Question Time

What are you like IRL, /pol?

Libshit shills, Nazi Larpers -- regardless, anyone who doesn't initially treat other random people they interact with in daily life with dignity and respect is as bad as the groups they flame here. Prove me wrong.

>Nazi Larpers
Kill yourself Conservative. You're conserving a dead country that will be a Brazillian shithole soon

So, I imagine that you're an enormous faggot both online and in person?

More likely, you're a quiet NEET loser, no way you're an actual skinhead piece of trash attending neonazi rallies, spitting on every minority you come across.

Keep it, buddy.

Normal kid you knew in high school that got IT job. Keep autism at a minimum in real life. 14 it up with all of you great internet friends.

Well done - someone who understands what /pol is for.

>neonazi rallies
You mean CIA rallies? Fuck off you socially engineered zombie beta male

National socialist

hey jidf

hey schizo

So can I assume that you're either a complete autist or just a silent NEET, longing for personal contact?

No one has any idea what your non sequitur is supposed to mean. Please try to be more clear when you engage in the future.

You can assume both but neither is true

Now get back in the oven


Don't be butthurt that you can't follow through on your National Socialist beliefs in every day life. I'm not even saying I disagree with you - I'm just asking why you don't follow through on a daily basis. Or do you?

a nice guy not genocidefag

still hate niggers

Nazis never put jews in the oven. It's a common joke on here to pretend they did.
Lurk moar Jidf you'll stick out less

God tier

I treat everyone with general respect so long as we meet under normal circumstances. If it's some nigger approaching me like "sup young blood" on the street, you can bet he's going to get the cold shoulder.

But in general I give people the benefit of the doubt. I don't associate with shitskins, but that doesn't mean I have to be an asshole to them for no reason.

I think you're the one not getting it, bro. But that's ok. Just make sure to take your meds. You've made it clear what you're like IRL, so you've answered the question quite well.

As a Jew I feel offended.

>AYO, gimme one yo smok!
What do?

Regular leftist anarcho-syndicalist, also a liberal in the sense that gays should marry. But SJW pro-nouns and other what not is a no go. I come mostly to larp as a Neo-Nazi and get lulz.

"Sorry man, last one". I've said that probably 1000x in my life.

Classic - always a solid. The best is when you can actually flash an empty pack.

>leftist anarcho-syndicalist
those are big words, but you sound alright

I larp every thread at work like they're campfire stories, Mostly just punished trump and the Deep State.
The select few that want to hear it seem to enjoy it.

>pol at work
Risky move

Right wing radical

In Seattle.
I'm a real badass.

Seattle sounds great. Countdown to when you start smoking weed at work too...

I believe you don't let other's manners effect your own. Don't be stepped on either.

Being stern in your convictions and not agreeing with someone else is not the same as treating someone like shit. However, the left is not good at behaving this way.

I'm a pretty normal person, just because I've always been a liberal leftist doesn't make me a evil monster. The reality of the situation is that I don't even talk about politics with anybody. I figure it to be rude.

This is a good credo

No fucking way.
I value my job too much to jeopardize it.

Pretty quiet guy. Centrist that doesn't talk about politics, except when around people I know really well.

I'm not advocating it - I agree with you. I've known several colleagues at my previous hedge fund to smoke at work. One dumbass IT guy with dreadlocks got busted for smoking in the server room, but everyone who wasn't a moron and smoked at lunch or something was fine.


You live in a red state? Or do you actually just have manners?

I'm the silent strong leader. Everyone wants me to lead them because I don't rely on anyone and do everything myself, and being a NEET for 10 years killed my natural interest in people.

Everyone tries so hard to get my attention and respect to get closer to figure me out. They think I'm perfect, but the the reality of it all is that I'm high potential that's lost to the world due to circumstances, and they're all far more alive than I could ever be. They think I can get any woman I want when I've never had a girlfriend in 31 years, but I've had lots of sex with randoms so the drive for a relationship is mostly gone, because I've had enough "sex". 22 partners and I don't think a single one was good.

There's nothing great about a man that doesn't trust people and does nothing with his life besides build investments. People treat me as universal and the answer to their despair. It doesn't make sense.

ENTJ? No...something weirder.

I'm a quiet person. I work on what I have to and take care of the people around me. I rarely speak of my political beliefs, never get baited into revealing them, nor share any redpills with anyone.
Just a normal guy.

Hiding your power amongst normies is vital.

Born in Alaska and moved to California for school. Plan to move back to Alaska because I enjoy hunting and nature along with the cold. But California is very beautiful.

Shit. Alaska is hard core to us lower 48er's. How do you deal with the...emptiness?

The emptiness is what I like, I do stay in Los Angeles at the moment and I see my people enjoy the cities but I would prefer the simpler life.

Interesting - a leftist who likes emptiness. I'm a libertarian that likes living in urban shitholes like Chicago and Manhattan. Have to travel out there next week - where's a good place for dinner?

I'm just a normal goy, schlomo.

an insane person

We all expect that from you, spurdo. Have a great day of insanity

I don't really go out to eat at fancy places but I do like the Mexican food they have down here. I enjoy In-N-Out a lot. But I figure as far as political ideologies I don't judge people based off of how they vote but why and what would they do when needed to step up to the plate. Struggle knows no color, and I just want whats best for all people. I think we can both agree on that.

9/10 of Sup Forums would say Sup Forums agrees with OP, because 9/10 of Sup Forums is real NAZI (no LARP about.)

I could be anyone

Not exactly a racist or a nazi but I have a healthy suspicion of blacks and I seldom associate with low caste people of my country. A few good friends I trust and a stable job. I just like the lulz, I don't really care about politics, I just like to be aware of what is happening around the world. Also no social media so interactions with other humans is minimal in my life, only brief conversations with co workers or once a month with my friends, so I like to talk to anons via my shitposts. Normal life really

ISTJ is usually what those tests give me now, was INTP as a teen first then INTJ later

>dignity and respect

With civility, yes. Dignity and respect. No.

Dignity is something a person carries themselves with.
Respect is something a person earns.
Civility is how a person conducts themselves in public to achieve the above.


Based /thread

Thanks. It's not that great tho.

What's the breakdown of your castes? Are Brahmins and Kshatriyas alright and everyone else terrible, or is it more nuanced?


You'll get there. Be well. We're rooting for you.

Try again, dude

no social media so interactions with other humans is minimal in my life

>lost to the world due to circumstances, and they're all far more alive than I could ever be

You guys could be pen-pals, start a shit-poasting club, or make a suicide pact (don't KYS silly goose, give thanks to the LORD for He is good and His mercy endures forever.)

I work in my states capital downtown. There aren't many niggers there actually but the ones there inevitably ask for a smoke when I light up. My go to is that I only have one with me. I've gotten into numerous arguments and 2 fights I won because they weren't prepared for my violence of action. It was actually stupid on my part in 1 case I could have avoided it and the nig has nothing to lose yet I do.

ENTP, I'm pretty easy going. Get really fashy with my friends and family though. My mother worries about me getting beat up for it but both my parents are libertarians who really don't care about politics and are pretty open minded. My brother hates my political views. We still put it aside to play vidya though. I even have a mixed race friend who's sorta white nationalist somehow. He just kinda dislikes nonwhites in general and keeps going on about how we should finish what we started with the red skins.

>Shitpost is obvious shit.
Any huWhite should avoid bleeding niggers, spics, jews, ayrabs, and (sorry to say) meds and slavs - you don't want their herpes or auto immune deficiency syndrome in your eye sockets: FYI.

Checked. It is quite complicated, caste goes much, much deeper than the classic brahmin, kshatriya etc.
For example, many rajpoots(literally "son of kings" , a majority population in North india) today are actually illegitimate offsprings of actual kshatriya kings and their low caste concubines, and now they chimp out every chance they get, very degenerate people with WE WUZ mentality.
Then there's affirmative action for lower castes and reservation quota, so lower castes are actually fucking over higher castes, then there's inter-caste marriages, basically Indian progressive's idea of eliminating casteism, by eliminating castes altogether.
All in all shits fucked up mate, lower castes have so much support and laws backing them that all they need to do to get a officer tier job in the government is to just sit in an exam, and the quota takes care of the rest. Everything against them is hate crime now, you get the idea

Nein! Just fucking say "No."
It's that simple. You're NOT sorry. I'm not at all sorry when I say a very clear "No". I used to say "sorry, last one" when I was like 14 because I didn't want to get into scraps. Quickly learned that living around more crime and violence-prone multikulti neighbors see that apology and general timidity as weakness. So tell them "No", and directly or indirectly tell them to fuck off at the same time.

I wouldn't count myself as a libshit shill or a nazi larper. I'm definitely far right. As far as my views of other groups of people: I don't like them, or their cultures, or their languages in my country, or anywhere else in the European world, at the rate they are coming, or the size they already are. I dislike all of the implications of immigration(mass or otherwise), race mixing, and other generally demoralizing and destructive problems facing the descendants of Europe. Never have liked people of other races. Had friends of all stripes when I was a kid but I knew I didn't actually like them. I don't associate with other types of people now, and if I have to, I am civil. Not overly friendly, but civil. If someone crosses me, or is disrespectful, I'll engage them on that level. But otherwise it's unwise to go around being openly rude to other people, regardless of how much you seethe with hate on the inside, or struggle to keep down vomit at the sight of them, you don't need to actually show it.

Never show your power level unless absolutely necessary.

Gay memeflag, otherwise very sound logic.

Be polite, be professional, have a plan to kill everyone you meet.