You may only post ITT if you ar enot a shithole

Allowed: United States, Norway
Not Allowed: Haiti, Africa

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Those two shitholes are such shitholes that they don't even have internet. They can't post here to begin with.

le 56% face reporting in

lmao at everyone else.

welcome norway, promise we wont treat you like puerto rico (shithole)

We should encourage more Norwegian posters on Sup Forums.

United States x Norway OTP forever

when we gonna seal the borders and gas the niggers?

Tbh there are a lot of places in America that are shit holes. What common denominator is there? What ever could it be?

US controlled Pan America now!

But i like my fjords. I dont really want to emigrate. Unless i get rich. Then im moving to texas(prefferably northen America if tanks are allowed) and buying a tank

You know Trump didnt say USA was not a shithole
And im very sorry to say that, some of you may agree, that parts of the USA are shitholes....

Feels good man

>country where the vast majority of newborn males have their foreskins/frenulums ripped off without any painkillers
>not a shithole

You don't need to be sorry. We live here. We know how it is in some places.

Mate you don't need to be rich to buy a tank. They start at like $40,000

So, FUCK Brit-bongs and FUCK Japan, too

Norway is our new best friend!

Don't move to Texas. "Le Based Texas" is a meme. Move to Maine or New Hampshire if you want high quality America.

Kek be willed I do not live in a shithole.

hahahhahaa 10/10


i-i can buy a working t55 for 70k?

Only good usage of that meme ever. I also want some Icelandbros to move here.


Thats what i figured. Texas is a meme.

Northern America has more Norwegians than Norway. So yeah. Somewhere around there

Yes. But good luck getting shells for it

lmao saved

56% is the shit hole line.

The problem is that the living conditions in Norway are so much better than in America, so why even bother moving here? It's like living in a sacred oasis and then jumping into an endless septic tank.

friendship ended with Israel. Norway is my new best friend.

Someone meme this btw


>not going to wallyworld once in a while just for the chance to see things like that in real life

Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin is where the Scandinavians mostly settled. You'd be among your 56% kin there.

le /pol army/
ohhh shiiiitittt i just had the best idea!!!!! why don't we rent a tank, get the 9gag stone out, and run it the fuck over with it, and record it!!!

Can we give Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore honorary shithole status?

hi fellas

You could just use a bulldozer

Can i post?

We are not even a nation though

I'm really happy that you got recognition from the Potus, but you will be taking the few whites remaining in europe and taking them to the craddle of mongrelization.

Think about it.

Cant i just create them? Cant be that expensive to manufacture the shells with a decently equiped garage.

When its a Russian cold war era tank im not that picky about autheniticiy of the ammo.

Hello fake America!

no a tank is more impressive and more Sup Forums


Those digits don't lie. We know what we must do

Is Trump gonna win re-election?? honestly concerned atm

I'm a fan of getting a few vats of vinegar and dumping it on the ground above the rock

Of course you can, Taiwan is lovely

I for one am thrilled to celebrate the unbreakable bond between Norway and the USA that has withstood the test of time in the last few hours.

Laws get kind of sticky about things like that. It's the kind of thing where if you don't make sure you're playing by ever last rule and technicality that they might decide to come chuck you in prison.

it's an omen


seriously, are you saying you DON'T want to see this in real life?

110% maybe.

>call up that mortainvestment company
>give then whatever the fuck the 9gag stone is
>have them run it over on video

Is it some monument engraved with watermarks? The fuck is that

>not googling anything with 9gag



that won't do shit, dynamite or some mining explosive would be best. if not jackhammer, but tank would be 10/10 internet history forever

No human born in a certain area is a shit person

You thought he showed his full power level in the election? 7 more years my dude

It's aparently a rock they decided to cover in memes 9fags voted on. And because it's 9gag, it's the shittiest, most normie-tier memes

We don't have it. They buried it in Spain for posterity

Sorry, Texasito, about the only thing you have going is that you're not Venezuela. But you're probably in upper half of shitholes if that helps.


Here's one with Mexico

USA+Norway BFF best friends forever
i love you guys

American prison is something out of a dystopic futuristic novel.

Not risking that. The quality of the legal\prison system is one of my main reasons for not taking the trip more often.

I understand that the nigger density makes it kind of un-avoidable. But fuck me those sentences\conditions are absoloutely fucking inhumane.

Could easily have a company overseas (from the us) create the shells and mark them with whatever legal shit they need as live ammo replicas.

Has anyone honestly ever seen the Haitian flag on here?

They're not all as bad as what you see on TV, but you definitely wouldn't want to go there. And sometimes if you're a problem they put you in an awful one on purpose.


Trump also didn't say water was wet, but we all know it.

Trump has been to London i figure. Oslo`s worst areas arent even comparable.

Why should I emigrate to a lesser country like the US?

much love from NZ

We sent them computers in an aid package but they ate them.

Not here in Baltimore

because america WHITE

Don't move to Texas, it's horrible.
My ancestors literally moved here after the 1848 shit in Europe thinking it would be better, don't make the same mistake

I think getting lost in Baltimore was the first time I started to feel slightly uncomfortable in my own country.

You’re just playin. That’s what bros do!

>saying no Africa >using nigger dance

Best nation here

>We need immigrants to feed the consumerist US market and keep this artificial economy afloat
>Why don't people from norway move here and throw away their better lives??
Is Trump actually this stupid or does he do it on purpose

Once we make enough money most of us either moves to the us or gets some dual citisenship.

Most of the well of friends i got own property in America

I wasn't talking to you mutt, I was talking to whte europeans.

Good to have you, my dude!

No, this is just how to start moving immigration back in the right direction. How far we get is anybody's guess, but anything is better than nothing.

Trump made me proud to be a descendant of 19th century Norweigian homesteaders. Trump will win MN with this new Usso-Norway god alliance

much love from mexico

potus dont told me a shithole.


Research the upper peninsula of Michigan. Super white place, cozy towns, and beautiful scenery

this shill again

why norway? what did trump say about norway?

Welcome to the brotherhood brother.

feels good not being a forsaken nigger itt. hello fellow aryans

We already know you send the drugs and you're rapists, even though some of you, we assume, are nice people. No need to bully further until it's wall time.

After midnight Walmart is like a whole other place.

He asked why we are bringing in people from shithole countries like Haiti instead of Norway.

I can't believe he actually went and said it. GEOTUS Trump 2020

Guess you're just gonna have to hope that one of those 248 posters doesn't conveniently have high-speed internet, access to all websites including Sup Forums, and a functioning television.

only el salvador, haiti, and africa are shitholes.

Not gonna lie, we used to be a shithole. But it's hilarious watching Trump make people say shithole. In all seriousness we can let this man get his small hands on the printer codes.