Did we just get one step closer to this actually happening?
Did we just get one step closer to this actually happening?
Why do Libtards do this with everyone they disagree with?
They're assuming anyone not of their side is a racist, and they themselves act the part of racists daily anyway. For some reason the rest of us are punished for it.
Seriously, always record every conversation with Libtards: get them on media being the racists and then expose them. It's fun!
He'll win the black vote by saying it.
Why do you care Hans? Go whittle some shoes and worry about spending your Kroners or whatever.
>Trump says of black conservatives “you’re the real niggas”
then this
so you be sayin' the demonKKKrats are da real raycissts?
Yes. Democrats and libtards are the real racists.
Screencap this: in 2018, you won't be able to get elected outside of the blue metros if you haven't called someone a nigger. MAGA
>still says "N-word tee hee"
Seriously, if you're going to say nigger, say nigger, or don't at all.
Trump has good relations with black people.
They wish he would. Then theyd have something to report on other than fake news.
If trump can diffuse all the power that the left has imbued in "nigger" it will be his greatest achievement.
Never, he'll never say it.
But critics of his will slip up and say it and be summarily fired.
if he does he will be the best president
>yfw MSM said nigger on live television before trump could
in his farewell address in 2024
What's the n-word?
In the Oval Office, at 5:54pm on February 2nd, 2017, right after a meeting on elementary school test scores in black neighborhoods, right before "second executive time," when Trump is cranky and craving some Fox News and KFC.
>Is that Jeb?
>Ask him how much a large Guacamole costs
>tfw you'll never put a blunt in the air with the Pimp-Commander in Chief
He will say it on Christmas Eve 2018 live on TV as part of a CNN Special Debate between the President and Don Lemon on the racist history of Christmas.
it's funny because it's true
When you're too scared to talk to a nigger and have no idea who they are
Nigger is my favorite word.
I hope so. Right after he signs an executive order banning the existence of the NAACP.
People should be taking bets on whether or not he can make it through his term without saying nigger (and getting caught).
>Why do Libtards do this with everyone they disagree with?
It's kinda like when overzealos black women call everything slightly not on they're side "the devil"
It's a mental illness. Or a brain sickness similiar to the same thing that brought the Inquisition into action. Racism is the ultimate evil in the universe to these people. And we, are they're devil's. It's sad really, because once you do your research and find out your being systematically replaced, your actually enlightened and figure out that the liberals are the actual spawns of Satan.
As you type alone hiding behind the comfort of your computer
nobody is “saying” anything tough guy. go use your vocal chords and say n in your nearest city. it’s not even comparable to typing it out anonymously online