It's been 11.5 years since Nanoha A's aired
It's been 11.5 years since Nanoha A's aired
And Vita is still best girl.
I can't remember if I arrived on Sup Forums right after A's finished airing, or right after. All I remember is people being disappointed that Nanoha's weapon's real name is 'Raising Heart' instead of the much cooler sounding 'Raging Heart' we thought it was
Movie soon (we will remind them etc)
I still can't believe people thought it was actually like that, Nanoha doesn't even get angry until Strikers came along.
Please rate the following teams:
>A: The Mary Sues
>B: Tomboy^2
>C: Sore Losers
>D: Elegance
>E: Look But Don't Touch
>F: Adult Appeal
And by that I mean
>E: Demolishers
>G: Look But Don't Touch
>Arisa and Suzuka
Oh nice. Maybe they'll be relevant this time.
I love Fuuka so much
Fuuka could beat up Vita.
So a Nanoha thread made for no reason other than to just mention A's? Issa troll thread. Let it die.
Threads have been made for less
Nanoha A's was the pinnacle of mahou shoujo
It's pretty good
How do you feel about Yuuki Yuuna and Princess Tutu? Got those sitting in my backlog since people seem to like them a lot.
im a sucker for tomboy
You must love Miura then
Princess Tutu is a great anime, specially the second half, if you like the genre it's a must watch.
Jesus, they really fucked up
Those look pretty fine, loli Arf is good, Chrono looks better than in the anime, and Yuno has always looked like a girl.
I disagree, I think they all look like shit. Not even the outfits look good.
>finger tips on top of each other
How lewd.
They look so bad that I now think Nanoha and Fate look fine.
It's okay, at that age they have already put those fingers deep inside each other.
Their youth corrupted the next generation of youth.
That's particularly easy to do when you have a movie about yourself and little girls look up to you and want to emulate your achievements and love story.
Was this the future they wanted?
Chrono sure grew up fast.
He looks uncomfortable.
Pissed that Zafira gets the shaft as always but also happy to see the Harlowns will be in the movie. I'll pry for Chrono to do something cool.
What are you talking about? He's gets some screen time here and there. Arf is the one who got shafted and sent to the infinite library to die.
She wish. Vita is on a completely different tier. I bet even Sieglinde would have a hard time fighting her. And I mean a real fight not one of their pussy hug box sports match.
Fuuka has the God hands and can turn into an adult. Vita has a toy hammer and is a child. Fuuka wins.
>Fuuka have the power to turn into an old hag
I don't see how is that an advantage. She was defeated by a pipsqueak like Corona's Goliath. Good luck dealing with the Iron Count Graf Eisen.
Jahowl, bitches.
Pic related.
Fuuka would just smash it.
>It took the massive core of an ancient superweapon feared by entire dimension to break Graf Eisen
Good luck to Fuuka's mortal knuckles.
Not a problem.
>Lost to a puny golem barely the size of a 4 store building
Wimp. Vita kills Kaiju as a hobby.
Vita had thousands of years to train. Fuuka had 3 months at that point. We know who the real freak of nature is.
I can't imagine a situation where Vita would be fighting Fuuka seriously. She's a big softy.
The team with that hot ass
>Vita had thousands of years to train
Well, I guess slaughtering worlds worth of warriors and soldiers counts as training.
One kill down. Worlds left to go.
Einhart and Sieg are so kakoii!
Holy fuck
this show didn't age at all
it looked as dated when it aired as it does now
Remember when Nanoha preformed an abortion while saving the world?
Second time Corona is paired with Victoria. I wonder what's the theme.
Also it's surprising how well Corona's baggy clothes where hidding her progress. I bet she'll be stacked at 15.
That Vita game that dude made is really good.
They hit it off on their first meeting when they were exploring the library. They are both elegant, reserved ladies who were influenced by a butler close to them.
>A: Your new favorite characters
>B: Knuckleheads
>C: The Italian jobbers
>D: Warrior Princesses
>E: Mess with the best, lose like the rest
>F: Blueball Team
>G: Easily forgiven team
Everyone loves Fuuka.
There is no reason to constantly repost the same image.
At gunpoint but they do.
>literally a thread to celebrate A's
>start spamming Vivid Strike
But it's okay because they're not the problem.
I know what you're implying.
But give me ONE reason why would I have made this thread.
Good morning.
Yuyuyu is kinda bad. It's a slow build to schadenfreude and that's about it. Unless you need to nurse a suffering boner, I'd safely pass on it and not waste your time.
Tutu is a must see for general mahou shoujo fans. It's just one of those rare excellent additions to the genre. Probably not a masterpiece, but certainly good enough that there's no reason to not check it out if it's your thing.
Signum was always the best knight. Fate best girl overall. She has it in the character setup.
And your taste is shit, as expected of someone who defends Vivid Strike.
>... is a shrunk-down teenager or something
So we're doing that thing again?
>i'm going to spam shit unrelated to the thread for the lolz, that's totally not shitposting btw
Butler close to Corona - do you mean pic related?
I sure wish Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's was the subject of discussion in the thread dedicated to Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's.
He likes Signum. That alone improves his taste considerably.
Defending Vivid Strike cancels that out and then some.
Why couldn't they just give us good ol' buff Arf? Why turn her into a moeblob?
I don't understand.
It's dead, friend. StrikerS killed it and then everything after pissed on the grave. Too many new characters constantly being flooded in.
>wanting to segregate what's left of the Nanoha fanbase
Go back to /animesuki/ they have a whole board were you can discuss each part of the franchise in it's own isolated little thread just like you want to do here.
That's not a fucking excuse. Vivid retards have their own goddamn general in /u/ where they can publicly jack off to Nanoha's dead corpse all day long. They have no business here, ESPECIALLY in a thread that has shit-all to do with Vivid.
>n-no you s-should let the f-fags who don't g-give two fucks a-about n-nanoha take a s-shit on nanoha t-threads
Yes, and Victoria has her own personal butler of course. Otto is great.
Oh yeah, that has a lot to do with A's, doesn't it? You know, since we're in the A's thread and all.
We need more Edgar fanart.
How about stuff that's actually related to the thread?
>Force trash
I should have accounted for the intelligence of the average Vivid monkey before writing that.
Truly what one expects to see in an A's thread.