what do americans think of asian-americans?
>The president, according to a White House official, also suggested he would be open to more immigrants from Asian countries because he felt they help the United States economically.
what do americans think of asian-americans?
>The president, according to a White House official, also suggested he would be open to more immigrants from Asian countries because he felt they help the United States economically.
Depends. Do Asians send money back like mexicans
Gooks are ok.
East Asians are fine.
Shitstreet country.
Canada here. It's shit. They claim to be intelligent but they soak up welfare and never invent jack shit. Vancouver used to be our hub of development now it's a dead Chinese colony.
Also they won't vote conservative. The only good thing is their women are very fuckable and love the BWC.
Asians are good in their every day behavior but have bad political views. Support for things like free speech and firearm rights are extremely low.
we already have enough asians
Capitalism incentivises immigration.
Businesses dont care about helping people. They care about cheaper labor. Whether its getting low cost labor from mexicans or inflating the labor market with high skill asians, the result is still a theft of the native population.
If I had it my way i'd allow asians to live in le ethnostate but track them and mandate by law they never make up more than 5% of any individual cities population. They ruined Vancouver, Markham, Oakville and Richmond. That's where some 95% of our Chinese, our largest minority, live.
No mainland china
They’re fine.
The only problem is they stick together.
People are always worried about how smart they are. This planet is stupid. Being smart can actually be a bad thing.
A shitload of people having your back because of what you look like? Thats always a bad thing.
thats why if you import koreans viets phillipines you toss the salad nicely. if you just get chinese then yeah you will start to hate life
Chinks are racist as fuck. They think niggers are subhumans, and that white skin = high status.
1000% better than haiti niggers.
>never invent jack shit.
Look up patents. Korea, China, Japan are consistently in the top 5.
Fucking this, I hate commie chinks who always seem to be libcuck NPCs. Oh herro, I havada newborn daughter, let me leave her in trash where she belongs. Even the chinks know where their kind belong...
>Look up patents.
> Korea, China, Japan
The least creative people in the history of people. Brilliant, but amazingly incapable of vision or dreams. Perhaps the price to pay for preserving tradition and harmony.
Send in the Japanese waifus
Analytical intelligence and work ethic are usually pretty based, but creativity has been cucked due to muh traditions
Spencer is literally a controlled opposition shill trying to deracinate society. Of course he's unhappy.
kinda like Silicon Valley
I'd be down for Trump to open immigration from Asian countries. Gotta love Asian women.
No they hide money here in the form of real estate. Chinese government tends to take a lot of money. Look at Yap Ming needing to pay the government to play in the nba
Why do you lie?
East Asians are fine, they (mainly the Japanese and SC) love American culture and the feeling is largely mutual. If there was to be any nonwhite immigration it would be them. A preference towards lower iq groups would make the country less prosperous as well as more dangerous.
Light E. Asian immigration wouldn't disenfranchise whites at all. Spencer is a fucking tool who claims to not be a "white supremacist" while simultaneously holding the position that having a small number of nonwhite dumb fucks in your ethnostate is better for whites than having a small nonwhite productive class. He would rather have a small group for whites to essentially rule over than he would a small group that could compete at relatively the same rate and work together with whites.
>vote in stupid shit like safe heroin inject sites
>need money to fund Jewish programs like the (((olympics)))
>sell city out to highest bidder, get a ton of money
>fuck over your your own children
>somehow it’s the chink’s fault that free market is at work
Thank god I left that shithole.
>1800’s Chinese workers spread out into industries across US/Canada
>”der taking argh jerbs.avi”
>lynched and persecuted for willingness to work harder than the (((white))) man
>build chinatowns/little Tokyo and form Asian communities to protect ourselves
>fast forward a couple more decades of persecution and profiling without even a single riot, somehow manage to succeed even when shit like affirmative action works against us
>some fucking 40 IQ faggot asks ”ugh why the fuck do these chinks keep to themselves?” In the year 2018
Naw fuck you cunts, we learned ages ago to never trust the (((whites))). You faggots have zero problems with exploiting other races so long as it benefits you, and probably have zero problem stabbing us Asians in the back once the race wars against latinos and blacks are done.
> Chink here
> JHU BME ph.D
I will eventually win an america citizenship due to contribution. Now I am working hard as hell to make progress in the ultimate cure of Alzheimer disease.
>What do Americans think of Asians?
Stay in Asia and then I mostly don't care.
>Host nations tries to reject parasite
>Parasite endures and grows resistance to rejection
>Fuck you we're staying
Yes I'm sure you hated how you "where treated" so much, that's why you came here and stayed.
>invite Asians by the boat loads to be indentured servants because of cheap costs
>Jew asian workers out of pay, to the point they couldn’t even pay for a ticket to go back home
>now bitch about “parasites” when you were the one who led to this in the first place.
American (((whites))) are the real Jew here.
>Invite them
>He thinks all the immigrants flooding to the USA where invited
Lying to yourself to support your persecution complex doesn't make it real or true
fuck no. we don't give a shit about our home countries.
There's a family of Koreans at the end of my street. They don't exactly fit in, but when they are out they say hello. They also cut their grass and keep their yard and house clean.
Funny how people who can barely speak English can do a better job than the alternative that torch every neighborhood they touch.
No more immigrants from anywhere. We're drowning.
i'm OP, and that fucking sucks for you user.
the only ones that do it here are jews, obviously.
i did public health outreach (i'm obviously a doctor, given that i am asian), and i had caught these ashkenazi jews lying and being given welfare for 20+ years. even the blacks who worked there were like "we always knew that they cheated the system, but if we tried we'd be in jail in a heartbeat"
lots of orthodox jewish organized crime too.
also as OP, i should clarify my thread: i meant by asian-american, those whose parents immigrated here.
my parents immigrated here in the 70s. i was born here and grew up here in fucking middle america. in a white neighborhood.
i never considered myself as anything but american. and nothing else.
>imaginary white persecution
>m-muh white r-race
>literally every single white person in American is some disgusting mutt
>m-muh heritage
>every Single “tradition” is some commercialized Jewish sham
>doesn’t even know his own country’s history
>needs a fucking chinaman to tell him
Lel the state of amerisharts. Please tell me more about the “56% white 30% Latino 14% Black” master race.
pic related is clearly 1/4 nignog
i hope you know that
only japanese or south koreans
however they shouldn't be placed near each other
If they do, I've never heard of it happening.
This. The Mexicans steal jobs from poor people for cheaper wages and the Asians still jobs from middle class people for cheaper wages. They're both being used as pawns to fuck the white working class by the Jewish elites.
chinese are the niggers of asian people form what i hear
jealous bugman. you don't get to be a real human. instead you're more like an ant
>Gets butt blasted about having his delusions shattered
>Proceeds to ramble about things I never talked about
It's true that most people claiming to be white are not, that the USA is a bloated corpse waiting to pop. What isn't true is that most migrants in early or modern arrival where invited. Populations from around the world fled to the USA because they believed it would provide them a better life. You came to a nation that was doing well because you wanted a piece of it. When the host population rejected you, viewing you as a parasite, you retreated into your own communities and became tumors. As you yourself admit, you will never be one of us, you will always be a "Chinaman" and you know it.
I like Richard Spencer and agree with him on most issues.
Fuck off you've already sent your limit for the next two two centuries
Go bother Canada
chinks don't have soap in hospital restrooms
What a fuck head. Middle class is already destoryed. America has more significant issues than letting immigrants
Asians are not even that smart. I'm pretty sure that most of them cheated in school and that their government forged their IQ test scores for the sake of appearance and nationalism. I've been smarter than every asian person I've met at my school and the only ones that outscore me are the losers who literally study all fuckin day while I just chill and play games.
Asians aren't smart. They just work hard because they have nothing else.
Just Filipinos - the beaners of Asia.
Correct, Asians are one of the stupidest groups of people out there aside from any group with Negro admixture. Think of this - why do you think "tiger mom" parenting is even required? Why do Asians need to spend endless amounts of hours to even be average? While whites can do no studying, no sleep, b.s their way through and still be successful. Cheating is very common among Asians