Modern One Piece is TRASH

Modern One Piece is TRASH

>Art is too busy, it's like reading a Where's Wally? book
>Plot is going absolutely nowhere, nothing of note has happened since Ace died
>New characters are introduced and thrown away so fast I doubt even Oda can keep track of them

I don't understand it when people hold up One Piece as an example of a good shonen that's maintained its quality. It's dreck.

Most long-running shounen tend to lose steam, and OP is no exception

While it hasn't declined as much as Naruto or Bleach did towards their ends it's still pretty tired now. It's the same routine over and over with a SHOCKING REVEAL that everyone saw coming a mile off.

I could prove every one of those points wrong but you'll never agree with me or see that point of view so what's the point?

It's a shame that you feel that way. We had a great run though, yeah?

dude the current arc is great and anything but predictable.

I haven't read the last 10 or so chapters, but from what I remember the art is still busy as fuck and he's still flinging new characters at you every page.

How would you prove me not liking the current art style as "wrong"?

Pretty predictable if you ask me, and I love this autistic ass show. A shame I lost the cannon on the deck of the Going Merry I built.

Tell me all the things you've predicted so far.

>How would you prove me not liking the current art style as "wrong"?
You didn't say you didn't like it. You stated that it was too busy as a fact.

It is. Not him.

>You didn't say you didn't like it. You stated that it was too busy as a fact.

Oh piss off you pedantic child. When someone says something about a piece of media it's pretty safe to assume it's an opinion and they don't think they're factually correct.

The only problem I have with it is the lack of tension.

Like, Big Mom is a fucking joke compared to Lucci. A Yonko is a joke

How am I being the pedant!?

I'm not the one moving the goalposts.

To be honest - I even partially agree. I think I disagree most with the idea that these problems are unique to modern One Piece.

I'd say that the art has been busy like this for at least 10 years

You're just reading it weekly now.

>I'd say that the art has been busy like this for at least 10 years

I was gonna trawl through the chapters to see if I could pinpoint exactly when it took a nosedive but couldn't be bothered. So when I say "modern" I mean the last few hundred chapters.

I probably haven't enjoyed One Piece since Impel Down ended.

It was trash from the very beginning, you just managed to outgrow it in the meantime.

Big Mom is going to kill half the people there. So, i don't see how it's possible for you to believe Lucci was more of a threat.

Pro-tip: the MC win

>Plot is going absolutely nowhere, nothing of note has happened since Ace died
How can you be so wrong? You are straight up lying.
>New characters are introduced and thrown away so fast I doubt even Oda can keep track of them
I can.
>Art is too busy, it's like reading a Where's Wally? book
It's more of a taste thing i guess. But it's wrong anyway.

Oh also One Piece totally kept is quality. Even improved on some point. I don't see what isn't there anymore.

>Art is too busy, it's like reading a Where's Wally? book
I absolutely agree with you.

Read text spoil enough for me

>Plot is going absolutely nowhere, nothing of note has happened since Ace died
wtf is wrong with you? the plot is moving faster than ever.

>Modern One Piece is TRASH
Art > Yes
Story > No

Narutard detected

I only watched the anime but I given up on it at the part where Luffy and the gang reaches zou because I really can't no longer stand the pacing and animation anymore. I'm guessing that's from both the manga and anime being weekly

this ! not even gintama survived

>Plot is going absolutely nowhere, nothing of note has happened since Ace died
Luffy has been creating more alliances or loyalties. He's gotten a former warlord as a new crew member, created an alliance with fellow Supernova Law and his crew, has gained the support of the nations of Fishman Island, Dressrosa, and Zou, will likely gain the support of all of Wano, and has gained the Straw Hat Grand Fleet consisting of thousands of members. Plus he took down another one of the Warlords, and has made enemies of two of the Emperors. We've also gotten more details on exactly how they need to get to Raftel, with them already obtaining half of the needed road poneglyphs.