Is Evangelion really that intellectual?

Is Evangelion really that intellectual?

Yes it has several clever metaphors

Asuka has a fetish for choking and the first time we see her she is wearing one

In terms of anime, which is the lowest form of entertainment, then yes something like it could be considered "intelligent" by borrowing from greater works that actually matter.



take evas message be a true nihilist and fucking kill yourselves

No it's just another self insert anime for faggots.


>They see your penis

No, but smart people like it because they recognize a good thing when they see it.




>In terms of anime, which is the lowest form of entertainment
you're forgetting video games and live-action television

those at least require though

anime doesn't

Get out of Sup Forums





Not especially, but it sticks to its themes and motifs, which is rare in anime.

Don't know what makes anything intellectual, but Eva certainly has a lot more depth to its story and characters than most shows.

Eva is the best anime of all time.
There are literally no titles that can dig you up as much as Eva does. There are no titles that can give you a more valuable lesson than Eva does. It's a flow of consciousness that is well-structured and backed up by psychological concepts and symbolism. It has the greatest and most memorable characters ever. It's timeless. It's a masterpiece.

but it was enjoyable nonetheless

Yeah but ironic shitposting and feeling superior to internet superqueers who are in on the joke and understand the meta want to pretend to hate it to keep it relevant and known so that newfags stumble upon it

That's how you spread the gospel of the new millennia

Regardless of the thoughts and intentions behind it, Eva started off as a standard commercial television production, which does pose a barrier to being considered truly an intellectual product.

OP rustling all the elitists jimmies


unironically really?

Evangelion is old enough to vote.

Also chokers are like the black belt of cocksucking-do so she is kinda a whore. Or wishes to be.

The people getting around to watching Eva only recently aren't.

Eh, I didn't understand it the first time but I watched it again and got a grip on what was happening, its alright, its a bit over hyped but the designs and music was good, plus Kaji was a legitimately cool anime character, its got good and bad basically.

The anime isn't that great, but the manga is fucking mental. Whichever you prefer, understanding the story behind the scenes is a crazy puzzle, all that jazz about the primordial civilization and the seeds and AT fields, etc. It requires something of an effort to understand and I reckon most people are simply too stupid to care or even try.

Who's getting around to watching it recently? 3.0 came and went, and with the international rights still at a standstill there's no news to get people interested.

i read the manga a few days ago
ending infinitely more satisfying

ReiQ is a wonderful addition to the Eva franchise and I'm pleased she exists.


Welcome to Sup Forums

Judging it by the threads quality, no.

i honestly just got the "don't be an otaku-like and shut yourself and your feelings inside/you need other people in your life" the first time i watched it, and i'm a little baffled other people have difficulty understanding it. are they retarded or just young? i was twenty-seven when i watched it for the first time

no, its history.
this is the story of the first interstellar war, the one we lost to yahwh.
wake up !!!!!!

>I'm a fucking normalfag and I think others should be normalfags
Nice bait if that's what you were aiming for.

fuck are you talking about, nigger? i jusy got the message. i still shut myself off. some nip isn't going to change my life

Only the finale and the movie, the rest is average shonen stuff.

It sure sounded like you were advocating for normalfaggotry by the way you phrased your previous post.

Not really, Highbrow/Lowbrow dichotomy is dead. The inherent artistic merits of the work regardless of its commercial intent is all that matters.

27yo anime watchers aren't normal just fags at the most.

>i just got the message. i still shut myself off. some nip isn't going to change my life
Eva fans in a nutshell.

>Also chokers are like the black belt of cocksucking-do

nicely said

Most folks seem to take the IT'S A DECONSTRUCTION meme seriously.

>or wishes to be

Fits her Kaji dilemma perfectly

Those have not watched more than three anime from the 70-90s at most.

user you better be bullshitting me to not realize this is not one of the most revolutionary anime out there

Not that user but, In my experience, the only people that say crap like "that" are the same people that cut off anything older than 1995,
because it looks old and can't stand the choppy-older animation.

>(it's just not my day today)

I've meet plenty of people that fit in that category.

Absolutely it takes a true genius to ripoff a bunch of classic series and turn it into a high school harem. I'm not even joking, who the hell would think to put serious giant robot story + haremshit together? Anno is truly a genius.

You consider Evangelion a Harem?

That's Gundam. Eva is just a poor man's Gundam.

You cant have Star Wars without Flash Gordon beforehand, your point?

no not really
I enjoyed it though

>backed up by psychological concepts and symbolism.
Bullshit Freudian psychological concepts, and the symbolism is literally just in there because it looks cool.

I don’t get how people can even believe it’s a deconstruction. What in Eva makes people claim it’s a deconstruction?

Not just without Flash Gordon, but the Valerian comic and Barsoom Series as well.

Eva is without question a deconstruction of the mecha genre. Usually mecha anime have superpowerful mechs powered by some made up energy and the protagonist is a hotblooded kid who isn't afraid of anything. Eva flips this on its head by making the mechs both realistically powered by electricity, by making the protagonist understandably hesitant to pilot the robot, and showing intense training is required to pilot it properly. This post is bait don't take it seriously, and in short if you don't think Eva is a deconstruction you need to watch more anime until your ignorance vanishes.

It's almost a deconstruction of most anime

Dozens of trips are done on their head but many have coppied Eva since then making it not seem special

Yes, point is that; we all stand in the shoulders of Giants.

Is it far deeper than the average moe blob and mindless shounen? Yes
Is it THAT intellectual? No its not the super duper ultimate creation of this world like some people think it is.

nice reddit spacing.