Are they just zombies repeating (((propaganda)))?
Why do liberals have so much cognitive dissonance?
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The dumb liberals are just repeating what they think is the politically correct opinion but the smart ones know exactly what they're doing.
> →
t. conservative who's an allegedly reals over feels identitarian who's main concern in politics is how to integrate christianity or support for israel into his racist beliefs without suffering too much cognitive dissonance
>Make Mexico a state.
>Tourist Income helps buy Panama
>Rest of Central America folds, fearing we'll bust the block.
>Carribbean Islands fold out of fear.
>"Talks with South American Countries continues..."
It isn't acceptable for the President of the United States to refer to another country as a "shithole." And the context in which Trump expressed it was racist, period. He disrespected the people of those countries, including guests and naturalized citizens of the US and their families.
t. someone who still hasn't realized
>isn't acceptable for the President of the United States to
The only thing that isn't acceptable for a president is not representing the interests of the people of his country well.
>refer to another country as a "shithole."
They are shitholes. Speaking the truth is somehow heresy now.
Mass immigration from shithole countries is in no way desirable to ordinary citizens of a developed country. And even if it were somehow desirable, this is something that has to be discussed. Calling people racists because they don't want immigration from certain countries is just trying to shutdown discussion. This is not what racism is.
The people behind this are mostly the cheap labor lobby.
And in any case, this doesn't change the fact that those countries are shitholes and that we don't want to be like them.
have a cocaine bump
PROGRSSIVISM IS THE NEWEST JEWISH RELIGION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That video was gold
And on the flip side (pic):
More like make mexico a state and then the spics all vote for bernie sanders because they are sick of working like niggers in the hot sun for pennies on the dollar and then the tax man robs you blind
is not an inherent quality of calling certain countries "shitholes" (or anything else, for that matter). I render your statement as "I don't accept it" and respond, "so what?"
>taking doctors and engineers away from shithole countries which makes them shittier
>brown people risking their lives to move to racist countries
They get their information and opinions from lefty memes in their facebook feed.
Shit like pic related.
They don't research it or question. They just take it as gospel.
The left is in essence feminine. This is why their "arguments" are far more emotional screeching than rational thought.
Your very dangerous error is ever expecting a woman to be rational.
crazy cat lady syndrome
they want to take care of the world
Not bad. You got me.
Confederate monuments aren't participation trophies.
then blacks shouldn't be mad they were slaves
>when you struggle to find inconsistencies in your political opponent's view so you equate decades old statues to participation trophies
I'm really considering making a folder dedicated to terrible left leaning memes. They're strange and retarded but it's interesting to see their brain dead memes.
One reason is it seems like they've been convinced that everything is the opposite of common sense because things would be too simple otherwise and simple is inherently wrong. The media pounds this idea into them since birth. Sharks are not dangerous. Izlamb is religion of peace, bad means good, defense means war, diversity is strength, etc.
that one wasnt that bad cmon
i want to believe they are aware the countries are shitholes but take it as he is referring to not taking blackies
otherwise its inexcusable cognitive dissonance
Sitting on a bench =/= Holding out for 4 years against an army twice your size
When will the left implode?
What's the full list of countries that aren't considered shitholes?
I don't think so. I thought the whole meme revolved around contradictory statements that certain people believe in at the same time. Sure, the statues of confederates (the LOSERS) could be seen as participation trophies at the time they were made, but I think they take on some degree of historical value after all these years they've been around, they exist as more of a relic of the past than some glorified participation trophy.
I genuinely didn't really care when some hard left faggots started smashing statues, but the comparison in the picture is kind of a big stretch.
It's "whose".
USA and CSA were reunified. Unlike some contests, winner and loser became one, by choice of the winner. The winner didn't want a victory that left the loser unable to rejoin the winner as intact as possible. Thus historical monuments for both sides speak to the unified whole.
this is it
Modern liberals, the majority of millenials, are too fixated on social media or their perceived self image. Most have no clue what is occuring politically, they only care about fitting in. Cognitive dissonance proves effective to these young liberals since they lack personal reasons to advocate the "cause", so they are told what to believe in and are used as a political tool to change upcoming elections
they get value for what? being there?
there are also new statues and its obviously meant as the original intention of putting the statue up
its a little stretch and the maga hat its a bit out of context also but its not as bad as to include it in your database
>Sharks are not dangerous
Well, not to humans. They kill very little per year in Australia. There was even an episode of mythbusters where they went underwater and triggered a feeding frenzy (forgot why) among sharks, but they didn't even attack because they were at the same depth as the sharks. They've only really been known to attack if they mistake you for something else.
That's why anti social people think like we do
No consequences either way so naturally reason triumphs
Its going to take another anti social guy like Hitler to get normies on the right path again
>they get value for what? being there?
Yeah bretty much lmao. I could have a skewed sense of what has historical value though, since i'm Australian i'm used to giant rocks being off limits because abos revere it.
Ask poltards in trump threads
Because they decide on using logic to justify feelings-based decision then often fail to properly contextualize it, falling back on strawmans more often than not once their argument's holes are pointed out.
They're just misguided; they can make powerful allies. They just need strong leaders.
With who's, you lose
in a country like the us it should have a value on top of just being old, cmon..
They're taught that questioning their convictions makes them look foolish.
I don't understand why you would post this here. Everyone on Sup Forums is more or less racist. If anything Sup Forums gets more mad when you say Trump ISN'T racist
Define racism or leave.
There are different races and some are good and productive (whites) and some are evil and useless (niggers, indians, lesser asians)
Racism is just common sense
Define racism or leave.
Whites and Asians are productive
The rest are not
Source: look out of your window
You're a faggot libertarian, you leave.
Literally because the majority of everything they do is focused around attacking white people.
t. racist
its actually not
Fuck off, jew.
lol your chilindio family and friends are probably a lot more racist than the average swede or white american
Only inferior races can believe that because they know they're inferior
If their country wasn't a shithole, then why did they come here?
Also, check the UN's list of countries ranked according to HDI. It's obvious that nigger countries are shitholes.
>Implying that white Americans are on the same level as swedes
You guys might be just a tad more cucked.
well not being racist and wanting arab and black dick are two wholelly different things
moustruo, i...
we are a different mestizo our indians havent been conquered to this day
Liberalism is, at it's core, a cry for help. It was all going well when that cry demanded free speech, equal voting rights, and the right to bear arms.
But today, it want's 'safe spaces' and literal fucking communism.
William Luther Pierce was right when he concluded that 90% of people are lemmings who follow whatever the ruling class tells them.
It's also why we as the right have no choice but to attempt to take over when the system invariably fails on itself.
I have a bias for my race just like i have a bias for my family members
Its the instinct of self preservation
How do you think races and species manage to not die out?
Fuck everyone who isn't my race. My views are in line with nature which is the will of the creator.
I'm not sure why you think this is such a good point. What does he even mean by that?
>i reason as a precivilized human so im right
different races dont massacre each other on contact since 3k years ago or more
and its been for the better
i agree with the statement even if its out of context
>The dumb liberals are just repeating what they think is the politically correct opinion but the smart ones know exactly what they're doing.
>It's the current year so nature is irrelevant
I never said i wanted to massacre anyone. I'm saying that my race is the only thing that matters and I don't consider other races at all
Good on them if they do well though
of course nature is irrelevant
in what way do you follow nature other than as an excuse for racism
I don't understand what he means though.
The meme is about participation trophies and the this guy just says
>then blacks shouldn't be mad they were slaves
Wtf is he talking about?
Most blacks slaves were typically on the losing side of tribal wars. I guess being a slave is their second place trophy.
>You use reality as an excuse to conduct yourself in accordance to reality
Is this B8?
i dont get it either
i guess if there can be no pride in enslavering there can be no anger in being the slave
but thats just my guess
i mean your natural instincts and you know it
do you shit in the streets when you feel the need?
The exact same dissonance is taking root here through ignorance, stupidity and subversion.
I feel the instinct to find privacy when i shit
So yeah i'm following my natural instinct
Your ticket for the helicopter ride is being printed. Don’t bother with a suitcase.
so this is what bait looks like
Let's tear down the statues of any Native American. They're the biggest losers in the fucking history of the world. No participation trophies, right?
But those look cool
you can shit in the streets behind something
are you implying humans have always had bathrooms "naturally"?
>general of a failed traitorous rebellion = political spiritual leader of native ppl
ok cletus put grnl lee back up
This is the most true statement I've ever read.
That's retarded, you'll never ever rationaly justify the destruction of historical monuments, because it's straight up barbaric and 100% ISIS-tier.
And Ive done it before when there are no bathrooms around. Bathrooms are more comfortable though
You're implying that we have an instinct to to never remain primitive and never advance in technology. The opposite is obviously the truth. we've advanced in technology over the entire existence of the species