>We will remove you from power and put you and your Shithole Family in the prison you deserve.
Holy shit the salt AHAHAHHA
>We will remove you from power and put you and your Shithole Family in the prison you deserve.
Holy shit the salt AHAHAHHA
Other urls found in this thread:
Thought he quit commentary. Guess he's a lying shit hole
he's back over the shithole comments
Night of a thousand REEEEEs continue. Almost Election night boner here.
Olbermann is jobless and effectively forgotten at this point. He made MSNBC what it is today, and then somehow got dropped for Maddow and Matthews. Now he resorts to just being the most audacious of the media personalities.
Also, I would literally beat his face into pudding and shit in the mess that was his face
eat shit olberman
I trust this man to deliver my news objectively
Haha Fucking Drump BTFO by Olbermann.
Lol what a faggot
This guy will literally kill himself in a suicide bombing attack the day Trump gets re-elected
Funny how perma-tantrum can't keep a job.
Imagine being this butt mad
I thought Keith declared he had already won and so could retire from politics. Didn't he do a victory lap months ago?
CIAnigger Operation Mockingbird Strategy of Tension. They don't hate Trump, they hate you for fucking up their plans to destroy the middle class and create an easily manipulated, cultureless, and unconscious feudal serf class.
I thought he was done with that gig?
Olbermann houses and provides for 15 disadvantaged immigrants. Fuck you all for being such racist hypocrites
Not only go I not believe that but I don't care
Muh GLORIOUS #resistance, ladies and gents
Twitter is a shithole full of Jews
Why does trump lie about Obama?
>BRB calling up ICE
Wow, Trump is such a dictator that in this country a media figure can threaten to overthrow the dictator and not get in any trouble for making the threat.
Getting fired did not stop (((Olbermann))). I bet he gets institutionalized soon.
HAHAHA, these faggots are losing it.
lawsuit when?
didn't he declare "mission accomplished" a few weeks ago?
>complains about building expensive embassies
>moves embassy to JEWerusalem.
It has been 4,162 days since Olbermann has been relevant.
>wearing the flag
I'd shoot him in the face for this
Thank you GRS
*Balls up paper and Keith shoves it up his ass*
He's probably the maddest person ever about Trump lol, I'm glad we can experience this zoo thanks to Twitter
if these people had their way, they would put barron trump in a gulag, jfc
>made MSNBC what it is today
A brain dead lefty shithole...?
Does he mean Barron too?
Imagine how pissed off and hungry for revenge barron is going to be when he is older and understands the full scope of what his father did
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
HOW DARE DRUMPF INSULT MY Embassy building? Seriously? This has Olbermann up in arms?
why does anyone pay attention to former Sportscenter anchors?
Oh, you mean his own personal harem to cornhole at will?
He fools no one.
Nor do you, shareblue...
He is fucking wild with banter, the lad is going to make a good fuhrer.
What are the odds that Israel bought the building it's now their embassy?
((((((We))))))) will remove you from power and put you and your Shithole Family in the prison you deserve.
WOW They are not trying to hide it anymore? Fucking KIKES
>hungry for revenge
for what user?
Kid is losing his mind he can't keep up with his father he just wants to relax
Come on.
I hate sionists like the next polak.
But if the Jews want to move their capital, you should either move your embassy recognizing or fucking remove your embassy claim back Jerusalem.
This is all butt-hurt for Israel achieving what crusaders couldn't.
>RUSSIA HACKED OUR ELECTION TO ELECT DONALD TRUMP ,but if some foreign powers could do something like release damaging information to unseat a sitting Us president that'd be pretty cool.
Keith is like the left wing version of Alex Jones, but less funny and entertaining.
is wearing the flag disrespectful? i sure wouldnt mind a soldier wearing the flag
Legend response.
>They don't hate Trump, they hate you for fucking up their plans to destroy the middle class and create an easily manipulated, cultureless, and unconscious feudal serf class.
Surely Keith Olbermann could slap Trump in the face by going to Haiti without security and far from the tourist resorts to show just how much of a paradise it is.
After all, he wouldn't want to be one of those shithole hypocrites would he?
Isn't that like treason and public opinion subversion towards government opinion? that's like 2 crimes in a single tweet man.