Goblin Slayer

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[Spoiler] Also anime adaption when? which studio would be best? Thinking madhouse here.

>linking to old thread
We general now.

In the LN, it is made more obvious that GS was looking for her and got anxious when he couldn't find her while everyone else agreed on the mission.

Also, how thirsty is Priestess?

Is priestess the only person GS saved pregobbing?

Is this manga/LN even popular enough to warrant a decent anime adaption?
I'd probably agree that Madhouse would be best, backup would probably be Hoods since they did an admirable job with Drifters

Why doesn't the guild just reserve all goblin contracts to GS, if everyone else is would probably die.

It's not that goblins are inherently so dangerous that only extremely experienced adventurers can deal with them, it's that goblins tend be frighteningly underestimated. Rookies take on goblin jobs thinking it will be a breeze and end up paying the price for their overconfidence.

Would probably be a great opportunity for a rookie adventurer to get a chance to go goblin slaying with Goblin Slayer though. Maybe some of his autistic seriousness would rub off on noobies.

I don't think it's because GS has any special feelings for her, it's just Priestess was a crucial part of his plan to beat the lord goblin.

I guess they have a rule, where every job is open for appropriate level, which makes sense.

GS gets the most goblin jobs anyway, because nobody wants them.

I agree about Hoods even if drifters felt more like budget Helsing, but while I am not sure how popular it is in Nipland, the source material is pretty good, it translates to anime well and it has a certain grimdark edge to it like Re:Zero

We need good rape.

Dude, ctrl+s

Yes, it's got full corporate support and shilling behind it.
Anime next year.

You made this thread just to spite that "stop having GS threads!" Goblin, right?

Yeah but the chapter 1 party was clearly inexperienced and underprepared, the guild should've rejected them. Goblin Slayer ended up cleaning up them anyway, it was a pointless casualty.

The fundamental problem is that goblin hordes are misranked and perceived as easy, even though the massive failure rate says otherwise.

Even if I were, a good slayer doesn't reveal his methods to filthy gobs.

Posting summary from the next volume
>".............. I have to get it back.”
>"... What are you talking about?"
>"Everything, all that I had lost.”

>taking the job order from the Archbishop in search of a missing celeb sword girl who was on a goblin extermination mission, GS and his party go up to the snowy northern mountain, but through the raided village and a mysterious chapel, GS senses something is strangely wrong.
>“they can, learn?”
>as the party endured its injury and finished its search of the cave, they find…
>“outside, god of wisdom and knowledge…”
>as GS challenges the goblin lair in an ancient fortress led by someone!?

I don't like how that "missing celeb sword girl who was on a goblin extermination mission", sounds, the only one i can think to fit that is Haruhi. I hope she is ok.

Spoiler that shit man.

>summary posted in official page
Are you kidding me, user? It just give you the basic idea of the first chapter of the next volume.

Remember when there were things to talk about in Goblin Slayer threads? Good times.


Who want to get things back? GS?


They're ruining his character each new volume.

>god of wisdom and knowledge

That's the good goddess right? damn cheater interfering with the board game.

Chapter 12 when? I just read the 11th manga chapter and I'm anxious to see how it follows.

Next month.

Nope, madoka is the goddess of fantasy

I seen the Ln volume 2 was released a few days ago, I assume it's like Overlord and hidden somewhere?

check nyaa

Thanks Senpai

Is it no longer at the goddess?

>tfw no GS chapter this month

>anime adaptation without rape

Why bother?


The guild is secretly run by goblins

>monthly manga
this kills the discussion

So when will they get gobbed?

>monthly manga
>skip a month for no reason at all

But good thing we made this a general.


It's almost like this was exactly what I was trying to say.

>what is sarcasm

My god dude, just stop.

>No gobs to kill this month
End my suffering.

>"missing celeb sword girl who was on a goblin extermination mission

Another person like GS?

I hope they do the chosen one interlude in an omake
>noname girl gets legendary sword and kills demon general in her first quest

He'll be a regular beta hero soon enough.

Haruhi is the only one that fits that.

>goddess bad roll got haruhi gobed

Why? What happened?

Actually, she is not controlling her anymore, she won her game.

No one besides GS thought of using a teleport scroll as a weapon? No wonder he's the most competent hero.

magic scrolls are incredibly rare in the GS universe

I'm sure people thought of it but the price/benefit isn't there for most situations and adventurers gotta eat so they usually sell it because it's so rare and valuable. Basically GS is just a madman that's willing to throw away tons of money to kill goblins.

definitely a madman. especially considering that GS decided to get rid of an extremely valuable artifact at the end of volume 2 just so goblins would never have the chance to use it

He got the idea from Witch when she told him about an someone who opened a gate in water and flooded the dungeon they were raiding.

Dammit you're keeping my hopes up like this.

So any LN user can tell me yes/no that we will see more EFFICIENCY later on? Or are we due for one with GS using priestess for his next keikaku?

in spades, when elf isn't being a cunt

GS always finds a way.

Where can I buy this in real life?

They say B&N has them.

>What happened?

Priestess more than a companion is like GS´s multi use tool

Really, her barrier spell makes her invaluable. GS can smokeout entire caves with that.

She later gets an spell called "heavenly light" whicb is basically rape beams falling from the heavens.

Nah, it turns "smoking out" into "gas to death"


Not according to the lnfags.

What was that artifact.
