who comes off as kind of chuuni and weak. They end up hooking up with a big strong adventurer who frequently saves sensei, and the kid thinks he has no chance now. They figure out how to get home in the first episode and adventure man interupts kid's confession with his own while the sensei's in the portal. She says she's married " did you think I'd love you because you saved me?" type of shit. Maybe she just rails into them both. While they're both looking at her on the other side, embarrassed from being shot down, the portal closes. The rest of the series is them becoming friends while looking for another portal and for women who will like them.
How's that for stream of thought?
>it finishes with a homo end
Even if it didn't, 90% of the doujins would be assured homo.
Magic School Battle harem except it's a grade school where low-cut side tie panties are the uniform.
The antagonists are lewd creatures from the underworld or something.
And here I thought I was the one cribbing excessively from Utena.
It's terrible though.
MC is a degenerate hikki-NEET who has polished his masturbation technique over many years, to the point where he could truly be called an unparalleled onani master. He is one of the few in the world who has mastered the "Wild Twin-headed Dragon" technique, wielding dildo, Tenga hole, and laptop at once with perfect harmony.
After a particularly furious session, he falls unconscious and wakes up to find himself sandwiched between two beautiful girls, his dick lodged inside one girl... and the other girl's dick lodged inside him.
So as it turns out, he masturbated so hard he imparted enough lifeforce to his dildo and Tenga to bring them to life as tsukumogami. And one has a dick because, well, she's a fucking dildo.
They immediately start fighting over the MC because turns out they've always had a long-standing rivalry over who was the better masturbation tool. The method of fighting should be obvious.
Also, the laptop later becomes an android girl to shake things up.
I feel like some depraved H-mangaka out there has already done this plot.
I know I've read one about an tenga becoming a girl and another about a dildo becoming a guy. Dunno if the combination has been tried yet.
A high school boy lives along with his imouto after their parents died to the deadly Japanese cold. He goes to school and works full time to try to support his precious imouto. However, this means he doesn't have much time to spend with her. While the imouto knows this is because he needs to and he does love her, emotionally, she feels like her onii-chan is distant. She wishes she could spend more time with her onii-chan. A wandering magical girl mascot hears the imouto's wish. He decides the best way to grant it is to make both of them magical girls. The two of them must save the city from evil invaders and rebuild their bond as siblings.
Extremely adorable aliens invade and have to be fought off by loli in tactical mecha, Earth Defense Force Mao-chan style. However if the girls lose, they get brutally raped and impregnated by the cute alien's cotton-candy pink tentacles that piss rainbows and cum glitter.
Expect a high cast turnover.
It will be called Cute Things Doing Cute Girls.
>I know I've read one about an tenga becoming a girl
MC is Girl that gets boy uniform in which has all the power to wield other girls as weapons.
There is not one afterlife but many, each one for major religions or ideologies. They act like businesses or countries, each trying to expand their sphere of influence and power. Usually, a person's beliefs are what chooses their afterlife, but humans can sign contracts agreeing to be sent to a certain afterlife in exchange for all sorts of things. Also, if a person dies due to an ideology, they are spent to that afterlife as well, regardless of belief. This law has led to agents of the afterlife to provoke wars and terrorism to increase their numbers.
The MCs are newly appointed agents of a unpopular afterlife. Wanting to increase their influence, their boss sends them out to claim the souls of certain people with skills useful to them. They try to get them to sign contracts, but they don't really have much to offer. So they sometimes have to go to option B, causing the target's death. But because of stricter laws being passed limiting this, and because the can't fight off the other agents of the afterlife if they cause trouble, they simply have to get the targets to kill themselves. It'll still count as a death of ideology and the person's soul will be theirs. Each episode would be a new target they have to claim, and a overarching plot starts to come into light about a massive conspiracy that threatens to ruin everything as well.
Don't remember. I read it years ago.
An incredibly devious, power-hungry politician becomes the youngest prime minister ever in the history of Japan, all while being one of the richest businessmen on Earth with numerous powerful figures at his beck and call.
However, beneath his cold, calculating exterior is a man scared out of his wits, because he knows that no matter how much power he acquires, it still won't be enough to protect him from "her".
Yes, his greatest enemy is no other than the most wanted criminal in Japan. Also known as his childhood friend, turned yandere stalker who has committed countless atrocities for his love.
Can the most powerful man in the world escape from the claws of a young maiden in love?
A reverse isekai where the protagonists live in a world where isekai protagonists get constantly sent to and throw things outta balance with their cheat powers and knowledge, as the protagonists must find a way to the original world the isekai protagonists originate themselves from and become the isekai protagonists themselves, as they face off against the Grim Reaper, who has taken the form of a truck driver and is responsible for all the isekai bullshit.
>high school boy MC
>saves a girl from Truck-kun
>she reveals she is a genie
>offers to grant one wish as thanks
>MC wishes for 1000 wishes
>genie girl moves in with him as her new master
>MC finds out that splitting his one wish into 1000 has made the wishes 1000x less powerful
>he can only wish for small shit now
>harem building and magical shenanigans ensue
>That level of fuckedupitude only results from decades of systematic inbreeding.
Incestfags keep bringing this up, but you should understand that the human genome is ten kinds of fucked up to start with and everybody in the world is already more or less related. Those living in the same country even more so. The child of close relatives is almost guaranteed to be disabled in some way already in the first generation. Hell, the odds are unnervingly high even if you aren't related at all.
This sounds kind of cute. I hope there are lot's of lewd happenings that occur to the brother.
Too depressing.
Sounds fun as a gag show. Some lewd situations might arise.
This kind of story is always fun.
This would be fun to watch. Especially seeing all his devious (lewd?) wishes backfire.
>I wish that all women on Earth will love me!
>it only works on desperate (i.e. ugly) women
>Too depressing.
It would be played like a black comedy, like Franken Fran or Dorohedoro.
Expanding because I posted it at a bad time.
Magic is discipline where devices to invoke them, Conduits, are assembled using various parts, mechanisms, and catalysts, to create a desired effect in the form of a weapon or some other form.
[Ford]ain Marrett, a frustrated car mechanic from Detroit, decided to head out to the Orient for a more refreshing life than just picking out parts for rundown vehicles. Upon arriving at Nagasaki, he meets Gran Mira Mistral, also known as [GM]-san, an engineer looking for fresh talent in the world of Conduit engineering and a teacher in the prestigious Hidemitsu Imperial Academy of Conduit Expertise.
There are three major Expertises in the academy: the Expertise of Assemblies (specializes in magic duels where players are given individual parts that they must assemble to attack the opposing player/s), the Expertise of Materialism (specializes in making the individual parts used in Conduits) and the Expertise of Techniques (specializes in teaching tactics in general combat and teaching correct handling of Conduits).
>Starts off as typical fantasy Isekai with self-insert-kun
>Goes around starting village meeting various waifus and husbandos
>They prepare him the tools and armor needed to defeat the big bad
>MC leaves town only to be ambushed by the entirety of the demon army
>Gets eaten instantly as the stuff he got from the villagers is actually crap
>Turns out the village actually made a deal with the big bad to feed him with a steady supply of summoned "heroes"
>The real MC is the cute mayor who has to keep the facade running or else
> Everyone in town is okay with this setup as long as they can live peacefully
> First episode ends with another "hero" seeing what happened to the first and deciding not to leave town
Can go two ways from here:
>MC tries to convince hero that he can actually win
>MC gets hero to join in on the facade
Either way I'm picturing a, mostly lighthearted, black comedy that plays on rpg tropes like how "better armor" is actually bulky and hard to move in or a literal chain mail bikini.
Sounds kinda fun, but there's no point to having a specific number of cartridges if the transformation is practically guaranteed to be permanent anyway. (Who would manage with just three?)
I'd suggest two options:
A) The transformation is permanent if he ever uses a single cartridge. The tension comes from seeing if there'll be a situation desperate enough that it can't be managed in any other way.
B) The old witch can manufacture the cartridges in unlimited quantities. The transformation is only stated to be permanent if he uses more than two in a row. This gives the reader some suspense in the beginning, "will it happen or won't it?"
Fordrain's main ability is RUBIK: the ability to quickly assemble Conduits based on his Macgyver-style experience of making working parts out of unconventional materials back in Detroit. His first victim was in a Quick-Assembly Duel with Silvetta [Lancia], an Italian Conduit user who claims to be able to assemble three working Conduits in a duel "under certain circumstances".
Story arcs is mostly focused on international conflicts like in World Break and Hundred, and some Quick-Assembly Duel tournaments. Eventually, there's an overarching plot involving the development of Automatons, piloted "forbidden technology" that aims to surpass Conduits. (One thing to consider about Conduits: power is exponential with respect to complexity, but repair and reassembly becomes exponentially difficult as well. The villains cheat around this by using forbidden materials.)
I like the idea of these expertises. Especially Assemblies and Techniques since they would make entertaining battles to watch (like a sports tournament or whatever). Kind of like the magic tournament in Mahouka.
I like this. The MC should come on all lovey dovey at first to the hero, and then when he refuses to leave, get all aggressive and pushy.
You can consider this series as a kind of Mahouka that takes place in the 1960s or something like that.
The Quick-Assembly Duel works like this:
>players are given an X amount of individual Conduit parts
>players must assemble a fully-functional Conduit and attack other players in order to win
>Conduits made are within certain specifications, but can either be any kind of weaponry, from throwing knives to swords to guns
>throwing weapons can disable players easily, but dismantling specialists can easily dismantle enemy weapons and integrate them into their weapons
>guns can work, but the complexity means that it takes more time to assembly one
>swords offer a good balance, but can only deal with enemies at melee range
In the end, the QAD is all about skill and quick judgment.
>all this cliched highschool crap
how boring!
Where's the usual criticism guy. I feel like I'm too nice for this.
>1000s of years into the future
>humans have colonised the solar system
>mars revolted against its colonial overlords (Earth) and as a result both planets got fucked to oblivion
>to fill the power gap, the Federation of Jovian Moons has become the new superpower
>on each planet, humans have genetically modified themselves to survive the different conditions
>for example, on mercury, where it's hot as hell, humans have evolved to become heat resistant photosynthesisers (don't ask me how, it's the future)
>story is set on Saturn, where a civil war has erupted between the current government, based within the gas giant itself, and separatists on Titan
>MC is a Saturnian clone pilot
>his army is assigned to reconquer the moon of
>as the anime progresses, MC's army moves deeper and deeper into Titanian territory, battles become fiercer
>if MC survives to the end, he is promised his right to humanity and will no longer be considered a tool
>throughout the anime, it is shown that the Saturnian government is pretty evil, but MC wants his freedom so he continues to obey orders
>in the last episode they blow up Titan and MC goes on to live a peaceful life with his clone waifu
>modern world
>one representative of each country that is chosen randomly are given giant robots by an alien
>these representatives must kill the other representatives of other countries.
>the defeated representative's penalty is that a catastrophic event will happen on their country that lasts 3 days
>the last representative standing will be granted one wish and that wish could be anything immortality, omnipotence, etc.
>but you cannot wish to have a wish on changing the rules of the wish so this means one cannot wish for another wish
>also, the wish must only affect you or the whole country you are representated on, you cannot affect the whole world with it
>And because of that, it started another world war.
>the mc is a 7 years old kid, and is the representative of japan.
>government tries its best to manipulate the mc but most of the times fails
>some country representatives are terrorists, politicians, highschool students, criminals, pious priest, military officers, your everyday person, etc.
My stuff wasn't cliched high school crap, but no one read it 'cause it was spread out over 15 2000 character posts.
>Mahou Shojo but with grandmas
>Monsters are personification of common old people problem
A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl’s phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day’s confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn’t exist in this universe at all. She is the girl’s alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC’s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
How do you fail to manipulate a 7 year old? Just promise the little shit a PS4 or whatever.
>MC dies
>Is reincarnated as an Optimus prime style robot
>In order to earn his body back he needs to run over other people to send them to fantasy worlds
>is really bad at his job, so he just ends up running over people randomly
She promised a collection of Eagles CDs, user.
alright, how about this:
>set in the distant future
>MC crashes alone on an uncharted alien planet
>tries fixing his ship
>meets a lone alien loli that doesn't understand moonspeak
>she helps him with finding food and other survival stuff
>he takes care of her like a daughter
>starts teaching her Japanese
>daughteru SOL set in the wilderness
>later, he detects a signal from another ship on the planet
>they follow it and find another crashed ship, and the girl's dead parents
>Sup Forumsnon is jacking it furiously to some NTR hentai one fine evening when he suddenly dies of an aneurysm
>fortunately for him, a kindly bara god takes pity on him and appears before Sup Forumsnon-kun's poor lost soul
>the bara god says he will grant Sup Forumsnon any three wishes within his power
>naturally Sup Forumsnon wishes to a) become the little girl, b) get isekai'd and c) have awesome powers
>with a nod of his muscular head, the bara god accepts these wishes and sends Sup Forumsnon's soul to another world
>Sup Forumsnon-kun wakes up as a cute little loli and immediately looks to sell her virginity to old men
>unfortunately, Sup Forumsnon-chan was reincarnated in a world entirely populated by bara gentlemen, who are all raging homosexuals
>what's more, MC's final wish has manifested as the power to become super fucking jacked when activated, she becomes loli kenshiro
>in order to become the loli bitch Sup Forumsnon has always wanted to be, she sets out on a journey to find someone on the planet who isn't a fag
>Its another brilliantly wasteful day in Sup Forums, with anons bitching and fagging it up across the board as usual
>suddenly a stickied thread appears in Sup Forums, posted by a mod named "Isekai"
>In the thread is a single link that takes the anons to a private streaming site
>in the site is an average fantasy anime, a medieval magical setting with a hero protag and a Big Bad
>the instructions of the streaming site says "Vote for the Hero's actions in the chat. Majority Wins."
>f/a/ggots swarm the site, wildy instructing the Hero to do the most inane, depraved, and retarded acts their degenerate minds could cook up.
>the Hero, though with a mind of his own, is so bland, spineless and uncaring that he will blindly follow the voices in his head. Only rarely does he argue against Sup Forums
>through their "adventures", f/a/ggots discover that there is a way to grant magical power from the isekai to the real world, but it will only go to a limited amount of people
>eventually, scientists, private groups and the government finds out about the Isekai, and swarm the streaming site hoping to control the Hero for themselves.
>hijinks insue as all the internet users of the world fight over the mind of the Hero so its them that gets the ultimate power
Forgot to mention that the MC is carefree kid who is now living his fantasy by using his giant robot. He is not easily swayed because in a way, the MC is insane because he is a big fan of robots and getting to control one is a dream come true for him. He doesn't want his action to be controlled as he only wants control his robot. Even when he is threatened, he doesn't care. And the government cannot dare to oppose the kid because when they use force, the kid will use his robot with no hesitation, and if they kill the kid, the country will be in a constant state of being struck in natural disasters that lasts 3 days.
>A ghost from the future suddenly appears in front of MC
>The ghost tells the MC that a one year from now, a world-breaking event will happen
>The MC didn't believe at first but the ghost shown proofs that he is from the future
>Now that the MC is now believing it, he is trying in his own way, to alter the future with the ghost's guide
>Forward 1 year, a day before that event, after all those things, he realizes that he is actually the cause.
>The ghost is actually the MC 1 year ahead of the current MC
>The ghost says that in his timeline before he realized that it was his fault, it was already too late so he killed himself
>The ghost became the ghost coincidentally and cannot explain it either why he became a ghost for the MC only to see.
>The MC then said not to worry because he is sure that the event won't happen in this timeline.
>Forward to next day, the event happened regardless and it was still his own fault.
>insert "why" and ghost saying "sorry I tried everything to prevent this but stil..." scene
>both the ghost and MC are in despair now.
>The MC saw a gun and pointed it to his head. The ghost didn't even try to stop him because he is too still despairing
>Before the MC pulled the trigger the ghost silently muttered " why is it somehow different from the event of my timeline?"
>MC pulled the trigger and now he's dead
>The MC suddenly gained consciousness and noticed that he is a ghost.
>He noticed that city was like 1 year ago
>He then realized he was sent to the past but with a ghost body
>MC then saw himself and approached himself from the past.
>Now the ghost MC too is full of determination on preventing that happening again
>But this time, the ghost MC's guides are completely different from the previous ghost.
>And now start the real story from here.
I really don't know how to continue this as I was just bored while typing this
Here's one I've actually written some stuff for.
The story is based in a fantasy world with RPG mechanics which allow me to channel my autism. In this world, mankind and demonkind are at war, and a human kingdom attempts to summon a hero (the MC) to aid them. Summoned heroes are usually max level broken assholes. Unfortunately, the spell fails and MC's body is destroyed.
As a result, MC is reincarnated as a generic level 1 NPC and has to complete a tutorial level before system-sama will let her into the world. The MC is a narcissistic ojou-sama type, despite being an overly assertive baka. Eventually the MC clears the tutorial with the help of another soul who also failed to be summoned.
The MC chooses to be born as an angel, thinking that she'll get to live a slovenly life of in the lap of luxury. However when she arrives, she discovers that the angels of this world are a carnivorous warrior race of cryptojews that go around bankrupting nations via usury.
After growing up, the MC becomes an alchemist's apprentice, which leads her to live in an undead city at the North Pole.
Meanwhile, the humans finally succeed in summoning a hero, who is a lecherous douchebag as expected, but as a max level, he wins the war for humanity and assembles a harem.
MC and her mentor then travel the world, bumping into other characters, such as the guy from the tutorial, who is now a goblin. She also meets the hero, who desperately wants MC in his harem.
It's mainly SOL with some adventure thrown in. It sounds worse in 1 post than in reality.
Reposting because last time I submitted this just as the thread was 404ing
Working Title: "Senpai wa Punk-Ass Bitch"
What looks like one of those generic SoL after-school clubs where they do nothing but drink tea is in reality just a front for a ghetto organized crime syndicate. All of the members act like Japanese schoolgirl stereotypes (tsundere/genik girl/etc.), but in reality they're all suicidally macho gangsters who'll blow each other's brains out at the slightest provocation.
The kind of suggestive bickering that makes up most SoL dialogue usually devolves here at an alarming rate into armed confrontation. For example:
> "Kyaaa! I dropped and broke another tea set! Uwuuu.... :("
> "Ku-hu-hu; Rin-kun is really clumsy-suru."
> [beat]
> "............ Nigga did you just call me a klutz?"
> "I don't know nigga maybe I did. You got a problem with that?"
Most of the jokes are basically in that vein: gangster-rap subversion of moe stereotypes. Episodes consist of main characters trying to run their business without killing each other.
Antagonists include a "moe-mafia" run by a Don Corleone-esque loli godfather (operating under the guise of the "Trash-Collection Club"), and the student council, which operates here as the police department. The president fronts as a Haruhi Suzumiya-type genki girl, then pulls out a flask and starts barking orders at her underlings in a heavy Irish accent.
A boy, a genius unlike any other before and after him, formulates a magic ritual that should have beyond the reach of any mortal. He had created a means to turn reality upside down and make anyone into the almighty god of their universe.
However, instead of making himself god he chooses to grant that to a girl in his life. The girl accepts all too readily for him out of his devotion to her and carries out the ritual as he intended.
Supreme power is placed in the girl's hand and virtually anything could be bent to her will. Virtually anything except for the past. The powers the ritual bestowed granted one the firmest grasp on the present and the future but she could not change the events that had transpired.
She obeys the young man's instructions and fulfills them to satisfaction at first but soon she finds him listless and contemplative. He would not share with her what occupied him so until one day he calls her over to his home.
She finds him dead on the floor with a manic grin on his face. He had killed himself and that could not be changed. She had failed again.
So she remakes the universe once more.
In truth the ritual did nothing to her. She had already been almighty before the boy thought to make her so. The boy himself was the newest simulation of a person she hoped to understand. She remade him and his world so many times now in so many different ways but her answer still eludes her.
"Why did he kill himself?"
She always made sure to give him genius no matter the circumstances and now matter how overjoyed, fearful or repentant the simulations felt about their new god, they would always end their lives in the same way - content and silent.
She could not truly bring her maker back so all she could do was to run her simulations over and over again until some day one of his simulacra finally lay bare his heart for her.
I call this one "The Maker's Mirror".
Continued from Other jokes:
> Girl running to school w/ toast in mouth is immediately killed in drive-by shooting.
> Obligatory waggish "pervert" character is of course also brutally murdered early on in the show.
> Obligatory credit shot of MCs happily running together field zooms out to show they're running from cops
> Tsundere's suspiciously specific denials have nothing to do with love. "I-It's not like I shanked Ayana because I wanted to steal her shoes or anything... baka!"
> Soft-spoken, big-eyed moe girls can only keep their pupils big by smoking massive quantities of crack cocaine.
> Beach episode: girl gets out of car and says "Woww! I can see the ocean!" Immediately the other girls pounce on her, beat her senseless with a pipe, tie her to a cinder bock and throw her off a pier.
> Alternative version of beach joke:
> - FIRST GIRL: "Woww! I can see the ocean!"
> - SECOND GIRL: [pulling body out of the trunk] "Yeah no shit. You gonna help me with this or what?"
> One girl attack-hugs another so hard that they both fall to the ground, at which point the glomp-er repeatedly slams the glomp-ee's head into the concrete while yelling "STOP RESISTING." Later, glompee claims she dindu nuthin as she is thrown screaming and swearing into the back of a squad car.
You get the idea. There's more, I'm running out of room.
I'm not 100% happy with the title. I feel it should be longer, like one of those 140-character light novel titles. All in Japanese save for a few English swear words poking out of the Kanji. "Senpai Wa Punk-Ass Bitch" is too short and obvious. There should be just enough gratuitous English to give you an idea of the meaning.
If anyone knows enough Japanese to suggest a better title, do let me know. Also, if you guys can think of any other SoL cliches that can be subverted in decidedly un-cute ways, I'm open to suggestions. I know there are other tropes I've forgotten to make fun of, and I welcome your expertise.
There's more *but I'm running out of room.
Sorry, my bad. I'm writing this kind of late.
That's basically the twist for Punch Line