Felix is so fucking hot!

Felix is so fucking hot!


No he's not. You're just gay.


He is the best guy

Do not sexualize my wife!

10/10 would use feet to jerk off under desk

The one that receives is the gay one.

I said DO NOT sexualize

To be fair, most people become at least a little hot if you put a collar and leash on them.

It's not gay if it looks like a girl.


I want Felix to fuck my ass while stroking my cock with his tail.

>wanting a barbed feline penis in your ass

Sorry dude, its as smooth as a gun barrel.

>Liking traps still makes you gay
Fuck it, vaginas look weird anyway.

Ferris doesn't have a barbed penis.

>deliberately hiding male nipples
What was the artist trying to do here?

Well an anus does look nicer then a pussy so I guess that makes sense.

Tease my cock.

I'm going to need some proof of this.



Keep telling yourself that, buddy.