White Aryan Brahmins

Only the White, Aryan, Brahmin race is capable of spiritual advancement

Indians in general are such envious people that they directly reject Krishna’s command to worship the Brahmins. Now, the WHITE RACE are the true Brahmins and Aryans and Prabhupada himself even admitted to as much many times. Bhaktivinode was a socialist cultural Marxist who believed in the myth of EQUALITY. This idea is completely demonic. It was from Bhaktivinode that this satanic idea of equality came from and was passed on to Bhaktisiddhanta and later Prabhupada. (the Bhaktivinod, Bhaktissidhanta, and Prabhupadas mentioned here were founders of the global ISKCON religious cult).

Modern indians are literally not capable of spiritual realization or advancement, although they are capable of creating the APPEARANCE of such things. Think about it- 50% of India’s population, that is 640 million people, do not even use indoor toilets. They go out into the streets and fields and pass stool like animals. Actually, even animals don’t do this. Modern indians are the lowest race of humans on this earth. Clearly, the Vedas were NOT created by them. The Vedas were created by the White race, the Aryan race, who used to reside in India before they were driven out or killed.

PART 2 next

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Stop this shitty pasta.

Not a moment too soon, last thread just archived.

How does Buddhism relate to Hinduism?

Take my bump and stay on for a while.

Watch full movie

For enlightenment and Sup Forumstards in despair start at 3:20:50

So the Jewish demons claim they are from Abraham, i.e from the Brahmin race. This is a blatant lie.

Forgot link

Checked; and you're on the right track. Yes, it's possible to attain for mortals but you won't be the same afterwards; read this:

I'm probably smarter than you, Lol. But either way history doesn't lie. Whites are the most intelligent race on the planet and founded modern academia, scholarship, and the scientific method. Stupid shitskin. That's why you dumb niggers move to the WEST to study in WESTERN universities. Just because you can point to a modern instance where Jews corrupt White Western culture doesn't make shitskins smarter than Whites(Aryans.) Dumb shitskin.

>The fourth-century Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus wrote that the Alans were tall, and blond: Nearly all the Alani are men of great stature and beauty; their hair is somewhat yellow, their eyes are terribly fierce.[55]


Such a nasty attitude; no wonder you're a loser.

The new religion of white people should be a version of the Hindu Smarta denomination which could comprise of five Indo-European pantheons instead of five Hindu deities as it is currently structured around. We could incorporate the Hindu pantheon as a sign of respect and kinship to our fellow IE brothers and sisters.


Smartism allows for both Dualistic and Non-dualistic god.

Bring back Thor

You started it, don't dish out what you can't take.

fuck off white nigger

OP is a white nigger, he doesn't understand that the a- suffix means NOT and has meant this since the days of Sanskrit.

anything written by a white i pretty much disregard, unless it's Anglin or Cantwell.

yes, church of entropy. cue nazbol/SJW screeching. note: you don't get a choice on that. i am the best theocratic dictator. period.

I'm not the one trying to justify his existence with the accomplishments of people who share his skin color and nothing else, friend.

>disregards Principia Mathematica

You mean prefix nigger?

You tried to claim shitskins were intellectually superior to Whites. I simply disproved that notion.

Ah so it WAS you. I have watched that vid three or more times i think, good video. Have not watched all his vids, though. Thanks man.

right, so the modern conception of white are basically bastardized aryans. everything you've said supports this

Pic related would like a word with you.

fascinating stuff. thanks

so fucking sexy.

Meh, she looks like a grandma already.

Poopinder why are you LARPing as a snownigger?

Pic related

Aryan art versus snownigger "art". It's almost like snowniggers wanna steal Aryan history since their own sucks. Hmmmm....

It's not the girl; it's the fashionable style of dress that while conservative is still yet so provocative to the male imagination.

The one on the right is cooler, though. Just because the one on the left is "prettier" doesn't mean it's better.

My penis is in love with her now

> white skinned people were once part of Indian Brahmin Varna until they migrated to Serbia and other tribal Russian land.

> Irish fair skin can be traced back to India

> How learning the ancient language of the Aryas, Sanskrit helps you realize cognitive parts of your mind.

Pic related

oops meant to reply too

do you think whites fuck up so much because they don't act in accordance with the dao?

calculus is fine but obviously the ancient technique is better in that it has an associated religion. don't expect me to praise your anecdotal white person who wasn't a complete retard when you constantly slander Vedas. fuck you.

because whites are stupid and racist and need me to take birth as a white person in order not to be ignored by them. it's working great. don't be jealous now, we can't all be me. only me now. no you. only me.

just replace dao with dharma and you're right. you whites are acting like jews frankly: parasitic mimics. you think bc you read the Gita that makes you Krsna. absolute 56%ism

Your pic was deleted, what gives?

>The one on the right is cooler, though. Just because the one on the left is "prettier" doesn't mean it's better.

Exactly, the fact that it isn't a stick figure penis is the reason it's better.

the religion of white people is greed. i don't see it changing any time soon

Cmon user learn to give credit where its due.

i'm not white

>no gold

>We can't all be me

I wonder what a world full of poojeets LARPing as snowniggers would look like.


Here comes the cumskin white snow nigger.

White people are fine and very nice people; western society has lost its way because it refuses to acknowledge that nature can be ugly or that some people can be doomed to underclass, and so in that sense they have lost touch with the dao. It isn't unique to white society though, worldwide the dharma is being forgotten in lieu of instant gratification and adharma, the eventual result of which will be the reset of Kali Yuga and the recycling of the conscious universe.


I'm looking for sexual appeal and I can't have that when they're covered in gold, faggot.

>the religion of white people is greed.

>White countries are literally the only ones in the world taking in violent third world shitskins and giving them free shit while making excuses for their crime and violence
>still get called greedy

lol there's no winning

yw, you have no idea what they are hiding what we truly are, what the purpose truly is, the clues are everywhere but you have to follow them, no one call tell they can show you, you have to walk the path nothing you do will ever be more important, it is the purpose of everything

Oh shit

that is one ugly saree

>The Jews are the ones importing all the shitskins guis! It's a conspiracy, it is!

>>White countries are literally the only ones in the world taking in violent third world shitskins and giving them free shit while making excuses for their crime and violence

There really is no winning

whites descend from indians, so just look around to see what indians larping as whites looks like bc that's reality.

tldr: clown world and you worship kikes.

What are you, an animal?


Only Sanatan Dharma can save the white people from the degenracy created by Semitic and cuck religions and Marxism.

Leave Abrahamic religions for a better and secure ethno white state.


What is the path? I don't know de weyy

>the eventual result of which will be the reset of Kali Yuga and the recycling of the conscious universe.

uh...sorry. i don't know what that means. like an apocalypse? also, do you think we're in the age of kali yua?

Everybody knows white girls are ugly in saree; I only said it to make the ferenghis feel better.

It's both really, whites are the only ones who even considered it. They've been pushing for wealthy countries in Asia like Japan to do it but they outright refuse.

It's Poophanie Schumann.

except you're not. that's why you want to kick everyone out, not saying there's anything wrong with it. it is what it is

I mean, will just meditating one certain way with no teacher get me where i need to be? Where do i start?

the beings with higher iq need to start consolidating power a la juice now to create a powerful class ubermensch lording over the plebs

I just know that some Indian women are sexy as fuck under all those gold and sarees.

Why do they make so much money in capitalist society then? most successful demographic.

>whites descend from indians, so just look around to see what indians larping as whites looks like bc that's reality.

Lol, you got that backwards. Nice job.

>You worship kikes

Baseless statements are fun.

>are we in kali yuga
Yes, at the end of dwarpara yuga when Krishna died and Dwarka sank into the sea we entered Kali Yuga; the evidence of which is the duplicitousness of men who are willing to lie, cheat, and steal from each other

Nobody knows. The end of Kali Yuga is the beginning of another Satya Yuga, where men are righteous and follow dharma.

We want to kick everyone out because we were convinced to do it and it's gone horribly. Unfortunately as much as we want to do it, we have way too many bleeding heart whites who are against it for it to actually happen. If white people were even half the evil racist nazi white supremacists you people make us out to be, things would be a lot better in our countries, I can tell you that much. We need to follow Japan's example.

>liberals are the only ones who even considered it.

fify. that's not who we're talking about generally when we say "whites"

There are many paths. Just start seeking spiritual truth and your path will be revealed.

just be patient brother, it takes time, it has taken years in the past decades even, just take your time process the information follow the path you will not be dissapointed we will help you that is our purpose, all your questions will be answered start at the beginning be faithful be diligent, you will see I promise you, you won't need answers for anyone you will find your own, don't waste time, you will regret every second you lost not obtaining the arcanum

No race mixing.

this brother knows

me me me: the post

It's not going to happen until the RSS doctrine is used to take reference for power. Sanghis are based against katua or Christians but they think LC and UC are same people and need to preserve it from getting muslimized.

We need the Hindutva philosophy of Moonje, Savarkar and Golwalkar for the UC revivalism.

ya, im wrong. not you. how can you be so sure tho? jews have corrupted you are the same as blacks claming to be kangs

not this is the timeline we are on now

Yes, me me me. It has to be this way, we gave that up when nobody else would and constantly get spit on by the niggers we tried to help for it while Asia looked on confused as to why we were conned to let you in to begin with. It needs to stop.

>You are the same as blacks claiming to be kangz

No, that's snowniggers pretending to be Aryan. Another thing you got wrong.

>where men are righteous and follow dharma.
do you think is this possible when whites don't even know or have any conception of what dharma is? wouldn't they just fuck everything up again?

>It's both really



You're retarded. India produced the most saints and sages of anywhere and their culture is deeply effected by the enlightened beings who lived there. But they relied on geographical barriers for protection and didn't focus on military. They got conquered a bunch of times and plundered and dominated and whatnot. Right now they're recovering from British colonialism.

You want proof that india is in a different class? Think about how well multiculturalism + extreme poverty + overpopulation have worked out in the past? Hmm? India is extremely diverse, poor, and overpopulated and they manage to get along without a huge military police. I hope they stop idolizing the US and start reconnecting with their heritage a bit more.

you deserve it for colonizing and genociding nonwhites for much of your history. this is called karma


One inspired an iconic scene in the Lord of the Rings, the other is a pretty... animal?
I did say it was pretty!

That's the cycle; it takes a while to get as far gone as we are

>We tried to help by killing half of them and enslaving the rest

Remind me again why I'm supposed to hate Jews and not lying ass snowniggers?

>other races colonize and genocide other people before europe came out on top
>nobody cares about that, let's just focus on europe who are the only ones who tolerate our shit at all

When you are kicked out of white countries, where will you go? Nobody else will have you. You call us greedy, but that is compared to who exactly? Who else is willing to help you out? Nobody, you are worthless and have proved it. Unfortunately we were the test subjects who had to put up with it.

As a lily-white aryan as pure as the driven snow, I reject this poo-religion.

i see. is part of enlightenment breaking the cycle?

>you will regret every second you lost not obtaining the arcanum
I have a feeling that is the case, but i feel like i am wasting time because i don't know a starting point. If i keep researching and inform myself, is that the start? Or is it practical?

Our demographics are addled with shitskins precisely because we felt bad about the past and decided to try and help the "victims". Meanwhile Japan still denies their warcrimes and keeps japan pure. Turkey denies the armenian genocide and doesn't give a fuck. White people are the only ones who tried to make amends and all it did was cause problems for us, fuck it. You deserve nothing. You lost at civilization, time to deal with it.

I love you India bros, you keep the true Aryan ways alive, do not let them die, the demons have lead our people astray save the old ways for when they are ready to come home

Kys christcuck, you're a degenrate mutt Aryan snownigger. Kek

>Unfortunately we were the test subjects who had to put up with it.

if you're american, go back to europe. you won't have to deal with nonwhites ever again. it's quite simple really

now you hear the dharma
just start where I sent you brother you will the way, it is all there

Not really; even Karna, son of Surya, the Sun God, could not escape his karma. Rather, once you are conscious and square with your karma and the flow of destiny, you're also squarely in line to change destiny. It's similar to the heisenberg uncertainty principle in that once you understand that flow of karma, any interaction you have with it will change it for better or worse and you'll have to bear responsibility for that. This is why traditional hinduism puts spiritual progress at the tail end of the lifespan of humans, because once you appreciate the universal flow it takes brass balls and infinite arrogance to decide you are worthy of changing it.

Is that Pepe on Krishna?

>if you're american, go back to europe. you won't have to deal with nonwhites ever again. it's quite simple really

Europe is filled with shitskins too you retard, we're meant to feel sorry for them.

Forgot pic

Yes, become a Brahmin, accept the Vedanta and Advaitha. The Arya Samaj (Aryan Society) needs it's patrons back.

>Meanwhile Japan still denies their warcrimes and keeps japan pure. Turkey denies the armenian genocide and doesn't give a fuck.

and how do you know what the future of japan and turkey will be like? you're just butthurt that you're reaping what you sow and experiencing the consequences of dharma. it's supposed to be painful