Why do we want all these people from shithole states?
Why do we want all these people from shithole states?
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>tfw live in shithole state
yes please, MEME this
wow those states are such shitholes, they're literally invisible on your map as to avoid the label
kill yourself Europoor
Who you and where do you want them? I am not even sure what your blue anus flag is supposed to imply here..
Oops forgot proxy.
Good thing you took the shithole states out of that map!
>California, filled with beaners
>implying Commiefornia isnt the biggest shithole of all
It looks like they are missing from your map
Good job op
>west coast
Blame the people, not the land
>california and texas
>not spic-infested shitholes
nice try pedro
Flyover country, Dumbfuckistan.
see you all know how to avoid shitholes. Trump is correct, you just don't want to agree with him.
Pennsylvania is not a shithole, fuck you.
Someone tell me how the fuck New Mexico (CA) isn't a shithole.
Beats me. I guess you should secede.
Looks like you already removed them. Thanks faggot.
>Dude, weed lmao the state
Fuck that one too.
Except, you're the shithole, moron.
We keep you faggots safe from any shithole countries trying to come from the islands
we bring freedom! FREE STATE BEST STATE
Is this a new buzzword for economy wrecking?
California is carried by the white elite who remain unhindered in illegal activities due to the wall of shit skins who abide to the selected politicians for gibs.
yeah, apparently. good thing we all agree with Trump.
cuckservatives are a plague but Kansas will always be the state of free men fighting for liberty!
>you're ass mad you live in a retard-infested blue state
Actually, I live in a red state. We just banned aborting retards. And your state decided to go nuts with trickle down, obliterating its economy. Kansas is one of the only states in the country that gives away free fucking land because just want to live there so much.
>Californians are moving in droves to those shithole states
Only rural and suburban retards voted for Drumpf. City people all voted for Hillary.
>implying giving away land is a bad thing
Kris Kobach is a pro-trump future governor, Brownback will do better being the ""faith"" ambassador,we dont have any influx of demographic changes that will sway our vote,we have pure Aryan qt's and our sky is the bets. Fuck you shithole state
Feel free to secede then friend, we wont stop you
Kansas fucking will we will preserve the union and force shithole retards to bend over
>implying giving away land is a bad thing
Who said it was? It's just a desperate move. Land is pricey as fuck and the failure of a state that is Kansas is just giving it away and people are saying "No, thank you."
wow city people are such hard working useful members of this nation!
Look at how progressive the liberal elite living in Hidden Hills are! Amazing!
Please make the left meme anti red states, that will totally not backfire!
Does Sup Forums ever use actual facts anymore or does it just strawman and shitpost and hope for the best now?
only lazy niggers from shithole states like yours are too afraid of work to come to Kansas, which is nice, fuck off we're full
Because they grow your food
to be fair it's probably some mega corporation based in a megacity that does that.
Yeah, with welfare bux.
meme this, fags
If "welfare bux" were taken away you'd have to pay more money to feed your fat ass
But look at it this way: then the economy would collapse, Americans would starve and I'd be free of this hell.
lol California is the biggest shithole in America
you cant be this retarded. please.
completely agree, those are all shitholes, we should be separated immediately and permanently
just having fun, bro. we all know it's the illegal immigrants.
>Shithole state
You fucking wish.
Ever since Benjamin Fischbein and his posse came to town, things haven't been the same.
>Still whining about Hillary Clinton
How fucking pathetic does a brainlet have to be to STILL, over a year after the fact, be whining about an opponent of the president who isn't relevant anymore? I thought you were "winning"?
you're not american muhammed
speaking of shithole states... where are third world cities like LA, Detroit and Chicago located again?
>not shitposting in a clear shitposting thread
fix it
Woah you have sky, I totally wana live in that shithole state now
Kansas, you're fine. Don't listen to those buttmonkeys. We're just jelly of your sky.
You asked the question, poopdick. Now switch that flag to Pirate and stick to muttposting. Slide threads don't get rational thought, and I doubt you are this belligerent by chance
How else can you fly over it?
I can't even understand your buzzword-laden incoherent post.
Agreed. Divide up the land and whites and non whites go their seperate ways. I wonder who would be better off
Because that'd require actual commitment rather than shoddy pay-by-post paychecks, amirite? :^)
No. You have probably never been right in your entire life. About anything.
Oh, sweetie, no, see, we're calling the PLACES shitholes, not the PEOPLE from there.
fight me faggot
New York is the shithole state, faglord.
kansas is nothing but fags and cults
brownback is a corrupt piece of shit. hopefully the senate denies his confirmation so you retards can keep him
Tell Ben I said hi next time you find him on IRC please. :)
Because they are the ones keeping you from going bankrupt.
How else do you think you afford to pay the free hand outs to mass immigrants?
Brownback needs to be fucking voted out. WHY THE HELL HASN'T THIS HAPPENED YET
City folk mad they have no culture besides smoking weed while giving an immigrant a rimjob while they fuck your wife.
I know WE really should just kick them out and let them run their own nation so we can be progressive and shit.