"I am a proound shit holer" this time in 1980p
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bump its the full nigger you shitholers
he said nigger in front of a black person
well he is paul "1488mudd"
nigger at 2:14 and 2:32.
Spic said numerous times
you should have made that the thread title son
Italians confirmed not white.
my bad I know but I am a shitholeing nigger spic what do I know
>this is how you can say nigger kike jew and shit holer on tv
literally tearing up over here
proud shit holer took maybe only like 6 hours to form. from the comments made on shit holes. to being a proud adjective of said shit holes. gotta love the republican party. these comments are just race war stuff. who profits during a race war. and you got the DNC Chair going off like Mao, now, because immigration has become this big statue of liberty shit hole controversy. God Help you
choose one
Deep State Mudd the cuck, he's just a honky that loves him some niggers from shitholes.
Trump has these mother fuckers talking about being PROUD SHITHOLERS.
TAS of these people.
>mackerel breath
Notice the Catholic angle at play kek
Fucking catholics
catholics apparently get the rope too
the catholics are always subversives because they will always put other catholics first
this dude is off the chain
>we're not from africa, we're not from Norway
Norway btfo
>Leftists can get away with using slurs as long as they're making a """"point"""""
literally BTFO
That and they are the shittiest denomination of true Christianity. Follow the money, the Vatican is a house of Satan. Catholicism is controlled opposition. They worship and pray to idol symbols and saints, when the bible strictly forbids this. Never mind half their priest fucking adolescent choir boys in the confession booths. Catholicism is to Christianity what Islam is to Muslims. Both are full of shit, and evil at the core.
but pepe why?
yea but stays n line with pagan traditions like symbols and statues and lesser gods
This guy literally eats nigger ass
Doesn't that mean he's admitting his country is a shithole?
Love this fuckin world
>I'm a proud shitholer
lol what kind of dumb faggot even says that
You have no idea what you're talking about. Catholicism is the one true church and Western Civilization is built upon its back. Things began to fall apart because Protestants have contempt for tradition and think they can interpret things however they want so they can have a nice feel good religion instead of one with a connection to the past.
This is what happens when you let Italian catholics into a good, WASP country.
They ruin it with catholic sjw nonsense
yea he is irish after all
Holy kek. Didn't think they could be this stupid but turns out they can be.
Damn, CNN is sad.
lmao CNN has gone off the fucking deep end and 2018 has only started.
>WASPs calling anyone else SJWs
LMAO. CNN throwing a tantrum over some bullshit source. We all know it's going to turn out to be fake anyway.
Just look at how emotional these people are.
more like based now
omg he is out of his mind LOL
holy shit, people need to stop with the shitholing. also this guy worked for the CIA, an organization that leftists accuse of turning these countries into shitholes. i'm really not sure what the fuck is going on anymore but the s & p is still going up so i don't care
He looks like he's about to break a smile throughout.
six words my man "glow in the dark cia niggers"
I cant wait to see liberals coming to Angola for their next vacations! Might rob some iphones.
nigga enrichment is the most enlightening
When you said this time in 1980p, I wasn't expecting resolution, but some sort of rethemed 80's thing.
I cringed so hard.
i mean DAMN i was not prepared for that...
>comparing Haiti to any of the places he mentioned
So is "shitholer" going to be a thing now?
Donald Trump MEME magic can't be stopped.
"I'm a proud shitholer." Is this the onion haha.
Today was a good day
>Family came when Italians and Irish were seen as dirty people.
>Implying they still aren't.
>Catholicism is evil
you just know some serious shit is going down when this is all over the news and no one will shut the fuck up about it
>former CIA
>fake outrage
Something big is happening, isn’t It?
>italy is a shithole
>greece is a shithole
>slant eye * 3
>nigger * 3
What an interview
The video summed up in a meme.
a troll who isn't a troll; perfect trollage
Guys this is on national TV. Guys...
Let that sink in for a moment. We are living in modern day Babylon.
What does a country have to do with RACE? Think about it. If I call Canada a shithole, is that anyway RACIST? Canada has muslims, asians, whities --- quite diverse. So if the continent of Africa and countries like Haiti are called shitholes but they should be diverse of course like liberals want all countries to be, then how can that be racist at all?
Thats where you are wrong bitch, kek was summoned to rustle your granny panties.
it's d&c strats, my man. don't you remember how much anti-police shit the msn was pushing around 2015? now it's identity politics. get woke, nigga.
How does CNN let this senile fuck get on their show? What happened to them?
They do realize that since there's no real proof Trump said this, they are being self harming racists to each other for feels reasons and will pay the price for it, right?
Lol when this guy gets his career ruined for saying nigger repeatedly on live tv and the story turns out to not even be true
this is insane. I honestly can't believe this is happening. Trump, what have you done?
this man just wanted to say swear words on television nice CIA
first time they did something that didn't kill people!! :)
Truly the greatest entertainer. Even better than MJ.
Imagine you are a PC democrat globalist warrior and then Trump shits the bed during a meeting you thought you had in the bag. You thought another around of illegals was going to be given amnesty in the USA and Trump would build a little fence while the government contractors pocked most of the 18 billion border defense. So you go cry your globalist media friends and make a huge fuss because the alpha male wont let you pollute america with multiculturalism. NO! Not this president. Trump is an eccentric nationalist businessman who spent years on the sidelines waiting for this moment, the moment to say fuck your virtue signaling, fuck your plantations.America belongs to good moral people not Africa or Haiti shitholes.
Most (((Google news))) sources and articles are ignoring how he said nigger completely, focusing more on Trump of course.
Get to twitter folks, this needs to be in everyone's face by 6am on the east coast.
I know if god forbid a conservative said the nigger word the entire media would hang them and parade it out of context. But of course they do not attack their own.
This CIAnigger is definitely /ourguy/. First Spencer BTFOs Sargon, and now this. CIA has been on point lately.
Where are the music videos made with this audio? Looking for something like that Obama "okey doke" video.
>nebulized mackeral breath
a pagan by any other name will still burn in hell
catholics cant even be modern democrats because it is the party of abortion, contraception support, lgbt heresy ect.
Who knew Mudd was /ourguy/ all along.
"I'm not surprised, in some ways I am proud. I am a PROUD shitholer. My family was called Wops and Macro Leaders (is that right?), and I am proud of that. People from Ireland and Italy were seen as dirty people. Dirty Catholics who didn't belong in a protestant country.
Shit holers built this country 110 years ago, they were called slopers and slant eyes. Chinese people who built this country. Shit holers from Japanese... internment camps, stayed in those camps as American citizens. And that is a legacy that we bare SHAME for today. Shit holers who escape Guatemala and El Salvador, Civil wars that we participated in built this country.
I worked for shitholers who protected this country after 9-11.
George Tenet is a first generation Greek. I guess he is a SHITHOLER. Jose Rodriguez is-- was the head of counter terrorism at the CIA. He is a Porterician, I guess he is not welcome. I am proud today... I am proud to be a shitholer. And I want a t-shirt... hashtag.. "I am them, it's us".
I'm proud, yeah. Let's stand against this and say: "it's not about black people... and it is not about white people from Norway. It's about the people who built America, and here we denigrated until we became ashamed and we realized that is inappropriate and we are learning the lesson again today. "
*black guy talks*
CIA Nigger: "I've seen these conversations that this is economics, but let's be clear. A white Honky from Norway can come here, but black dude from Haiti can't. What does that tell you in an America that -- in one generation called you a Nigger. What does that tell you Don? I can tell you that what tells a honky like me.. we're no different from where we were a generation ago..."
>Just shithole my shit up senpai
I don't use racial epithets. I noticed liberals and leftists are pretty loose with them when they think they can get away with it.
>i'm one of the good ones, user
this is one of the weirdest things ive ever seen. also, why is don crying KEK