Would you date a non-binary person?
Would you date a non-binary person?
No. I'd put them in a fucking oven. Fuck off.
Obviously fucking not
As long as they don't have a dick
That's a girl with short hair.
Date? No Fuck? yea, cause I like skinny bitches.
Never stick your dick in crazy
>inb4 people who realize all women are crazy say I am implying to only stick your dick in other men
I literally want to fuck twinks now wtf
No, even I have standards.
thats a dude so no
We know you exist
If its genitals were intact and of my preferred configuration, if it didn't know my real name, and if I knew for a fact I'd never have to be in the same zipcode as it ever again then maybe I'd fuck it.
pick one
Non-binary literally means "mentally unstable". No. Fuck no. Never. Sage.
You should take his advice and die in a fire.
As long as she was a women
I don't know what that is so no.
>That's a girl
I have some bad news user.
You would love to fuck a non binary person if no one knew... I know it. Its true and you cant deny it
What about somebody who is transethnic?
Cum in her face?
Is androgyny sexy? Why does the human creature delight in confusing itself? Don't you want to know that your mate is healthy and capable of reproduction?
You should stop projecting your sexual perversions onto everyone else and off yourself. A shotgun blast to the roof of your mouth is a great way to start your day.
the massive faggots and virgins on here cant grasp this concept
Nazis are undercover gays so stop talkin about yourself and go and fuck some dicks man
>xe thinks mental illness can't be transmitted sexually
Better start saving for the SRS you'll be craving in a couple of years.
Nah, that's obviously a girl.
Sorry homie.
That non-binary person? Fuck yes.
Nonbinary? what the fuk is it a 3 then?
>Would you fuck a non-binary person?
Yes. Might be nutty, but she's got a solid body.
I ran a lab at m2d2 for awhile. Lowell man.... what a dump. Want a good chuckle, look at the zoo animals that goto Life Alive or Mill 5.
I wouldn't even befriend someone if I knew they were mentally ill.
Traps are fucking gay
>muh dik
nigger detected
Whats it like wanting and craving dick so much but knowing you cant becuase of your shitty dead political ideaology that is now a meme
That's some unique shill-posting senpai.
Nah, I just like skinny girls
>would you date someone with a mental illness
I live near there. Its fun to drive down there and scream "OOGA BOOGA" and chimp soundboards out the window near Middlesex college in Lowell. Yeah..I do that
I would fuck that girl, if it were a real girl.
Got anymore pics?
Fuck OFF with these shill threads FUCK
Benis or Vagine? If Benis, No. If Vagine, No.
For your health.
I am dating one right now. Don't do it anons, the poon is incredible but ultimately not worth the realization that this chick is going to drown your kids when she discovers your power level
No idea what that even means. I don't care about some made up bullshit.
There is no point in dating someone you don't plan on marrying, less to fuck them.
got sum bad news faggot
>Never stick your dick in crazy
I think that saying should be changed to "never wife a bitch that's crazy"
The best fucks of my life have been with crazy bitches, and it might be the placebo effect, but in any case - the best fucks are always the crazy ones. Of course when it comes to marriage - that's a red flag.
No, I don't like to wake up to a basket case every day
Lol I literally know this girl through friends, she’s a hoe
No way. These people are just attention seeking libtards, misguided by rhetoric they read on a single Tumblr Unicorn guide.
I can't believe true scientists have debunked this shit, but again, globalist pieces of shit want to dismantle all language as we know it, just to further divide us on non-important issues.
I can only imagine that actually gay people are kind of ashamed of this shit, but kind of shocked how they never stand up against it.
If they're female and let me fuck them, I'll call them a baked potato if they want.
So what you are saying is you poisoned your mind and after you are married you will be looking over your shoulder for that fleeting high of the "crazy one" forever more?
Hope you're strong enough and won't niggardly betray your wife for that.
I don't think I could tolerate speaking to someone who is so up their own ass with SJW shit to describe themselves as "non-binary" for more than a few minutes, let alone suffer through an entire date with one.
Nah... I'm way too into binary people
non-binary just isn't my bag
I dont go anywhere near middle st after 8 pm. I live in Pepperell. It's heaven here compared to Lowell. Btw, Dracut was the only district that went to Trump in MA. I rented an apartment there when I was working in Lowell. Picked it because it was the most white community nearest to Lowell. Basically proud racist here. :)
I don’t know what that is. Looks like a girl but she has short hair. Is she a soldier or a faggot?
What the fuck is wrong with you
A what?
Non binary loadlifters? Sir, my first job was fucking vaporators —very similar to your non binary load lifters in most respects.
Indeed. Does it have a biologically inherited pussy or a dick? If pussy, then perhaps.
>Oh shit, I'm sorry. Did I just clear up that gender crisis for you?
>Want me to do it again?
The answer is always yes.
Billerica is big time Trump supporter town
I went down to the voting booth with 100s of trump signs. Also trump signs on most properties. Never saw a hillary sign here.
T. Lived here for 20+ years
I wish there were more non binary ufc. Fighters
I love watching fags and women bash each other
No, I would not date the mentally ill.
Need nudes
More like some good news.
pics or it didnt happen
Tomboys with big tits are my fetish.
Not surely if this non binary is up to snuff
>this thing is an RA
Are you fucking shitting me? This thing has authority over other people. My heart goes out to those poor bastards that live on that floor.
I wouldn't date low key crazy, never mind that level. Get outta here
>8 miles away
only 2 genders so it's impossible not to date a "binary person"
would i date a delusional person who thought otherewise? probably not
Youthful naivety. I played along with her insanity while she radicalized me into everything she ideologically despises.
They don't have a dick, right...?
Dude.... You need help
No. Because 'non-binary' people are always self rigorous snow-flakes.
I want to fuck the feminine into her and make her my girly fuckslave
wouldn't even be hard desu - girls like that just want to be told what to do.
Two words, user. Daddy issues. It's a glorious thing.
>Would you date a non-binary person?
I always obey the first rule of dating - don't put your dick in crazy.
yes. I'd smell the farts of the girl in OP's pic
Not with that fashion sense.
I wouldnt date someone mentally ill, or a retard,and she looks like a combination of the two
Have dated and fucked a number of lesbians. Something about them I find very sexy. Plus they like threesomes, as do I. Win win until some chick steals yo girl.
>date people with mental disorders
>not sending people with mental disorders to hospitals
>This post
I can see it. Better go gib her some bitcoin and nap her ass quick
No thanks, I only use brapcoin
My cat just took a fresh shit, wanna smell it for 5 bitcoin?
"Non-binary" sounds like a mental condition
is it a girl cat?
Did I mention she has a transgender "sister"?
There is no escape for me my friend.
Of course I won't. When and if I marry(I'm 22), I could never think of cheating on my wife, let alone for some cheap high. I have too much empathy for others for that.
>Would you date a non-binary person?
If she had nice tits I might
This is why I am lost to degeneracy with crazy women. I've already had to many partners to ever be good husband material to be honest.
Send pics and honestly I know for a fact you have no father and have a shit single mom
>Never wife a crazy bitch
I like this, but still. try not to dick crazy. They'll cry rape faster than you can ejaculate inside their crazy cooch.
This is a chick. And she's fine as fuck. Finger her butt and choke her.